what you think the best quality sod buster knife today? (not made in china)

I need your suggestions what you think the best quality sod buster knife today?

i want to buy one for use it every day

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My best kitchen knife is a carbon steel knife. A hand made custom by ML Knives. No bad taste on my food. I'm a Cajun cook and no one has complained about a metal oxy taste yet.

Randall Vaughn said:

Case has one out with bone handles I think they are super nice. I will see if I can get some pics up tomorrow.

thx man

thank you all for your help

i think i will buy couple of knives from different companes and then i will decide :) i love all my knives carbon and stainless i will never throw away no on of them and i use all knives from my collection ich one for his purpose ))))

Here you go Craig


Nice Randall! I really "need" and Amber bone!

thx very nice knives

The sodbuster is one of those knives that seems to have existed forever because of its simple design. You could even say the Romans were using those types of knives. It's like the barlow knife. It's one of man's basic tools.

The modern sodbuster is consequently shrouded in mystery. Because of the Homestead Act (1862), farmers on their new lands were having a tough time plowing their field because the top soil was sod. Sod was so hard they often chipped it into "bricks" and made sturdy sod houses. A special plow was developed called the sodbusting plow. It was thought that the sodbuster knives were used to chip away and form the sod.

More modern research says that the sodbuster was developed in Germany as a butcher knife?!?!. Case picked up the design around the turn of the 20th C. and called it the sodbuster. From what I read and researched this second view is more likely the "birth" of the modern sodbuster. To this day it seems to be the most popular knife among farmers and ranchers.


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