What quality knives did you get when you first started collecting did you keep buying the cheap ones o did you jump right to the expensive ones

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I bought what I liked my real first collector was a buck custom from a knife shoppe at $90 buck 110 with ELK scales. I have yet to go over 300. I have found an interesting pocket knife being made in China in small lots (500-600) that I think I better than anything in the 5 to 20 dollar price range - U. S. Customs by a company in Kentucky who is using older knife patterns to create these knives. In fixed blade knives I really love Dozier and Murr right now just got my first Morseth made Dozier for A. G. Russell. So I still buy what I like.
lol i pretty much bought any knife i could find that was under $30.oo now i actually save up for good quality knives, soon i'll be getting some more really cool knives
totally agree with that... you shouldn't jest buy knives for the brand, you should be buying them cuz the knife speaks to you, no matter what the price... I'm into aggressive looking knives so i mostly tac. folders and military style fixed blade knives (I.E. Ka-Bar's) and that's pretty much what my collection is comprised of...
Well first good knife I bought was a Case from Mike Latham, happen upon his site and I still have him under my favorites after 5 years! Started with anything new by Case if it was a stockman pattern 47's and 75's got into the older knives a couple years later and been really after the 75's from 2000 to present. Picked up some knife books to help along when really buying the older knives, you never know what somebody might be trying to sell and I hate to throw a few hundred dollars or more down the drain when you get a hold of a fake or counterfeit! I have seen we have a few knowledgeable members from the CCC Forum here also maybe something might be suggested for the more experienced collectors in all brands to assist or help with members that might have questions about knives not just Case but all brands I know some Benchmades that would make your wallet cry UNCLE!!!!!!
The first knife i got for myself was a sog Aegis, then a benchmade 940, dejavoo, mini-grip and a ZT 350.
First real knife I got was a Kershaw Blur. The Tanto design is really wicked and the opening is lighting fast. More of a show piece than utility.

From that, I picked up a Spyderco Salt I and that has been my EDC for some time. H1 steel is great, especially for a noobie like myself, and the slim design and light weight of the knife are very nice features.

I just ordered a Ladybug and a Persistence. I guess I've been bit by the Spydie bug. I plan on picking up a Delica in the future and then turning my attention to RAT Cutlery knives. I'm in the mood to beat up on my knives.
I remember my first knife ever, knock off Swiss Army I bought for a Boyscout camping trip. I broke the blade the first day of the camping trip! That was the first lesson in "you get what you pay for", that I have always remembered. Buy what you can afford but the best that you can afford, that said my allowence wasn't much back then. LOL.
Hey Michael B. you can get a neat little Meyerco, Blackie Collins designed, "Necklance" Necker with sheath and forever warranty for less than $10. Kinda Kool, I sell quite a few. It has a bead/blast finished 440 steel blade.
The first quality knife I had was a Spyderco Police plain edge with a stainless steel handle. My father bought it for me when I was 6th grade back in the 90's. The blade steel wasn't VG-10 yet, it was ATS-54 or 55.

My first folder was a Kershaw Shallot for quick one handed ranch work . feed sacks etc. Decided to buy an EDC and lurked at forums learned about Barlows bought a Dan Burke/Queen D2  and now own 25 - 50 barlows.

just started my collection and got myself an spyderco ambitious and an benchmade griptilian, the benchmade was a bit expensive, and i notice i baby it because of that, on the other hand i use the ambitious at work and it takes a hell of a beating and keeps on ticking. what i earned from this? 30-50 dollars is my price range for now.(after customs that doubles) and start building up a collection and save the expensive knives for fine dress up situations.

The 1st knife I bought with the intention of starting a collection was a Lone Wolf  Paul Defender Limited edition(#12 of 200) Black frame/blade,  gold plated hardware and Amboyna wood scales. Very nice for $280, I have spent more for others.

Most of my accumulation of knives has been a desire for something different or new.


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