The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
I have often read discussions titled "what is your EDC today?" In these discussions it seems some people seem to swap out their every day carry knife just about every week or perhaps even every day.
If this is the case are you actually carrying the knife every day? Also do you use this knife you're carrying everyday?
For instance, I have an Emergency kit that goes everywhere I go. Among the knives in it are a Hibbard Hawkbill, and Gerber EZ out, a Cabela's Mini-Multitool, and a Victorinox Climber. All of this stuff is in my backpack that goes where I go and is rarely more than 10 feet away. As I don't use these knives everyday and sa they are there for emergencies, I don't consider them EDC. I consider the knives an essential part of my first line "Get the Hell out of Dodge" kit and nothing more.
My EDC is just that, I have a Spartan Lite, a Midnite Manager, a Case Mini-Trapper that I carry and use almost everyday. I don't swap them out as they are actually knives I need and use. Could I carry something else? I suppose so but why swap a knife just to swap a knife? I carry these because experience has shown these are the ones I typically need (well at least for the SAKs, the Case isn't needed but carried for other reasons)
So seriously, if you swap your EDC everyday, why are you doing it? And if you're doing it are you changing patterns or just carrying a different stockman/trapper/whatever?
And if you're changing knives every day or every week do you really actually have an EDC?
In my book, you should pretty much have a knife on you or within reach everywhere you go. I see absolutely nothing wrong with changing out your knife every day, every week, or every month. But I have a problem when a person calls a knife an EDC when they aren't carrying and using the knife every day!
LOL, I can see that point of view because we have both types in our household. I do have an EDC or Every Day Carry and no I dont use it often or change it out much. Mostly because what I do doesn't require a knife daily.
Donnie on the other hand has about 25 EDC's. Yes he changes them constantly. He remodels homes and what he is doing that day dictates what goes in his pocket. When I am feeling the need to have a different knife in my pocket for a show or something, I just visit his EDC table
Good points all - I guess its all in what you call it. If it were a true EDC - it would be the same knife "every day".
I have my carries in a box and pick what strikes my eye or ie.: where I am going. The knives that stay in my roll, or that I paid so much for I am afraid to touch them are not my EDC's.
Okay, if you stop carrying a knife that was/is your EDC and start carrying a new knife, at what point does the new knife become the EDC knife? And, if you go back to the other knife, does it start off as your EDC or does it have to earn it's place back after a certain amount of time to be the EDC again? I think I need to go lie down now, my head hurts.
Nah, Brad. You have and EDC and then you also occasionally grab the right tool for the right job. My point main point is some people p[ut a knife in their pocket for a day, and do nothing with it except say "look what I'm carrying today?" That isn't carrying a knife, it is showing off a one of the knives in your collection. Again all fine and dandy.
Nice to be able to show off the collection now and again. I never carry a knife I would not use, unless I am taking it to show
And I have on occasion carried a knife for the purpose of showing but using. But it wasn't an EDC. And I have carried knives that weren't used because the occasion didn't arise. In my book an EDC is an EDC when you begin to carry it daily and every intention of carrying it AND using it for a long time. I've carried some knives that I thought were going to be an EDC for as little as a week. (they didn't pan out) and others for years (until I decided they served me well and served to retire!) My current EDCs are in it for the long haul. And when I think I need something else for the day's chores, well my EDCs are still there they just have a buddy tagging along for the day or week.
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