When I receive my first TUNA Valley knife I will give it a good once over and then put it in line in my article about Traditional Vs Tactical for LEO.  I have a Case, a GEC and, as I said, coming is a TUNA Valley.  On the tactical side I will have a CRKT, SOG and a third yet to be decided.  In fact I would like my buds here, at iKC, to pick the last tactical folder for me to put in this article.  We will start a vote.  The tactical folding knife (In most cases LEO don't carry fixed bladed knives on the beat.) with the most votes will be used in this article.  Please keep in mind LEO normally cannot afford to buy custom knives or knives over $200.  In fact the average price for them is around $70 for a knife.  Many carry the cheaper S&W and other off shore (west shore) knives. 

To outline what we are talking about, tactical would be a knife with all three of these features; lock blade, pocket clip and some device or hole to open and close the knife with one hand.

I am looking forward to hear from my buds....ladies and gents alike.

Thanks Clint

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I honestly did not know Russel had a tactical in thier line (love the info we get on this site)  I just checked out this one

A.G. Russell™ Tactical ATS-34 Blade - Gray Anodized Handle - (RUS-FX180)

Steve Williams said:

I had forgotten about some of A.G.'s boot knives, Robert...excellent choice.  I remember when he was making the Stings. I used to see Detectives carry them in their waistband behind their hip, and THE handgun for plainclothes at that time...a nickel plated S&W Model 19 2 1/2" barreled .357.  (Never mind that they had probably never had much knife combative training if any, and were carrying .38 rounds in those nickel 19's...they were scoring cool points every time they casually took their sport coats off!)  lol


I am putting down one AG Russell Sting for you and Robert as your vote.  Thanks Alexander and Robert.

Thanks Clint, I had forgotten they make a folder. We have alot of members that are Tactical Knife fans, I think they are just missing this Tactical evaluation. Maybe a post in the Tactical groups would help steer them here.

Yup, both the folding sting and the italian tactical look awesome. If they had lefthanded switchable pocketclips you wouldn't be able to keep me off them with a team of horses.

Jan Carter said:

I honestly did not know Russel had a tactical in thier line (love the info we get on this site)  I just checked out this one

A.G. Russell™ Tactical ATS-34 Blade - Gray Anodized Handle - (RUS-FX180)

Steve Williams said:

I had forgotten about some of A.G.'s boot knives, Robert...excellent choice.  I remember when he was making the Stings. I used to see Detectives carry them in their waistband behind their hip, and THE handgun for plainclothes at that time...a nickel plated S&W Model 19 2 1/2" barreled .357.  (Never mind that they had probably never had much knife combative training if any, and were carrying .38 rounds in those nickel 19's...they were scoring cool points every time they casually took their sport coats off!)  lol


I thought this went out to the entire membership.  Thanks for the heads up.

To keep the variety of manufactures diverse I definitely agree with ZT but I also have and can attest for the stout and robust character of the Spyderco Manix2(154cm) and the Kershaw Junkyard Dog II (D2/Sandvik stainless). Both have Black G10 handles, The JYD2 is a manual flipper with a solid linerlock. The Manix2 has the Spyderco version of the Axis lock, also solid lock up. Both are slim and tactical and the G10 handles won't shred you pockets like the ZT's.

But If I had $150 to spend on a knife for your needs, I would say go with Kershaw.


Thanks for the input.  I will place a mark by Kershaw/ZT.

I'd like to see something on the new Cast TECXX.


Thanks for the Tec X suggestion.  It would work well with traditional knives.

 In 2 words. Benchmade Onslaughtnslaught.

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