The definition of a switchblade or automatic knife is a folding knife that is spring activated and deployed by a button or lever located on the handle. An assisted knife has the same spring or torsion bar but does not deploy by a button on the handle but rather a thumb-stud or flipper located on the blade. That is the loophole that allows the assisted knives to be legal... Activation from blade and not the handle. From my experience my assisted knives deploy just as fast if not faster than an automatic knife.

So after clearing that up I finally get to my question. Recently Benchmade has released a new knife for 2009 called the Benchmade Barrage. This is their first Assisted Axis lock knife. I absolutely love this knife and have bought two of them. After carrying the Barrage for a couple of days I noticed that I could deploy the blade by holding the Axis Lock back and flicking the knife in a downward motion. By my calculations even though it is marketed as an assisted opening knife because the proper way to deploy the blade it through the thumb-stud, I think that it could be considered an automatic. By pulling back on the Axis Lock you are activating something on the handle and that is the exact definition of an automatic.

What are your thoughts? Is it really safe to carry the Barrage because if the courts get ahold of this they will run with it.


Tags: Assisted, Automatic, Barrage, Benchmade, Switchblade

Views: 3947

Replies to This Discussion

One thing that politicians consciously ignore is the simple fact is that the human capacity for violence is inherent. Removing one perceived implement only results in people ADAPTING and using another. If a person is intent on committing an act of violence against another person, laws absolutely will not stop it from happening. However, there is a significant relevance in the difference between "good" people and "bad" people. While all of us are ultimately "capable" of violence, "good" people are much better at restraining themselves. "Bad" people are historically established as lacking the same degree of restraint. Additionally, laws only work on people willing to obey them. "Bad" people certainly won't cooperate with some silly politician's edict...so taking knives (or guns) away from law-abiding citizens ONLY serves to further empower those people who won't obey the laws. I, for one, will not empower criminals. If I am attacked, I'll defend myself to whatever extent necessary. If I have to run a Popsicle stick through some thug's eyeball, I'll do it!

Chris C. said:
Legal here to have full auto or assist, but I don't buy into the whole good/bad people thing sorry. We all have both inside us. We all have the ability to control what comes out. A knife is a tool, I have screwdrivers that are more dangerous. Hell we can all move to NYC and protect ourselves with toothpicks and popsicle sticks! Who's with me!?

(sorry sarcasm runs through my veins.)
"A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government." -- George Washington

Going back to this older post, I don't think that's the way it's turned out. Assisted knives are more popular than ever, from the A/O Axis models to the 'Outburst' and others, the trend is moving rapidly in favor of these knive being accepted and more so as time passes. If you follow KnifeRights.Org, Doug Ritter's site, you'll find many states are in the process of rescinding antiquated fear based laws in favor of these knives we love to carry. 

Ally Burnham said:

Ok so it assisted. And your right you can open buy pulling back the lock.
This same question was brought up in court in Indiana. They said that ALL assisted were auto. (under the law)

I think the down ward motion is opening the knife the required 33% to activate the spring. How many knives can you open with out using the thumb stud and doing a flick of the wrist?

assisted knives are on the chopping block as it is. Soon they will be illegal everywhere auto knives, if the courts have there way.

I don't think they should pull it they should just be aware of the problem.

I carry a Barrage 581BK

Love the spring assist.

Gets plenty of attention too.


Jim Lucier



Hello fellow benchmade lover. What you do is tighten the pivot screw and you will not be able to do so. under CA law

if you can open your knife like this its considered a gravity knife.But don't get upset  just tighten the pivot screw and you wont have to worry

I would say assisted, because just releasing the axis lock doesn't activate the release of the blade, it must be pushed but of course it don't take much. The Austrailian customs consider it a assisted, which they still don't like anyway.

the Barrage is a awesome knife, the mini barrage in M 390 super steel is my favorite

Benchmades stand on this is Because of the way that the Benchmade assist-open knives are designed and built, they are NOT considered automatics or switchblades under Federal interpretation. , it is still recommended that the user research and verify the legalities in their own specific area.


I agree Chris , wish I could say it better DITTO!

Chris Stookey said:

One thing that politicians consciously ignore is the simple fact is that the human capacity for violence is inherent. Removing one perceived implement only results in people ADAPTING and using another. If a person is intent on committing an act of violence against another person, laws absolutely will not stop it from happening. However, there is a significant relevance in the difference between "good" people and "bad" people. While all of us are ultimately "capable" of violence, "good" people are much better at restraining themselves. "Bad" people are historically established as lacking the same degree of restraint. Additionally, laws only work on people willing to obey them. "Bad" people certainly won't cooperate with some silly politician's edict...so taking knives (or guns) away from law-abiding citizens ONLY serves to further empower those people who won't obey the laws. I, for one, will not empower criminals. If I am attacked, I'll defend myself to whatever extent necessary. If I have to run a Popsicle stick through some thug's eyeball, I'll do it!

Chris C. said:
Legal here to have full auto or assist, but I don't buy into the whole good/bad people thing sorry. We all have both inside us. We all have the ability to control what comes out. A knife is a tool, I have screwdrivers that are more dangerous. Hell we can all move to NYC and protect ourselves with toothpicks and popsicle sticks! Who's with me!?

(sorry sarcasm runs through my veins.)

Okay...here it is. My first REAL Benchmade from Terry! Kinda nervous, since Border Services opened it first, but it seems all there.

A magnifier sporting the iKC name! Very cool!


Carrying pouch too!

Durned purdy lookin' so far!

I think I'm in love!

Yup...it's love! What a snap to the opening! Great feel to it, nice heft and weight...

And my very first m390 SuperSteel knife! Mine does not open just by pulling on the lock, however. Awesome knife! Decent edge on it. I can get a better one on it, but this may be a collection piece since it was sent out of friendship by Terry Ray, who didn't like the fact that my first "Benchmade" was a knockoff. Absolutely love it! Thanks again, Terry! What incredible folks we have on this site!


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