So spring has sprung about everywhere and with it comes the bugs.  I can tell you here in FL it is the fleas, ticks and heartworm carrying mosquito's.  As much as I hate to put chemicals on my buddy Case, he has to have some protection.  I use the advanticks because it is also waterproof and stays on even after swimming.  What do you all use to protect your friends?   I am stuck with the heartworm pills but would sure love to have tosomething more natural to deal with the fleas and ticks.  

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No thoughts?  Do we all just use what they vet has on hand?
Thanks Don, I have a great Vet.  We have used him for about 20 years.  I just hate giving them chemicals.  Had no idea there are dog fleas and cat fleas.  It is wonderful that you foster animals Don, thanks for caring about our fuzzy friends.  Advantix it is then.  I truely appreciate the input.

One of the very rare and few reasons I'm happy I live in Sweden. No heartworm and those kind of nasty parasites. The worst we have to look out for is ticks but compared to the rest of the world it can't even compare to the nightmare you guys are up against.


Most of the parasites die off relatively fast in this climate and the ones that managed to survive aren't of the high-risk group of parasites.


yeah, the heartwork is a big issue here.  There is nothing you can do except the pills.  The fleas here are virually year round, thats why I have been wondering if anything else would be effective.  Don sounds like he has had quite a bit of experience with it though so I will be stopping on Saturday at Petco. 

I use a concoction [that I came up with] around my kennel and even on some of my dogs that keeps most bugs away if sprayed regularly. 1 galon of water, 2 onces of pure pine oil and 2 onces of clorox. You may not want to spray it on your pet because of the smell but it won't hurt them. The next thing I do for fleas and ticks is shampoo my dogs with Dawn Dish washing liquid. It will kill every flea or tick on your dog, garanteed. Just use plenty and I don't rinse it off to well.

I use spray in the yard that seems to help but since we are taking him to PA with us this summer I dont think I have a choice but to get him on a standard fles med.  I will deffinitly be using dawn on him, thank for that tip.
Don....Sorry, but clorox and  pine oil is used to clean, disinfect and ward off parasites in almost every kennel and vets kennel I know of and as I mention when diluted with water in formular I gave there is no harm to a dog if some gets on him. Also if you want to shampoo your dog I'm sure there's lots of sweet smelling products you can use but if you want to treat your dog for fleas there is probably nothing milder than Dawn dish soap. Millions of people stick their hands in it every day with no bad effects. I have used these remedies for years on 100's of dogs with no problems. You are right though about the 21 century. There having to drag me into it../.lol
You are right dogs can have all sorts of problems not jus a flea problem. After I wrote my last post I thought, "I'm talking about kenneled hunting dogs and not ole Rover thats playing in the yard." If I had just one pet dog thats in the house with me, the treatment products upgrade a bit. I hope you follow me.
So here is my plan.  I have used Roberts concoction on the pool deck and the wooden deck.  Worked great on the wooden deck area by the way because it is raised off the gound and tends to hold a little water under it.  He is going to get cooked garlic with his raw meals.  I am going to give him the heartworm meds and the advantix.  I am also going to carry some dawn with me when we go to PA.  Thats because he will be going places I cant control the pests in.  I cannot thank you all enough.  Unknowingly you all gave me a solution to some differnt problems around the FL. Pests.  THANK YOU
That's great Miss Jan. You know your dog and will beable to tell if anything disagrees with him, some dogs are more sensitive to certain products. Your dog is a Lab and they are a pretty hardy breed so you most probably won't run into trouble.


This one is funny.  He is just my youngest kid with four legs :) 

Guess thats what happens when the nest gets empty
Hey, have y'all seen the TV add using Dawn dish soap, cleaning BP oil spill wild fowl. I just love it, non-believers.


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