Instead of cluttering up the group, I am going to post some of my Old gun collection and a little story about each of them all in this post. 

Guns are my first passion, knives are new to me to be collecting, but loving it. I was pleasantly surprised when I found out there was a gun group on here as well! 

I am far from an expert, but I love history and am very OCD, so I research and learn my passions constantly, and knives are following this pattern as well! 

OK, I will update this post over time and days, whenever I get the chance. Encourage questions and stories and comments as we go along, that's what these hobbies are all about!

I am going to start with one of my favorites from my collection. 

Winchester 1873 44-40 Saddle Ring Carbine manufactured in 1891. These just say "True Cowboy Gun" to me. I collect for guns that show their history, not restored, or perfectly new condition, I sit and read every bump, scrape and bruise and imagine what it did, how.

There is a brass ejector block underneath beat to heck, these were prone to stick so they would beat on them to pop them up. And when shooting this one, if you don't work the action with some grunt, I have had to do the same on it. The homemade rear sight is dead on and adds to the character of the old girl.


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Thanks Steve! And Yeah Carl, I am better at hitting with this one than my newer little 22's. The wrf in my opinion is a great round. Never thought of reloading them either, I really need to get on the ball about that! 

Little tedious at best, but when Gramps' says let's do it, well......what's a little guys gonna say?

Sorry it has been a while since my last post. Life gets crazy! lol Old knives have seemed to take the front seat with me lately more so than the old guns. But anyway lets post another old girl.

Here is a Colt Lightning rifle I acquired a while back. Not a lot of story with this one, I just had to have it because you don't see them up for sale often at an affordable price. 

This one is from 1891, and is a 38-40 caliber pump. Someone has cleaned it bare, which is a shame, but the gun is a fairly low serial, and was decently priced. So as long as she stays oiled it will be fine, I won't redo or restore any old gun unless it is a family gun, it is just me though.



Nice one Mike!

Didn't Annie Oakley use one of those in her wild west shows?

Thanks Charles!
And Carl,
I have read about a lot of different kinds she may game used and this is one. I wish this was one of hers! That would be the story of stories!


White River Knives

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