In reply to Steve Hanner's question: I simply have gotten to many knives, and have stopped buying for awhile (notice I say for awhile) and my interest at present is being divided with other interests. I will be back to posting more but when the time is right. I still have a deep respect and love for IKC.

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What would encourage you to post more? What would you suggest to drum up more interest to get people to post? 

There we go!!!  Thats what I want to hear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steve makes a good point I should have mentioned 

Jan and I like knives so we remain committed and are moving forward with no intention of stopping or ending iKC.

This is home, it helps keep me grounded and our mission is about so much more than just talking knives.  Those of you that have spent any time here know it is about spending time with folks with like interests.  It is about bringing the next generation into knife collecting.  It is about preserving our right and our childrens and grand childrens to be knife collectors.  It is about the friends we have made and those we have not met yet.

Now...tell me how we can make it better LOL

and Thank you does not begin to express my appreciation for all that is done by these folks.  Not only what you all see but what is done in the back ground to keep us running smoothly

Steve Hanner said:

By the way one more point I should mention...My time here, as well as that of the moderators is all voluntary. We are not compensated for our time. We are here to try and keep things like Groups and Discussions going.

My opinions-- Although I am an active poster, I tried to view this site today in the eyes of a new or occasional member-- My thoughts, and I have no wish to offend anybody, as I have many dear friends here-- For illustrative purposes, I will try to use my own posts.I  replied to a members questions about an old custom I had done- I answered 16 hours ago--Using the scroll, I had to click the "more" button 13 times to find my own reply.-I posted a new knife trivia question to my "knife trivia" discussion 17 hours ago, and it is already off the main page, even though their were 2 replies.The scroll sometimes gets buried in a series of-- A member posts 12 pictures- 12 posts on the scroll- 15 people like one or more  of the pics--15 more posts--3 more people reply-3 more posts-- That is 30 posts to scroll through talking about 1 knife !!- The new or occasional user will never see  an answer to  his photo or question, or it may take days for someone to respond, by which time they have given up, if they have not selected the email option to be notified of replies to subscribed threads. Secondly, and once again, no offence intended,( I do this, as well ) but at times the main page seems to be filled with everything BUT knives. Pics of family,sunsets,vacations, animals, hunts, etc.-- I enjoy them, but looking through the eyes of the new or occasional member, I might ask myself--" Is this really a knife site??? Perhaps, if possible, a way to consolidate some of the scroll- This pic has been liked 15 times, for example.Another thought for the main page. Tabs for  recent discussions or photos, say the last week or so, so that folks that aren't on IKC every day, don't miss out on new material without going on a hunt.

As with Ken, I'm trying to thin the herd and have already identified about 40 or so knives that will be looking for a new home!  One more reason to enter my contest in Knives of the Great Outdoors because I know some of the knives will be tagging along in the box that will include the prize listed!   See contest at:  http://iknifecollector.com/group/knives-of-the-great-outdoors-fishe...

As always I'm perplexed that so many people join discussion groups but never discuss or comment on anything.  Life is too short not to express an opinion or share the joy of your hobbies or interests!

Don't make me break out my Evil Spirit Knife!

I don't like change. I hope that change to "mobile" isn't to much of a change.  ???? What is that anyway?

Mobile?  I think that's a city in Alabama.  Maybe they're going there for a tax break.

John McCain, those were some excellent comments.  There are times when things are difficult to find and I am set up with email notifications!

Ken you will be fine I promise.  You will not notice much of a change at all on the computer version, maybe a tad bit smaller but resizing to fit your needs will be easy.  I am one that loves my dual screen computer.  managing the site on mobile is not as easy 


OK, constructive and possibly an easy fix.  I have changed the

top content to the top 10

Latest activity to 20

Photos to most popular

I agree with John on the photos.  And I will add in the beginning that I am guilty too.  I post other than knife photos.  Could two photo buttons be under the media button, one for knife photos and one for other photos?  And then over a period of time move the existing non knife photos under the Other Photos button? 

John McCain said:

Secondly, and once again, no offence intended,( I do this, as well ) but at times the main page seems to be filled with everything BUT knives. Pics of family,sunsets,vacations, animals, hunts, etc.-- I enjoy them, but looking through the eyes of the new or occasional member, I might ask myself--" Is this really a knife site???

We can already choose between desktop and mobile views. What will change, Jan?

Jan Carter said:

Ken you will be fine I promise.  You will not notice much of a change at all on the computer version, maybe a tad bit smaller but resizing to fit your needs will be easy.  I am one that loves my dual screen computer.  managing the site on mobile is not as easy 

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