I think I'm going to have to get a GEC knife handled in Snakewood.  

Do you like it?

"Snakewood is an incredibly beautiful wood which originates mostly in Suriname, South America.  The specific gravity is around 1.2, making it one of the worlds hardest woods.  The part sold as snakewood is really the heartwood of the larger tree.  This wood is usually felled with axes and carried on the backs of hard working natives over streams and through snake infested jungle areas.  Each tree felled is monitored, and the government has developed a strict permit process to control harvesting."

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Thanks Jan.

I gotta say, the wood is really dense and shiny! Almost looks like plastic! Amazing!

Some mighty fine examples here,

I like them all....  That's the neat thing about snakewood, one of the best woods for grain variaitions I've ever seen. Cocobola has some variation, and ebony very little. 


I never knew that the specific gravity was that high.... I like that is super hard but I Suppose I'll try not to float my knife (-:


Excellent link Jean-Francois.  Those knives are fantastic in the snakewood!

Hi Snakewood fans - Here's that little box from Suriname I told you about.  I had several and gave them away and kept the one with the most cracks.  I guess it's hard to get a big piece of snakewood without flaws.  As you can see, it's not big enough to hold a lumberjack!  You guys have some absolutely beautiful knives.  Best, Dan

Jan Carter said:


You certaily do need asnakewood knife to go in a snakewood box.  I would like to see a pic  of the box too if you have a moment to take a pic


That box is fantastic!

It may not be big enough to hold a lumberjack but it sure appears big enough to hold to hold a 25.  I think I just saw a posting above that said a 25 is coming out in snake wood.  That box need a snakewood knife!  I was reading in the link above that it is hard to get the material without cracks.  Good thing it is stabilized on our knives :)

Thanks Jan - Interestingly enough, I got a local friend of mine to get me a set of woods of Suriname from the forestry department with little 3 x 5 x 1/2 inch samples of about 30 wonderful woods in a box, and there was no snakewood in the set.  Maybe it's hard to come by sometimes.  Best, Dan

Jan Carter said:


That box is fantastic!

It may not be big enough to hold a lumberjack but it sure appears big enough to hold to hold a 25.  I think I just saw a posting above that said a 25 is coming out in snake wood.  That box need a snakewood knife!  I was reading in the link above that it is hard to get the material without cracks.  Good thing it is stabilized on our knives :)

That box is REALLY cool Dan!! 

Jan, that would be great to put a Snakewood #25 in the box!

I would think it is hard to get at times! -

"This wood is usually felled with axes and carried on the backs of hard working natives over streams and through snake infested jungle areas." 


Doesn't sound like anything I'D like to do!! I bet they have lots of spiders in those jungles too! Snakes and spiders.....I'm starting to have nightmares now!


Jean-Francois! Those are all quite beautiful. I was not previously very familiar with this wood. But now, after seeing all of these knives that you and Craig have posted, I must say that it is indeed quite an enticing handle material. I will have to start looking a whole lot closer at some knives that sport such beautiful scales as these.

Thanks to you Jean-Francois and to Craig for enlightening me, as you gentlemen have.

That box is very cool, Dan! I like your Corgi avatar, also! One of my favorite breeds.

Cheers to you and your Corgi!

You are welcome, Ron!

It's talking to you Ron. "Buy me, buy me..." You know you need one. Go ahead, do to yourself a favor and get a Snake!

Some more snakes from France (Fontenille-Pataud)



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