HI, Been looking around the benchmade website , and there so many nice looking knifes .Wanted to know what knife yall liked so far by benchmade . I like the 710 by benchmade so far im looking for a knife for EDC . Thanks For Your Time & God Bless You.

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Great topic Richard Reed (Fantastic 4?)! Benchmade makes so many great folding knives that it's hard to really pick one just for EDC. I own several and tend to gravitate back to a Griptillian 550HG. It is kind of a nice combination of blade shape, weight and price. I mention the price because loosing it would make me quite upset...but not nearly as upset as loosing something like my Kulgera. I recently picked up the Nitrous Stryker...and I'm enamored with it...so that blade my turn into my EDC here real quick.
Ireally like that knife chris! Iwant them all basically! That a nice handle on it . Thanks for the info
Glad to help. Got mine from an ebay store at a really good price. Sometimes good deals can be found.
BENCHMADE OSBORNE 940 SERIES!!!! love that knife
very nice , i would love to buy one just dontlike the green handle on it but its a sweet looking blade. thx for the info.
Actually...Richard...the pre-2008 versions are available in other colors. Might be able to find one on ebay or one of the knife forums...
Now seeing your picture, the green handle dosent look that bad after all. =)
I orderd on the 7th of this month a Benchmade 710 by McHenry&Williams and Yes! im a big fan of this blade , cant wait for it to get here . It took about a week to finish proccessing the order . My 1st time acctually buying a benchmade and a knife that's more than 10 $. Searching the market to get my girlfriend an edc knife cause there been lots of report's latley of people getting attack raped etc around where she works.she has small hands
You can't go wrong with the 710. GREAT knife! Mine is with D2 steel and I love it.
i got d2 steel too nice blade!
Richard: Hot tip! I just got my Benchmade Mini Nitrous Stryker...and it may well become my favorite new EDC! Unbelievably cool knife! Affordable too!

I carry my Benchmade Rift (950SBK) from time to time...it's a great heavy duty knife. I really would love to be able to carry my Infidel (3300) but because of the laws in the state I live in...I don't.


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