This a home for those who enjoy the large bowie survival knife.

Original Style Bowie

by Leopold Lacrimosa on December 10, 2011

Wanted to show off this Bowie by Frank Kramer. 

It is in the style that some believe that Jim Bowie actually carried in the "Sandbar" fight.

Tags: Bowie, Knives

Views: 8177

Replies to This Discussion

Comment by Andy Voelkle "AxeMan" on December 25, 2012 at 1:28

Our knife club meets in Deer Park, TX right next to the San Jacinto battlefield where Jim Bowie's knife sits in the display. I can lean down onto the display and get my nose a couple of feet from Jim's knife. There's something electric about the experience — and truly, when I see the knives you guys are making I get the same feeling. So don't bust 'em — they'll be in a museum someday if you get famous. Keep it up!

And in my opinion, anyone could make such a fine knife might really consider making a little razor sharp 12 ounce 12 inch axe — an electric beast if there is one!

Comment by Jan Carter on December 23, 2012 at 18:27

Well Ron your first and only sure came out very nice!

Mike ,

What an absolute CLASSIC!  Great Job

Comment by Mike Carter on December 23, 2012 at 17:25

I just finished another of my "Kodiak" Bowies. This is modeled after a Civil War D-Guard Bowie without the D-Guard.

Comment by Ron Beggs on December 23, 2012 at 16:41

What a great collection of Big Blades i love it cheers Ron from OZ   ps this was my first and only attempt at making a Blade 

Comment by Alexander Noot on May 10, 2012 at 4:39

I really like Alexanders rasp bowies, NIce!

Thanks Pete, if you ever want one let me know. Both of these have not been sold and I have another rasp lying around waiting to be turned into a knife.

Comment by Henry Ramos on May 9, 2012 at 14:08

Thanks Pete, ive been looking for a place like that, plus im a carbon steel fan anyway. good prices as well. i wanted to stay away from knifekits.com hahaha.

Comment by Pete Schmidt on May 9, 2012 at 4:17


If you are looking for a good blade, I recommend going to Gene Martins website at  Custom Knife Gene grinds his own blades and has great prices. If you are looking for a cheap practice blade, you can try Knifekits.com

Comment by Henry Ramos on May 9, 2012 at 1:13

ive wanted to make a nice full tang bowie for a while now, any sites that sell good blades? i will settle for a stick tang as well. thanks guys

Comment by Pete Schmidt on May 8, 2012 at 23:18

Hi guy's,

This is one of my favorite Bowies. Probably just because I made the handle LOL.  I used bloodwood material. I really like Alexanders rasp bowies, NIce!

Comment by Alexander Noot on May 8, 2012 at 1:22

That's some freaky looking knives Stephen.

Comment by Alexander Noot on April 16, 2012 at 1:14

I've recently enjoyed building three bowies....thought I'd show them here:

The first two I'm showing were forged out of an old farriers rasp:

And this third one was made by stock removal. It was in fact the first time I tried building such a large knife....and it's kind of addicting.

It's a carbon steel called OW3 and it has a nice hardening line created with a clay coating:


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