Ok all knife collectors have purchased a fake or counterfeit knife at one time or another it simply goes with the territory. Unfortunately most Counterfeits are purchased by beginner collectors who don't have the experience and don't know the basics. While there are many books out there devoted to counterfeit knives and how to spot them , it's simply not enough. After serving over 21 years in the US Military and traveling half the planet , I've made many friends in every corner including the former soviet union all of whom I'm still in contact. All of them will speak freely regarding the manufacture of Counterfeit high quality brand names like Strider , Microtech and Zero Tolerance in their countries. These knives bare the same weight , feel , blade stampings and even come with the exact same boxes, paperwork and certificates of authenticity , but they are not real. I've acutally had my hands on some pretty convincing fakes that I believe would even fool an expert. Please share your experiences to help others.

Tags: counterfeit, knives

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Unfortunately the most popular on line market place for finding good deals on your favorite cutlery is also the most dangerous in this area of discussion. E Bay is an absolute cesspool of crooks , scammers and rip off artists. Be particularly leary of dealing with overseas sellers , particularly sellers based in Eastern Europe & Asia because these places are where the fakes are being mass produced. Always remember , if a deal sounds too good to be true , then it probably is , and if your unsure or don't know , always feel free to ask someone , this is why the iknife community exists.


White River Knives

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