Now that the weather has warmed up, feel free to spend a little extra time out on the porch, at the General Store.

Sit back, relax and watch the world go by.

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In that case I am stayin!

J.J. Smith III said:

Time passes slow, here on the porch, Steve...

We always have some fun, on the porch, but the other night while I was carving, I heard one of the saddest sounds of the season. 

A siren.

Several years ago, about this time, we had a small fire here at home, and that sound was the best sound to hear.  It meant that help was on the way.  During the holidays, whenever I hear one, I have a heavy heart for those in need and hope that help will arrive in time.

So, as we remember the military in our prayers, during this time of year, lets keep our First Responders there as well.

Your so right JJ, the folks that keep us safe right here at home.  May all their prayers be answered this season

Gettin cold out on the porch. 

Weather dude's callin for 25 degrees tonight.

That's cold for SC.

Hard to whittle with mittens on :(

Think I need a shot of Granny's Rhumatiz Medicine.

Fingers get aweful sore...

Looks like spring is almost here. About time to get the porch ready for some carvin time.

I like to sit in front of my shed out at the farm, peace and quiet, and a good knife.

As I start to see the weather turning up above us, I wonder if JJ still has some time to spend out on the porch.  The pits were small this year and I didnt get any that would be good for fumble finger (me) to carve.  Just thought about maybe sitting on the porch with ya'll and making a pointy stick!

Pits were small here too, Jan. Nothing wrong with making pointy sticks with friends.

I've been sitting in front of my little cabin out to the farm, working on a whittling project. I will share it if it turns out. - Later.

Iced in, so definitely not whittlin for a spell.

Had a total of 1 truck out on the road today.


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