Hi everyone and welcome to our newest members,


Something we have not talked about lately is new aquisitions.  Tell us about your latest and greatest GEC.  Donnie bought me both the new 23's in the Beavertail (Worlds greatest husband by the way)  He got himself the newest 73 in Primitive bone.  THAT is a heck of a nice knife.


What have you gotten lately?

Tags: Cutlery, Eastern, Great

Views: 12367

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Awesome Jeff, love the spear main blade. I have a couple of the clip blade models, but that spear is gorgeous. Throw it in your pocket and really get to knife it, it's the best way to enjoy it.

Nice one, Jeff.  The 56s are one of my most favorite GECs. 

The 56 is a wonderful pattern and that amber jigged is certainly one great looking handle material.  I am interested also,  user or collection peice?

Was going to be a collector piece but with the IKC knife coming, think I will just start caring it. Really like how it feels in my hand. I'm sure glad I purchased one.

Well Jeff as Johnny says, slip it in your pocket!!  Let us know how you like it 

Picked up a few new GECs lately that I posted in my pics. Several are White Owls but also got a Bulldog GEC Whittler and a couple of Collector Knives SFO Farmer Jacks that I am really liking. Always preferred clip blades over speys but these are pretty sweet too!


Great choices...whats the top one, a grape?

Tom, those are nice, I love that Bulldog and ....heck I love them all.....lol

Thanks Jan & Robert,

The top one is a Garnet Jig Bone, Jan. It's very similar to the Red Wine #72 GEC  in feel.

Tom, that middle one is the ticket.

BOOM!!! I'm lovin' it, congrats my friend, thats a good one.


I was drawn to the smooth bone when I picked it out. I have always liked the smooth banana bone too. I later found out that it was the only smooth yellow bone Farmer Jack that they made in this SFO except for a #2/second model. So it is even more special. I want to carry it but I am a bit torn since it is such a low production knife.  So I can't decide whether or not to carry it or the Garnet jig bone one which I like a whole lot too. I'd like to see a smooth amber bone handled knife (similar to the Bulldog whittler pictured above but  totally smooth). I think that would be awesome. I wish GEC would do more in smooth bone. Haven't seen much in the smooth ivory bone for a good while.

what beautiful knives tom....


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