Sure you go through some process to pick an EDC Knife. I mean you like the look or the feel or color...maybe the price just got cut by 20% and if you order now they will throw in free shipping, maybe you went cheap and just but what you could afford but suddenly you realize it's an awful knife. i mean you have to have a knife...what do you say?

Tags: EDC, Knife, Picking, selection

Views: 657

Replies to This Discussion

Today I picked for my EDC - a Rough Rider Copperhead

Picked a Cattaraugus for my EDC today - a "Talking Knife"

Yesterday I picked for my EDC a KaBar Folding Hunter (a little heavy in the pocket but I like it)

Today I picked for my EDC a Camillus #72

Went to a wedding last night and Church this morning. Last night I had two. A Case Mini Blackhorn XX and a RR peanut.This morning I just carried the Blackhorn - pics of it later.

Today I picked my new Case XX Mini Blackhorn - went straight to the farm with me.

Today on a quick trip out to the farm I carried my old Robeson that I just got. Solid and sharp.

Picked my new Case Canoe for my EDC - pics later - it felt good in my pocket and I enjoyed it being there although I did not use it today. But I gotta have it in my pocket.

Here is the Case Canoe - I carried it again today.

That's a nice looking Case Canoe Ken! What are the handles? From the pictures it looks like Goldenrod Bone. 

I am not sure Craig, that may be it, it was thinking Amber something or other, but they are sure pretty. Thanks.

It could be their Amber Bone. I've seen it turn a golden color after being carried for a while. 


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