When I receive my first TUNA Valley knife I will give it a good once over and then put it in line in my article about Traditional Vs Tactical for LEO.  I have a Case, a GEC and, as I said, coming is a TUNA Valley.  On the tactical side I will have a CRKT, SOG and a third yet to be decided.  In fact I would like my buds here, at iKC, to pick the last tactical folder for me to put in this article.  We will start a vote.  The tactical folding knife (In most cases LEO don't carry fixed bladed knives on the beat.) with the most votes will be used in this article.  Please keep in mind LEO normally cannot afford to buy custom knives or knives over $200.  In fact the average price for them is around $70 for a knife.  Many carry the cheaper S&W and other off shore (west shore) knives. 

To outline what we are talking about, tactical would be a knife with all three of these features; lock blade, pocket clip and some device or hole to open and close the knife with one hand.

I am looking forward to hear from my buds....ladies and gents alike.

Thanks Clint

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I just work with younger folks.  If I dont know I ask the next day at work, they just call me laugh and tell me what it means 

This is all great, we can't keep up with the younger generation but it's fun trying, a little anyway. Lets get back to the discussion, I hope everyone realizes, just how hard a job "Law Enforcement" really is. I worked for the Enforcement division of the Wildlife and Fisheres, when I was a young man. I found that it was not the type of work I wanted to do. Real Tough!

What knives did you carry Robert?


When are you making a decision?  Did we get you enough feedback?

Well, if I were choose a knife for a LEO, I would go with an AG Russell boot knife. Miss Jan, when I'm in the woods I like to have two knives, a folder and a fixed blade.

I had forgotten about some of A.G.'s boot knives, Robert...excellent choice.  I remember when he was making the Stings. I used to see Detectives carry them in their waistband behind their hip, and THE handgun for plainclothes at that time...a nickel plated S&W Model 19 2 1/2" barreled .357.  (Never mind that they had probably never had much knife combative training if any, and were carrying .38 rounds in those nickel 19's...they were scoring cool points every time they casually took their sport coats off!)  lol

Jan and Members....

Well I will ask for more input for the tactical knife to fill out my article.  We have some time.


A.G. Russell boot knife is a good choice.  Most LEO don't carry boot knives but some do.


I still have my Mod. 19 2 1/2" nickel.  I carried a boot knife as well but in my boot.  Yea that brings back some fun time memories.

Well Clint, I guess it depends on if you are wareing boots or not, for a boot knife. I know I would like to carry a fixed blade if at all possible. I guess there would be a big difference in what a LEO would ware in the city as apposed to what they would ware in the country.


Generally speaking, County, City or State officers carry mostly folding knifes.  At one time the Marshal in Telluride, Colorado carried a Colt .45 single action Army and a fix blade knife on HER gun belt.  It was sight to behold.  Just warms my heart.

How about the A.G. Russell folding sting? Some of the best price/quality/materials knives out there are A.G. Russells. Where else are you going to get a 154CM titanium framelock for <$100

Brings a smile to my face also

Clint Thompson said:


Generally speaking, County, City or State officers carry mostly folding knifes.  At one time the Marshal in Telluride, Colorado carried a Colt .45 single action Army and a fix blade knife on HER gun belt.  It was sight to behold.  Just warms my heart.

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