Out of curiosity, I am wondering what line of work each of us are in or was in.

As for me, I run the manufacturing end of Roseburrough Tool Co. in Orange, CA. A privately owned company.
Since 1949 this company has been making concrete, masonry, asphalt & plastering hand tools(trowels, floats..etc). My largest competitors are Marshalltown Tool, and Kraft Tools. Both of these companies are located in the Midwest, but have been importing the majority of their tools from Asia. I can vouch for Marshalltown's wood darbies, because they buy them from me.

Well that is a little bit about how I afford my hobby. How about you?

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WOW...what a wealth of Knowledge this has created...love it....As for me Well I started out as a meat cutter then a Security Guard for some hotels...then I got into Glazing, I was a Glazier for 15 years till I blew my back out...then I changed carriers...I went back to school kicking and screaming...and then became a Counsellor for the Prince George Native Friendship Center...as now the position I hold is Supervisor/ Cultural Facilitator...been with the organization for 12 years...in a Men's homeless shelter/transitional living/ A&D Program...I also have been an independent handy man contractor for Loblaw's Super Store here in this area...I have done a lot of work in my life time...and that is what my Father had taught me..."you want something..you got to work for it" 

I agree. I just kind of wanted to know the different "walks of life" we all hail from. I pretty much know everybody's preference in knives, getting employment background helps me build a psychological image in my head for their personalities.

Indian said:

WOW...what a wealth of Knowledge this has created...love it....As for me Well I started out as a meat cutter then a Security Guard for some hotels...then I got into Glazing, I was a Glazier for 15 years till I blew my back out...then I changed carriers...I went back to school kicking and screaming...and then became a Counsellor for the Prince George Native Friendship Center...as now the position I hold is Supervisor/ Cultural Facilitator...been with the organization for 12 years...in a Men's homeless shelter/transitional living/ A&D Program...I also have been an independent handy man contractor for Loblaw's Super Store here in this area...I have done a lot of work in my life time...and that is what my Father had taught me..."you want something..you got to work for it" 

OH....Be careful  Brad....I don't think you want my Personality "Stuck" in your head...little lone a Psychological Image ...or any image as far as that goes.....lol

Your best ally is information. A well informed team is nearly unstoppable.

Before your initial post, I "assumed" you were a backwoods hunter/gatherer. With just that information, I would have assessed you as "Low - Normal" danger level. But, you have extended schooling in Psychology, which now puts you into the "Don't turn your back on this guy" danger level. LOL

Indian said:

OH....Be careful  Brad....I don't think you want my Personality "Stuck" in your head...little lone a Psychological Image ...or any image as far as that goes.....lol

!!! .. look @ the broad base of knowledge we have .. !!!


everyone I've met here is willing to share

that knowledge that comes with what they do


I like this place !!

Hi Brad,

Small world.  I have been a customer of your company, Roseburrough Tools for decades.  My first boss took me into your original store, a now long gone plywood shack of a building located over on Main Street, and said, "if you are serious about working for me, you need to buy this, and this, and this, and this...".  I left you place with my home made and freshly stained wooden tool box filled with new Roseburrough trowels and floats and more.  That was an expensive day, but one that I do not regret, and will cherish in memory as long as the clock keeps tickin'.

For anyone else here who may be reading along, Brad's company makes some of the finest masonry and plastering construction tools in the world, bar none.  Roseburrough tools, now at a newer and much larger and more sophisticated campus of buildings proudly flies the American Flag outside the front door of their enterprise every business day. 

Best of luck to you Brad.  Next time I am in your shop I will be sure to say hello. 

Best regards, Zilla.

Thanks for the compliments Godzilla. Make sure you do see me the next time you come by, I will will give you the tour.

Godzilla Unchained said:

Hi Brad,

Small world.  I have been a customer of your company, Roseburrough Tools for decades.  My first boss took me into your original store, a now long gone plywood shack of a building located over on Main Street, and said, "if you are serious about working for me, you need to buy this, and this, and this, and this...".  I left you place with my home made and freshly stained wooden tool box filled with new Roseburrough trowels and floats and more.  That was an expensive day, but one that I do not regret, and will cherish in memory as long as the clock keeps tickin'.

For anyone else here who may be reading along, Brad's company makes some of the finest masonry and plastering construction tools in the world, bar none.  Roseburrough tools, now at a newer and much larger and more sophisticated campus of buildings proudly flies the American Flag outside the front door of their enterprise every business day. 

Best of luck to you Brad.  Next time I am in your shop I will be sure to say hello. 

Best regards, Zilla.

well what a small world and it sounds like the business is a great place to shop!  Brad, love that you fly the flag :)

It is a great place to work too. The local guys know if they need a special form tool or just a special tool for anything, we can make it. Hence the reason for our latest slogan, "If we don't have it, we can make it". Lately we've been getting calls for boat ramp tools from across the nation. The tools score the grooves in the wet concrete on the ramps. These aren't cheap, the amount of time involved to make one set(1 left, 1 right and 1 touch-up tool) is 12 hrs. Each side weighs about 20 lbs. But, people want them and are happy to pay the $1200.00 + shipping.  

As for the Flag, I have made sure we have a new flag every year since I've been here. Last year we decided to fly the California state flag also. 

Interesting story Joe, gosh my wife would be like a regular customer!  She loves to paint and stain things. It is funny i used to restore furniture years ago, also make new models of antique style furniture. Long since have given it up though but it was a favorite past time. Some day would love to see what you do and best of luck in your pursuits!

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