Hello friends of Buck Knives Group!

My very first Buck arrived today! The one is the Buck 112, that I choose after reading many reviews on the web. It is my first 5 minutes impressions and what I received motivated me to write a brief review. 

I never saw a Buck before in Brazil, so my expectations was to receive a very good knife... and what I got is over that.

Unfortunately, my friend needed to throw away the original yellow box, due to fit the "order" in his luggage when travelling back from Miami to São Paulo, so I missed the good reading on it.

When I first take the knife in hands, I think: "taking in count of the weight, there is some material here... must be good!". I sitted in a park of my work business and unsheath the 112. The very first thing I noticed was the label inside sheath "Made in Mexico"... "Sounds good! Mexico have a very nice leather tradition!. Pulled the knife out the sheath and said: "wow... oh my God! oh my...(!!!) The thing is beautiful!"

The knife is a mix of tool and artwork. The brass bolsters are rounded to perfection, very similar to those sculptures in brass. The wood follows the curves of the bolsters and the pins are the final touch over the wood. 

Time to open the blade... but before I use to inspect how centered is the blade closed and the Buck 112 I received is centered by each micron. Absolutely adjusted to the center! Now oppening the blade. The opening action is soft (but to perfection I will need to put a drop of oil) and the CLICK of the lock is nice to listen! The blade is also a show to the eyes! Nice 420 blade, exactly the size to be useful without feel any need of more blade and to consider large blade excessive. 

SHARP, is the adjective of 112 right out of the box! I can say that many knife industries need to learn the "sharpen out of the box" concept with Buck. The thing cuts like no other out of the box! 

The unlock action is how good a backlock must to be: hard enough to need pressure, but soft enough to easy unlock!

As I tell you before, it is the first Buck I have, but it make me a huge fan of the brand. Perhaps I had know a Buck before, I had saved a good ammount of money with other working knives! 

I am glad to become a member of Buck family and this 112 is now the knife of choice for every hard duty task!

Nice to share my first impressions with you, and thank you for read!


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Congrats Cesar!  Glad your so happy with it!

Hey Cesar, sounds like it even exceeded your expectations, which is always good to happen.  I have bought several knives off eBay.  I always like it when it is better than I expected.

Yes! It is a very good knife! I am looking some details... swedge is almost sharpen! The grindings of the blade are also very well made without huge imperfections like high-end brands. I just noticed that the inner button protection in the sheath is a bit loose and it leaves a considerable amount of glue in the knife. I will use some superglue to fix it when arrive in home. 

Another very good thing I discovered is that Buck 112 is featured in Kill Bill move by Uma Thurman as "the Bride"! Loved that movie and now I am more excited with the knife!

Do you know if the today's Bucks are produced with that edge retention better than other brands?

I'm glad you like it Cesar!  Buck makes great knives! And, I always did like the 112 just a bit more than the 110 for various reasons. 

It's great to be happy with a new knife! 


The 112 is an impressive downsized version of the 110. I have a finger groove variant I purchased a while back and it is my 3rd favorite buck after "MY" custom 110 and the 110 Finger groove. 

BTW- I should have the sheath for the 110 next week, I will notify you when I ship the knife and sheath.

Thank you Brad! I will wait this knife arrive here to post a review comparing both 110 and 112! But I can assure you that the quality is really impressive!

Brad T. said:


The 112 is an impressive downsized version of the 110. I have a finger groove variant I purchased a while back and it is my 3rd favorite buck after "MY" custom 110 and the 110 Finger groove. 

BTW- I should have the sheath for the 110 next week, I will notify you when I ship the knife and sheath.

Congratulations Cesar!  Welcome to the Buck family!!!  You make that 112 sound downright sexy.

Thanks dear friend Data! It is!

Data (C Thomas) said:

Congratulations Cesar!  Welcome to the Buck family!!!  You make that 112 sound downright sexy.

Buck in Brazil Day 1

After 24 hours with the new Buck 112, I am convinced that it is one of those knives that deserves that saying: "If you need to choose only one knife to have in your hole life, must be that". There are some knives I have that deserves this saying, and Buck 112 is one on that hall. 

Back in home, time for some care on my 112. As I said before, the knife was a bit tight, so I use my Victorinox Pocket Tool Oil to lubricate it... it is better, but still tight. It make me think that the knife will be a bit more loose with the use. 

As a sharpen snob, I decide to try to get a better sharpening level on my sacry sharp Buck. It arrived very well sharpened, but not shaving sharp. A look in the Buck website tell me that the original edge is made with a 13° to 16° angle. took my ceramic mug and start to work on it. To sharpen is a thing that I like to do and the final result is a pleasant shaving sharp Buck 112. Only needed to use ceramic mug and buffalo leather strop with a coat of polish paste. 

The first task was to shorten the gas hose of home stove. It was installed with a long lenght and wife was asked me to shorten it some weeks ago. Buck 112 cutted it like a butter. 

Next task was to peel an eletric cord to install a new plug. Again Buck 112 done the job easly. 

Today morning wake up and took my breakfast. My standard is to eat an apple each morning and nothing more delightful than to sit at porch and eat my apple slice by slice with the Buck, watching the neighbourhood movement! 

I have noticed that the brass is becoming a bit opaque and acquiring a kind of patina. I like that and will let the brass become darker. 

Well, time to research more reading fonts about Buck knives! I like to know the story of the knives I got! A good study!

Thank you for keep reading!

Got number four today, a 484 folding Bucklite max small.
This goes along with my 110, trio and BBW.

Congratulations on your 112!  I usually have one with me and it is a favorite.  

There just isn't anything like a Buck Knife. I've been a Buck owner for nearly twenty years and now own almost a dozen different models and have absolutely no complaints.

One of my favorites is also the Buck 112 Ranger. Slightly smaller than its bigger brother, the Buck 110, the Ranger is just as tough, just as functional, just as tenacious at holding an edge and, frankly, just as handsome! I was looking for a more compact knife that would offer the same quality and dependability as my 110 Folding Hunter. Frankly, there really wasn't any other alternative.

I also love Buck's lifetime guarantee. It may seem that when you buy a Buck you're paying more than the knife is worth. But, think about it. Anything, and I mean anything happens to this knife while being appropriately used and Buck will send you another knife. Simple as that.


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