I grew up carrying traditional knives and though I now carry a Tac folder, (Benchmade Grip., Emerson Mini Com., or CRKT M1 usually) and a Leatherman Juice CS4, I feel like I should also carry a trad folder.  Currently I am carrying a Case Mid Folding Hunter in Gray Bone, which I love.  I switch it out with  other various Case and other brand trad folders as well.  I do it partly because I want to be able to take something out in public that won't scare people, nor make them think I am as much of a knife nut as I really am, but also because I just can't seem to break myself of the notion that a man ought to have a traditional pocket knife with a bone (or other natural material) handle on it.  Am I alone here or does anyone else feel the same way?

Tags: EDC, Folders, Traditional

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I am with you Emory.  I like to carry traditional pocket knifes with a single blade or at the most a double bladed trapper.  Case makes a single bladed trapper with a liner lock without the pocket clip.  You might consider this type of pocket knife.  Your CRKT and Leatherman Juice are excellent choices.  I love my gold colored Juice which I have carried with me in 27 different countries.

I have a Leatherman Super Tool as well, (1st Gen.) which I still think is the best multi tool ever made, but it's too big to cary all the time, so I have been carying my Juice for a while now, and I can't praise it enough.  I can't think of a better SAK style knife as fare as quality, usefulness, etc...  My dad always caried a Buck slip joint untill the last few years of his life when I bought him a Kershaw lock back which was still very traditional, My Grandfather was a landscaper  who carried a barlow, so I guess it's in the blood!


I know what you mean.  My family worked in the oil patch and farming.  Pocket knives were the must have tool.  When I was in Grade School I carried up to four pocket knives at one time.  LOL!  Yea no one cared.  I gave a speech in Jr. College in speech class on how to clean a Mod. 97 Win. pump shotgun.  LOL!  How times have changed.

Emory Alexander said:

I have a as well, (1st Gen.) which I still think is the best multi tool ever made, but it's too big to cary all the time, so I have been carying my Juice for a while now, and I can't praise it enough.  I can't think of a better SAK style knife as fare as quality, usefulness, etc...  My dad always caried a Buck slip joint untill the last few years of his life when I bought him a Kershaw lock back which was still very traditional, My Grandfather was a landscaper  who carried a barlow, so I guess it's in the blood!

Those truly were the "Good Ole Days!"  Of course I'm sure with all those knives and guns around there was lot's of violence in the school! ;)


I like Stag in my pocket and carry a few knives everyday, I also like to have one that won't scare non knife people.

We had some issues which were settled with a good old fistfight.  No weapons were used.  In the bigger cities there were knifing s and the like but no firearms being used.  Gangs were much less prevalent and the only drugs in the big cities were marijuana and some low powered Cocaine.

Emory Alexander said:

Those truly were the "Good Ole Days!"  Of course I'm sure with all those knives and guns around there was lot's of violence in the school! ;)


I caried a Case stockman for a while, but I just can't quite get used to slip joints, I always caried a knife with some kind of lock growing up, ususally lock back of course.  I also have a Case Mini Copper lock which I really like. 

LOL, The only violence in my schools was the paddling you got right before and after they called your parents.  (I went to school on military bases)

I was into tactical folders for a while, then the traditionals PULLED me back in! LOL! Traditionals all the way now for me!

Moore Maker Knives now have a single bladed trapper (withe or red handles) which has a thumb stud and liner lock.  This trapper is made by Canal Street.  I have one of these and a double bladed trapper (made by Queen) coming in next week.  I will post some pics.

I carry a case dark molasses bone back pocket in a sheath for the big jobs. Also a case red stag half whittler In my pocket for the small jobs. I like a traditional handle with a little flash. One of these days I'll get a matched set to carry.

Wow those are nice Lee! 

I thought I had my mind pretty much made up on which Back Pocket knife to get, but I really like that dark molasses!


White River Knives

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