We have a great group "EDC Club" and has a lot of good topics, but no place really to post your EDC. And you have to be a member of that club to post on that group. I have been using a couple of posts in that group for my EDC's but does not relate to the topic.

SO - how about an ongoing Discussion with pictures of what you are carrying today?.

What are your favorite EDC's?   What is your EDC lineup?

This will be for all IKC members, not just members of the EDC group.

So Post those Everyday Carrys and show us what you are carrying today.

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Just for grins and giggles, I carried this one off to work today. My 1997 Case Butterbean Sod Buster Jr. Two bonus points if you can guess what major drug store chain I've been a manager with for the last 20+ years.LOL


John, 3 guesses and the first 2 don't count. Right? uh, golly gee...um...I give...I'm stumped?

OK - I want to guess - Walgreens????

Ron, thank you for playing, I know it was a real poser ! LOL  Ken, you were SOOOO close- Apparently, the engraver did not know how to spell the  letter "S" at the end. So, Apparently, all these years I thought I was working for Walgreens I must have been working for " Walgreen".

That was it -- It was the "S" that stumped me! I could've had if I had only been able to think of that last letter...dagnabbit!!!

Oh! And that's a nice Soddie, btw! 


Current and newest EDC - Gerber Paraframe Mini - picked up $15 near home, damn sharp little guy

Carrying to Church today:

Yep, those are some fine and fitting EDC's I haven't changed off for some time! I'm kinda stuck with the same three!

Max McGruder said:

Yep, those are some fine and fitting EDC's I haven't changed off for some time! I'm kinda stuck with the same three!


@johnactually it turns out.. IM A NERD SO I HAD TO LOOK AND THEY WENT OLE FASHIONED ON YA. i collect a ton! of adknives..  tunrs out you were right in a way. most ad knives such as these normally will do aa THROWBACK ..in this case they did. most ad knives when you research them. turn out to be the original owner/creators name..but plural.in this case it was a MR WALGREEN that you would have worked for at one time.. here enjoy the little history i found on your companies website.. pretty neat knife.. hope this ads to the fun of owning it! 

in the early 1900's you would have worked for MR WALGREEN.even look this link has the original sign.witha further look im sure me or you could dig up the exact emblem that is on your knife.as im sure thats what CASE KNIVES went with.
http://www.walgreens.com/marketing/about/history/default.jsp JUST CLICK!
John McCain said:

Ron, thank you for playing, I know it was a real poser ! LOL  Ken, you were SOOOO close- Apparently, the engraver did not know how to spell the  letter "S" at the end. So, Apparently, all these years I thought I was working for Walgreens I must have been working for " Walgreen".

Peter, that is a possibility that I had not thought of. Walgreen's, like a lot of other companies offer recognition awards based on length of service.I selected this knife from a Michael C Spina catalogue that they offered in 1997 for my then 5 year anniversary. Because Michael C Spina  provides this service for multiple companies, I assumed that they got the 1997 Sodbuster new from Case and engraved the logo themselves. 1997 would have been my 5 yrear anniversary.
peter force said:

@johnactually it turns out.. IM A NERD SO I HAD TO LOOK AND THEY WENT OLE FASHIONED ON YA. i collect a ton! of adknives..  tunrs out you were right in a way. most ad knives such as these normally will do aa THROWBACK ..in this case they did. most ad knives when you research them. turn out to be the original owner/creators name..but plural.in this case it was a MR WALGREEN that you would have worked for at one time.. here enjoy the little history i found on your companies website.. pretty neat knife.. hope this ads to the fun of owning it! 

in the early 1900's you would have worked for MR WALGREEN.even look this link has the original sign.witha further look im sure me or you could dig up the exact emblem that is on your knife.as im sure thats what CASE KNIVES went with.
http://www.walgreens.com/marketing/about/history/default.jsp JUST CLICK!
John McCain said:

Ron, thank you for playing, I know it was a real poser ! LOL  Ken, you were SOOOO close- Apparently, the engraver did not know how to spell the  letter "S" at the end. So, Apparently, all these years I thought I was working for Walgreens I must have been working for " Walgreen".

Hunting this evening so will have my OT Muskrat on me.

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