I have collected knives, not seriously, for many years, but now I would like to create a collection that can be added to on a regular basis and that has some semblance of meaning to me.  I am thinking about concentrating on Trappers and Barlow as they appear to me to be what I like in a knife.  Does this make sense or is it better to just buy what you like when you see it?  It seems to me that if I concentrate on a particular type of knife I am not tied down to a particular brand.  My preference so far is Case, Rough Rider, and Boker.  That pretty much covers the world.  I would like to hear your thoughts on this matter and have you help me explore this huge subject.

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Mel, I am kind of the same way. I have only been collecting for about 8 years. I buy what catches my eye and, the collection is all over the map. I enjoy the Barlow's more then the trappers. Trappers are nice but not really one of my favorite's. I like the Texas Lockhorn, Sowbelly and Saddlehorn. I have mainly Case but, like Great Eastern, Roberson and Schatt & Morgan.


Good luck in what ever you settle on.

Trappers are the most collected pattern of traditionals out there.  Barlow have made a new resurgence and are also popular.    Iy will be had not find a traditional pattern knife maker who doesn't offer several trappers and barlows. Deciding on a specific pattern or company is always a good way to define a collection and also a good way to save money.

But in the end you need to buy what you like (and can afford).  It is a hobby and should bring you joy.


We have collected by pattern, by company and by handle type at one time or another.  The guys have given you great advise.  If those are the patterns that bring you joy, thats the best move.  A knife should make you smile when you buy it, when it arrives at your door and whenever you handle it.  That is the joy of a collection.

i think that trappers are good to collect i collect some trappers my self i also like many others i think one should buy what you like .no matter the brand but i seem to stick with case;rough rider ;sharade; gec; boker; and bull dog; so i'm all over the place i don.t like to being tied down to one company that way you can get what you like and in a collection that's what matter's.......

Thanks for all ths feedback. Some interesting comments. Knives are a huge platform, something for everyone.

Mel, collect what you want, what you like, what meets your price range but most importantly what meets your heart & mind.

You want Barlow knives then collect all the handle materials and in all sizes of each of the companies making them, single or double bladed, doubles on same or opposite ends...Advertising Barlows are especially neat!

I have some, but I like Elephant Toe, Muskrat, Trapper, Stockmen, Congress, Canoe, Pen and Single blade belt knives in folders.

I've never been extremely interested in complete year knives like Schatt & Morgan et al produce until recently when I inherited a seven year consecutive series of them but I don't know if I'll fill in the gaps between the mid 1990s to today.

I collect a number of commercial makers and have nearly totally complete collections of them and some customs as well...By maker it's everything they make (except Chi-Comm made) but I collect what I like from whomever will supply them and that's working knives--especially Trout & Bird, (para)chute knives, Cowboy Bowies, Gaucho knives, historical knives (Roman, Medieval, Renaissance) as well as some military knives (S/F Commando, V42, Trench knives), swords, tomahawks and pole arms.

Tobias Gibson said:

Trappers are the most collected pattern of traditionals out there.  Barlow have made a new resurgence and are also popular.    Iy will be had not find a traditional pattern knife maker who doesn't offer several trappers and barlows. Deciding on a specific pattern or company is always a good way to define a collection and also a good way to save money.

But in the end you need to buy what you like (and can afford).  It is a hobby and should bring you joy.

I really think that the "Stockmen" is collected more since there are companies making only that as their folder...Major companies will have both Stockmen and Trappers but the Stockmen will come in three or four sizes while the Trappers only in one or two.


Hubby collects Case exclusive...tends to lean toward stags 

I collect mini coke bottle pattern...brands mainly case but i also have other maker knives of the same pattern in my collection, I like the pattern so that is what catches my eye.............


I started out collecting all different types of knives.  I was attracted to rough rider because of cost and wide array of knives.  However, Rough Rider knives have very little trade value.  Further rough rider has several celluloid knife groups including the painted dessert series..  Many caution against celluloid knives because they can emit a gas that will damage your entire knife collection.

I have chosen to focus on Case knives and abalone and mother of pearl knives from various manufacturers.   The CASE knives are more expensive but they are also a good investment because they do not lose their value

As a new collector I am in the same boat, trying to decide what to collect. I like the traditional styles. Is it more common to do one kind of style, collect from primarily one company, try to get as many different companies as possible or something else? Or should I just say forget it and buy what ever strikes my fancy at the time :)

You have got to have fun with whatever you collect. I started out collecting toothpicks and canoes then the sway back jack came out and I loved the way it fit my hand and in my pocket so I switched pattern don't see nothing wrong with switching. I know collect Sway Back Jacks,the gent and the desk knife from Case also collect mini copperheads and the older barehead jacks also have a collection of the Case, Coop, 4-h, ffa they put out each year. But every now then something grabs my eye and I have to have it.

Hello Mel I collect what I like  when I started collecting I bought any knife I could afford just to swell my numbers but I was not happy with them so I started collecting knives that made me proud of my collection.The way I see it is I love knives I have loved them since I can rember and It makes me strive to collect what I like and what I would make me look at my collection and be proud I now look at my collection and it makes me happy for doing so. My advice is collect what makes you happy and proud of your collection, but also research about knives  steel quality and whenever  read reviews the internet has a welth of info on knives. Good luck Mel I wish you all the happiness in collecting.

A fello knife addict Frank 

Just like corporations do, one way to get started into collecting knives is to buy a collection. On y world, one of anything equals a collection, but if quantity is your game, then here is a great way to start. Check out this small Winchester pocket knife collection currently up for bid on Ebay (time stamped as of this posting):


Who cares what others may think about the quality of Winchester knives in today's market...this is a great start! Not your gig? Part them out or sell the collection for a profit. 


White River Knives

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