A.G.Russell Small Doctor's Knife .. RUS-CD13S.

!!! .. Pic is from AG's site .. link posted here & above .. !!!

OAL                                                                                             3” closed

Main blade                                                                      2.5” “zulu spear”

Secondary blade                                                                    1.5” scalpel

Blade steel                                                                               8Cr13MoV

Temper                                                                                   58 +/- 1 HRC

Weight                                                                                             ~ 1.5 oz

Scale material                                                                                   Stag *

Frame, liners, bolsters, shield, pins, …                        all stainless steel

I recently purchased the stag model.

Fit-n-finish is superb. The back springs are flush with the frame liners .. both when the blades are open .&. closed. The transition between the bolsters , caps, & liners are seamless. The transition from scales to bolsters & caps .. while not perfectly seamless .. deviated in only one area. The deviation was on the top side .. the spring side .. @ the corners .. where bolster & caps mate with the scales. They were not perfectly flush with one another. The metal was ever so slightly higher than the stag. It is not visible to the naked eye .. I can just feel it as I rub my fingers over that area.

It's a very solid build. Strong walk & talk. The blades are tight .. centered .. do not rub on the liners .&. certainly, do not contact one another. No half stop. The inside of the back springs are polished .. mirror finish .. unique for a factory knife.

The mark side of the main blade is deeply etched ... A.G. Russell. The pile side is etched with the blade steel type & country of origin ... 8Cr13MoV .over. China.

A.G. incorporated his stop pin in place of a kick on the blade in this design .. which quite effectively prevents the cutting edge from ever contacting the back spring .. however harshly the blade is closed.

Imo .. it also results in a more attractive blade. That portion of the blade .. the tang near the pivot point .. is straight & parallel with the spine. The cutting edge is slightly raised above the tang. I personally think it looks better & it definitely aids in the sharpening process. No problem whatsoever sharpening the entire expanse of the cutting edge.

At 3” closed .. it's a great size for pocket carry. The longer Zulu spear blade is an effective steak knife. The scalpel blade makes a sweet squirrel knife.

On a personal note .. it was the scalpel blade that caught my attention .&. effected the purchase. While some might find it impractical … I find it just the opposite. Ideal for the smaller more precise applications.

The knife arrived sharp .. it would cut the hair off my arm. Sharper than I find many production knives. I'm picky about my cutting edges. The factory edge has the striations characteristic of the sharpening process .. perpendicular to the cutting edge .. obviously evident. Well .. obvious to me, anyway. I'm picky .. I prefer a more polished cutting edge.

A number of strokes across my hard arkansas brought the scalpel blade to where I prefer it. A more polished edge. I abruptly stopped there. I wasn't going to sharpen this one .. I was going to put it up. That's why I ordered the Stag. O0oops !!

I have the same blade steel in his Medium Barlow Lockback in Ebony Rucarta. I've been EDC'ing it since purchase on Oct 25 2014 .&. it's seen some hard use. That's what I bought it for. The barlow is a strong design .. the lockback is safe .. Rucarta is tough .&. the zulu spear blade provides a lot of strong blade for a relatively short handle. Anyway .. point being .. the blade steel has held up well .. for over a year now. I'm quite satisfied with the temper present in his 8Cr13MoV .. a rated hardness of 58 +/- 1 HRC.

As is likely obvious .. I like this knife. I like this knife to the point I'm considering the smooth bone for EDC. It has the quality I've found with every item I've purchased from A.G. Russell's knives. And .. the scalpel blade is just as I imagined ….............

* Note: also available scaled in white pearl (RUS-CD13WP) & smooth white bone (RUS-CD13SWB).

Tags: Doctor's, knife, scalpel

Views: 1189

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I somehow knew this knife was going to be a great one.  Like you, I always trust an AG Russell.  I can also see many uses for the scalpel blade.  Something as simple as cutting pills when travelling becomes a challenge that would be easily overcome for me with this one 

!! . Yes . !!


I liked it enough to purchase another in Smooth White Bone for EDC.


Ordered a small leather knife pouch to carry it in too.

I have yet to be disappointed in any of A.G. Russell's product.

I'm quite interested to see/feel the leather pouch.


Again .. the postman will be anticipated !!!

The small leather pouch fits the small doctor's knife like a glove.

Needs Ren Waxed though .. the leather is still a little stiff.

Yes .. I got the smooth white bone for EDC.

I will say this.


!!! .. nice job on the pouch .. !!!

What a beauty,  I bet as tie in the pocket happens that knife ages like a gem!

I thoroughly Ren Waxed the leather pouch inside & out.

That'll soften it up.

I've shared this link before ..but.. here it is again.

Best price I've found on Ren Wax.

Renaissance wax, 200ml , $20.00.

!!! .. It's good schtuff .. !!!

Love the look of that one Dale.

Very nice indeed. If I were to spend money on knives at the moment I'd probably order the Pearl one.

Or splurge and get a Chute knife from A.G......too many knives...too little money.

OK .. I've had it for awhile now ..specifically.. the pouch.


Disclaimer: This in NO way is approved by A.G Russell Co .. would more likely be frowned upon. This is strictly "my experience".


OK .. that being said ................... it took a while to break in. Don't get me wrong .. it's a wonderful pouch !!

Just not as supple as I wished as quickly as I wished.


After the second THOROUGH Ren Waxing .. I tried something I've found highly effective .. @ softening it up. The Ren Wax ..I know.. would eventually get it there. And .. probably in better form. However .. no matter how hard I worked it into the leather .. an eventual white dried coating appeared in the imprinted A.G. Russell trademark stamp & @ the stitching. It wasn't real attractive.


And .. there exists an impatience in my character. Sooooo .. I used BURT'S BEES Hand Salve. Admittedly .. there existed an eau de Burt's Bees wax for a few days. However .. it was tolerable / subtle ..&.. only for a few (3) days.

I figured .. it works great on my hands .. the pouch is leather ....................

Abby doesn't like the schtuff ..because.. it's tenaciously greasy .. the very reason I prefer it.

No to mention .. it simply works .. for me.


SO0ooo .. a THOROUGH coating .. inside & out .. 2X's.

The pouch is now as supple as .... I want it to be.



Good use of the Burts! 

That makes a lot of sense Dale. Renwax whilst good for a lot of things.

Actually hardens and crystallizes. Do it wouldn't really be good for making leather supple.

It's made to form a protective coating on whatever you put it on....a Hard coating that can actually be polished.

The Burts Bees would do the trick though. 

Hand Salve is made to make skin soft and supple. Leather = skin. So that would actually work very well.


White River Knives

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