I used to do some whittling and carving as a boy- Now that I am retired and have time on my hands would like to get back into it- I know basswood is an easy choice, but are there any other wood  recomendations for a  rusty old novice ?? JJ, please don't say peachseed- My brother has a peachseed basket my ancestor carved out of a rotten peach he paid $5 for while a prisoner at Andersonville  during the Civil War- Does not exactly evoke warm fuzzy memories to me or my family !! LOL

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Well John, if you don't want to go with the peach seeds, basswood is about the best wood to get back in to carving with.
Check out the others listed in this link..https://www.udemy.com/blog/wood-carving-for-beginners/

Has anyone used a dremel tool to carve with?


I did an iKC relief on a Cherry wood stump with my iKC Geppetto. Took off the tip of the Coping blade in the process.


That would be cheating.

Robert Burris said:

Has anyone used a dremel tool to carve with?

Well John, I make Walking Staffs and I must let them dry about a year before I work on them. The wood becomes very hard. I don't carve on all of them but I do carve some. I have always used carving tools and knives but with my disability, it gets harder to carve them, all the time. So I thought I could take off the biggest part with a Dremel Tool, then switch to my carving tools. Just an idea I had.

Don't think there's anything wrong with that approach, Robert. Too many places selling "roughouts", that get bought every day.
I've used motor tools to carve with, but prefer to use knives because its more relaxing, though arthritis is taking its revenge on me.
Keep on doing it any way that is best for you.
Oh, Robert, post some pics of your walkin sticks. I love admiring such things.

Yea, I suffer from two kinds of arthritis, the kind from injuries and ware and tare and Psoriatic Arthritis. They are doing a blood test tomorrow to see if I have any other types also. The joys of getting old....LOL 

Well Robert, I guess anyway you do it is going to be rough on your hands. But with Arthritis I suppose you get a "pass" with the Dremel use. "Idle hands..."

Robert Burris said:

Yea, I suffer from two kinds of arthritis, the kind from injuries and ware and tare and Psoriatic Arthritis. They are doing a blood test tomorrow to see if I have any other types also. The joys of getting old....LOL 

Thanks Brad. I don't even know if the Dremel tool will work for me. I have never tried to carve with it.

  JJ. I'll try post a picture of some.

Plenty folks do it, Robert.  Any woodcarving catalog has large sections dedicated to power carving.

Butternut is good for carving too.  And for those with arthritis, candle carving is very popular too.

Soap carving is another "easy" medium, Data.  Made up a collection of patterns and ideas, from the internet. of soap carvings for both my girls.

I think the carving on stag is done with power tools.

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