Okay, who's a fan of the #68 White Owl? (Tom Peterson for one! LOL!)

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I'm gonna get one or two.

I adore the white owl; it's a perfect pocket knife. Unfortunately, I don't like bails. Otherwise the WO would have been a major pattern for me.

See, one of the reasons I really like the WO is the bail

Of course there's the Tidioute 68s without bail. But, the bail on my 33 doesn't bother me, and I actually kinda like it, so the Northfield 68 will be fine and dandy to me, sooo.........

From what I read elsewhere, the 68 is a big hit. The main problem with a lot of guys is deciding if they like the 68 or 33 better! I'm wondering if I'll have the same dilemma?

Got my White Owl in Snakewood handles. Another bee-you-tee-full GEC knife! I'll try to take some pictures and have a brief review when the weather clears up.

Got my White Owl!! In Snakewood!!

Okay, this is another winner from GEC. I'm starting to think pretty much all of them are winners.

Where do I start?

*It's very similar in size to the #33 Conductor - White Owl; exactly 3 7/16" - Conductor; 3 5/16". 

*The #68 SEEMS bigger than it is because of the deeper frame. 

*The quality is first rate. No flaws or problems. A perfect knife? Pretty darn close!

*Blades walk and talk with the best of them. No side play.....tight as a drum!

Big question mark here though; It's a "Northfield" but the blades have a glaze finish! A beautiful glaze finish, but I thought ALL Northfields are supposed to have polished blades? 

Biggest problem; Do I carry my #33 or get another one of these in Autumn Gold Bone to carry?? 

I love it!

The wood is so dense you can hardly make out any grain. Very smoooth.

Any one know why the White Owls blades have a glaze finish instead of a polished finish? Are there any other Northfields that have a glaze finish? Just curious.

Wow! That is an especially beautiful specimen of Snakewood you got there! Nice looking knife, overall!

At the rate you're buying these GEC knives, I think that I had better buy some stock in the Company. Just on your purchases alone I would be a cinch to see that stock go up and I'd likely catch some hefty dividend checks along the way!

I can't help with your question about the finish on the Northfield White Owl blades. But I sure do like the looks of that knife! Great photos, too!

Kudos, my friend.

Thanks Ron! 

You know GEC put little bugs in their knife tubes. You open them up and they jump out and bite you making you want to get more GEC knives! Of course it doesn't help that there's enablers around here................Ron.

Hey, you're welcome, Craig! I'm always happy to do what I can to help. *nudge nudge wink wink* lol

Ok the bail is growing on me. It actually helps to have the knife in hand :)

Craig Henry said:

Of course there's the Tidioute 68s without bail. But, the bail on my 33 doesn't bother me, and I actually kinda like it, so the Northfield 68 will be fine and dandy to me, sooo.........

From what I read elsewhere, the 68 is a big hit. The main problem with a lot of guys is deciding if they like the 68 or 33 better! I'm wondering if I'll have the same dilemma?

I think I am going to get two or three. I really like this pattern.

Craig Henry said:

I'm gonna get one or two.


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