The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
We have a great group "EDC Club" and has a lot of good topics, but no place really to post your EDC. And you have to be a member of that club to post on that group. I have been using a couple of posts in that group for my EDC's but does not relate to the topic.
SO - how about an ongoing Discussion with pictures of what you are carrying today?.
What are your favorite EDC's? What is your EDC lineup?
This will be for all IKC members, not just members of the EDC group.
So Post those Everyday Carrys and show us what you are carrying today.
Max, it is definitely not a chisel grind. It has an almost undetectible hollow grind. Not sure how to describe the blade grind. However, here is what I do know - Blade is AUS-6 steel with complete stainless construction. It is called the Spydercard. It was introduced by Spyderco in 1999 and discontinued a few years later.It was designed by Israeli knifemaker Eduard Bradichansky who was later killed in a Palestine bomb attack, His logo is the M / W by the thumb hole.It came with 2 options, a half serrated blade and the blade I have, My brother, the other knife fanatic, introduced me to this when he whipped out his serrated version from a snug fitting pair of cutoffs to cut something or other at a family picniic.Totally undetectable..BTW, I own 2 of the plain blade ones. One for opening boxes at work ,the other as an EDC for everything else. Makes a pretty good self defense slashing knife too.The plain blades go for $100+ on EBay , the half serrated a little less.BTW, it's a framelock.
No problem,Max. Happy to share.I've been collecting knives for a lot of years ( I Iwon't say too long,,because for a knife addict that is impossible).LOL I might surprise you with a few other knives down the road-- Stay tuned !!
Max McGruder said:
John, way cool! Never seen it or even heard of it before, that's what makes this site so nice is all you can learn.
Thanks for the history, going to have to add it to my wish list.
Thanks for all the info!
Ron, thanks for the video, I watched the exact same video to refresh my aging memory before I answered Max 's post. Some interesting background to be found there. Thanks again.
Ron Cooper said:
John's Spyderco EDC is called a SpyderCard. I don't believe that Spyderco stills makes them? I could be wrong, though? Anyway, here is a YouTube video of one with a combo edge. It will give you a good idea of what this cool little knife really looks like. Here, check it out...
John, glad to be of help! So, no thanks are necessary. But you are definitely welcome!
Cheers to both you guys!
have been carrying my first CRKT.. the FOLT DESIGN .. S.P.E.W. the picture is not mine and i left the credit from where i grabbed it but this is the exactr knife. i have always loved CRKT designs and their gallery of knife makers. but as far as collecting them.-im on the fnce..i if they make nice EDC i will grab them for that.
SO- the handle im loving. fits great and thumb nothces have slight ramp. locks tight in sheath.{but not could be much tighter for kydex}.. and im not sure if im digging the metal yet. it was SHAVE READY out of the box and took and made my arm bald. thats my out of the box test{LOL}. after just carrying it today and using it for very little.the SHAVE READY sharpness is gone. last but not least the AWESOME POINT it comes to at the very tip ofthe blade,its lie a needle- can serve lots of purposes ..has already.. it also has already gotyt me once and my dad once.oon another note though it looks like the tip could just snap!
it will stick you like a pig! - ANYONE OWN CRKTT KNIVES WITH THE SAME STEEL AS THE SPEW??.. anyone own this knife!?? THANX FOR YOUR INPUT IF YOU DO!! ..
Hunting today - so will stick to my trusty faithful OT Muskrat
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