I can find no references to the type of carver Geppetto would have used to create the young boy Ponochio.  I did find pic of Geppetto with his knife...More interesting I found the designs on how to build your own little boy lir detector

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So what do you think we will get to create this little gems?  I want a whittler with a large wharncliff  with a coping blade and a pen blade.  I would it in Primive bome please


I would like the same knife but with a clip main blade. GEC can still do it your way but just do another version my way - like they do with the clip and spear Hogans. I'm still undecided on my handle material of choice. Primitive bone sounds great but Johnny2S has got me hooked on the American Elk so I will go with it.

I'd have to have the clip blade version as well, I like the wharncliffe, but I'm a clip guy. Primitive Elk sounds good to me, a new handle material. : )


It'll be a good one, thats all I know.

Primitive Elk? Johnny, I think you might have a career in politics my friend! Such a diplomat!

I like the smooth shiny Elk like on my #72 - which I am really missing these days. Hope that it comes back to me soon!

Primitive Elk - good one!  It is a good thing I don't like congresses.  My banking account will have a chance to heal now.  If I did like congresses, I think the blades should be .... but I don't like congresses.  I'm going to be telling myself that a lot because I can't be tempted if I don't like congresses. 


That is FUNNY.  I'll bet we get you to like a congress if we can get it made in Johnny's Primitive Elk.  LOL

Where does a guy find one of these primitive elk? A retirement home for wild animals? On a more serious note, I wish that GEC would make a congress with a combination of blades instead of exact duplicates. I have a Boker congress that is set up this way & it is much more useful & less redundant.


Tell us what you have in that Boker.  One good thing about GEC is they listen...Maybe we can start some chatter on customer request


It had a spear and sheepsfoot main blades and a coping and pen small blades. It is a white bone congress in my Boker photo album. Hard to beat for a versatile congress. Sorry for showing/bringing up a non-GEC knife in this group but I'm sure GEC would improve upon it "greatly".



I like that blade configuration.  I think the closest we have gotten is the older 61 pattern congress with 2 sheetsfoot, 1 pen and 1 spear.  A coping is a natural for that combination though.  So what do we think folks? 

I would like to see that blade combination in a congress pattern also. I wonder if it could be done in the 62, easy pocket, pattern?

that is one great ideal guys and a wonderful looking knife.i think gec could do their own thing to it and it would be a hot seller.....


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