When you were young, did you have troubles attaining knives?

I have a cousin, and I'd like to share with you a story, leave now if you don't like long stories. ;-D

Now my cousin wishes to own and collect knives, but my Aunt/ his mother will not let him. Now, I think this also has to due with the fact that I got cut so badly (If you have viewed M. Steel's old thread[ Speaking of which, he disappeared, what up with that?], you'd know, but if you don't know I'll make a long story short, I got nerve and tendon damage from a CS kukri).

She sees knives as deadly weapons, basically, she has that mindset. After she saw what they did to me, she figures it will happen to my cousin.

I basically had to break some things down for her, she said "I'm afraid he'll get cut".

I had to say to her, "How absurd, I can't believe you think their is a chance he is going to get cut, of course he is going to get cut!". She didn't know what to think of this, so I said to her simply this, "If you play with fire, you get burned. If you enjoy cooking, you're gonna get splashed with hot oil every now and then, and if you like sharp objects, you're gonna get cut. Knowing how to avoid these things and to be safe is a part of anything in life, he can't shield him forever"

I had to sit my cousin down and also explain to him these things, so I taught him how to use a knife. He started with a Swiss army kinda knife, and I taught him how to be safe with that knife (Because it is a slipjoint), and then I had to then explain to his mother how a sharper knife is indeed a safer knife, and a slipjoint is a prime example.

She is too stubborn, though. She really hasn't even tried giving him a chance at a real knife, so after that long story ( Thanks for sticking around. :D ) I would like to ask, did you all have to work or prove yourselves to get knives? Did you try sneaking some and hiding them?

Myself, well I had to work very hard, because my family isn't one that understands the importance and convenience of a knife (Except my brother).

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i'd be surprised if children didn't have problem getting a knife. i got my first real knife (S&W SWAT) when i was, i think, a sophomore in high school.
i got my first cheapo balisong easily when i was in china. my great uncle bought it for me.
i didn't have a credit card or anything, so i had to ask my friend to help me get knives.
later, with my mom as guardian, i used my allowance to buy knives at Big 5 sporting goods.
now... i have a credit card and other sources... i just can't stop now!
my first knife came when i was a cub scout. i was taught that it was a tool to be used as such. dont remember what knife it was probably a shrade but there was a guy in town which would sell knives to kids as long as they were in the boy scouts and they had a parent with them. That was in the 1970's. it is a different world today.
yes i did when i was 10 i wanted a usky box opener. they said i would get cut so i told them it can but dull i dont care. then my dad told me it was safer for it to be sarp but not for the main reason. it was because u have to use more presure to cut something and more likley to slip and stab urself. after a few weeks of begging i finally got it. i was 10 so i didnt think to go online and research it to give me facts to help my case. you all rember that time when u could get some stuff just by begging....dosnt work anymore =D
I didn't have to work to hard. Got my first knife when I was in the cub scouts, all I had to do was get my whittling chip(little card, says you're safe) and my parents bought me a "cubscout utility knife" little blue SAKs with the cubscout logo on it.

After that my parents would occasionally buy me a knife, if it was cheap(Read: 5 bucks from my neighbor), and not to big. Actually got a couple of pretty nice knives from him. An old Buck Bucklite which is really comfortable in the hand and locks up very solidly, and some old craftsman skinning knife, that's still easily one of my favorite fixed blades. Now I'm 19, have a job, and a debit card, and I'm slowly procuring more and more knives with my measly minimum wage. Lol.
"You have some physical damage too your body, she was probably traumatized from your experience and is trying to protect him from himself."

While this is true, you must learn from other peoples mistakes, and I have already established this with my cousin and my Aunt. My aunt I think it okay with him having swiss army style knives, but nothing else. I'll respect her opinion, but my cousin seriously needs a hobby. He feels like he has no control of his life, and when I talk to him sometimes he is really depressed. I gave him a small knife and every time I've spoken to him, he has been very happy.

Of course you don't know him, so you wouldn't understand, but I'm sure we all knew someone like that...
I hope you have healed up from the accident. It sounds pretty serious. And just when I thought of getting a CS Kukri...

I was never allowed to get a knife when I grew up. I purchased my first real knife, a Gerber Gator, when I had my own credit card. I was a freshman in college. My mom was a bit of a worry-wort. My older brother received a BB gun and started sniping squirrels in other people's backyards. After that, my mom said no to BB/airsoft guns and knives.

Looking back, I understand why she did it. Knife injuries can be very serious, as you well know. If I was going to allow any of my kids to have a knife it would be a SAK model. When they are mature enough, maybe I would consider getting them an EDC folder (Spyderco Ladybug or Kershaw Scallion).
The counselors of his school do not wish to help, trust me, I went to the same school, at some point or another I was also very depressed, they basically told me "Hey, you're young, you'll be fine"


Well yes, she seems to be okay with him having swiss blades, perhaps I'll work into that a bit more.

I wouldn't worry about it, tis a flesh wound. ;)

You know, as much as I hate to say itm the CS kukri is a very good blade. Came kinda dull, but the geometry was great for clearing brush, but if you get one just use gloves and a lanyard. I'd personally use gloves because the grip gets slippery if your hand gets wet... so yeah.

Anywho, yes I have the same kind of mother. Stress runs in my family, I guess. Only me and my brother are immune. :D

I can understand why they'd forbid any type of weapon, but regardless of my age, I want SOME control of my life...
its too easy to buy a knives as a kid (teen as i am)... i bought a ka-bar, a butterfly (thats illegal in my state), and a bunch of tac. folders... not one of those ive gotten questioned on my age online...
I got my first knife when i was eight. Swiss army knife. Ever since, i have been getting bigger knives. now im 13 and i recently got a Benchmade 42 & 43. But my mom is still a bit hesitant. she thinks I have "too many" well that doesnt stop me. my collection is still growing.
im 11 and have a benchmade nagara that is hair shaving sharp in my pocket and a spydrco delica 1 in my room i got these knives when i got my totin chit in boy scouts and am saving for a emerson cqc 8 so yes and no knives were hard to get cause all i had a year ago was a victorinox tinker and i wasnt getn anything else
im 10 and i collect tac folders mostly but where in fuck did you find the money for a BM42 and BM43
my most expensive knife is a byrd cara cara!!!!


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