Not being a whittler i know nothing about the subject but would like to know what those of you that do whittle like and why

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Terry, I'm a big fan of CASE Seahorse whittlers. Really like the Wharncliffe master blades and the choice of a pin and coping blades as secondaries.
The Wharncliffe is a strong design and lends itself well to carving hard woods, and pits.
Be sure to check out the discussions in the whittlers group also.


Yes i too love the wharncliffe blade, maybe I should do a little whittlin'

J.J. Smith III said:

Terry, I'm a big fan of CASE Seahorse whittlers. Really like the Wharncliffe master blades and the choice of a pin and coping blades as secondaries.
The Wharncliffe is a strong design and lends itself well to carving hard woods, and pits.
Be sure to check out the discussions in the whittlers group also.

Well then Terry,  check out the Whittling/Carving group...


Terry i like the pattern and the idea that whittling is one of the most affordable and portable pastimes there is. john

True John , it just goes with you !!

Someone once wrote that pit carvin was their "hobby in their pocket".

(No, it wasn't me either.)

Terry, I don't do much but when I do I use a Camillus #72 - it seems to work for me.

Thanks Ken, Im investigating more into the whittlin world ...

Ken Spielvogel said:

Terry, I don't do much but when I do I use a Camillus #72 - it seems to work for me.

Not sure how your porch is, Terry, but its too cold here, for porch whittlin. Might have to use the man cave till spring gets here.

I haven't whittled much in this cold, when it gets warmer, I will sit in front of my cabin and whittle away. Peaceful and relaxing.

never been into whittling so don't really know much about it but since being a member here, my interest has grown dramatically and my son is also gaining an interest into whittling.


Anyone have any pics they are willing to share examples of a whittling knife and what would be good beginner knife?

Here is my Camillus #72 that I use:


White River Knives

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