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Let's See Those 5 Inch Folding Hunters!

Started by Charles Sample. Last reply by Rome D. Rushing Sep 8, 2020. 93 Replies

Tobias suggested that someone should start a discussion on 5 inch lockback hunters.  Since no one else has, I will.  But since I have two folding hunters and only one of them is a lockback, I will open it up to all 5 inch folding hunters.Here is my…Continue

The Congress Knife: Y'all Come Together!

Started by Tobias Gibson. Last reply by Lewis E.Ward Aug 16, 2020. 52 Replies

The Congress knife arrived on the scene in the early 1800s.   As with other Pocket knives such as Trappers and Stockman’s, the Congress was…Continue

New Collector

Started by Beth Medeiros. Last reply by Beth Medeiros Apr 25, 2020. 3 Replies

Hello All,I am a brand new collector and just happened to stumble across the Elephant Toe knives and fell in love!  These things are great but I have a lot to learn!!  I look forward to it and am now on the hunt on what to buy.BKContinue

Toothpicks & Ticklers

Started by Tobias Gibson. Last reply by Rome D. Rushing May 22, 2019. 17 Replies

Welcome to the Toothpicks & Ticklers Discussion within the Knife Patterns Group!This discussion is for all types of folding toothpick, for the tiny Texas Toothpicks to those large Ticklers!…Continue

Fish Knives by Tobias Gibson on June 17, 2013

Started by Jan Carter. Last reply by Rome D. Rushing May 22, 2019. 150 Replies

I'm not sure if there is a discussion already or not but show 'em if you got 'em.  Let's see you fishing knives, as in the tools of the tackle box! (Folding, fixed, multi-tools, etc.)Here's a few of my latest finds. What made them interesting is the…Continue

Tags: Knives, Fish

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Comment by Kevin D on September 19, 2024 at 20:09

Good Evening Harry,

Yeah.  I saw this a few years late, but I thought I would at least give it a shot to reach you.

The Khopesh.  I guess I am not sure of what you are referring to as the 'top edge".  The Khopesh was an Egyptian sword dating back as early as 2500BC, whose blade was about 2 foot long, and it was developed from battle axes.  A sickle shaped blade, with the 'belly' of the sword facing forward, and that is the only portion of the sword that is sharpened.  Fairly light, the curvature geometry helped with the chopping strength of the weapon, allowing for some pretty devastating attacks.

Based on historical documents and hieroglyphics,  they seem to have fallen out of favor about 1600BC, and were then used mainly for religious or ceremonial events.


I think they are pretty neat looking but think that trying to forge one would be a bugger.

Comment by harry e karmun on November 6, 2021 at 10:29

hello  does anybody know about balisong knives ? seems like they are either cheap crap or expensive "collector knives " . 

Comment by harry e karmun on November 4, 2021 at 18:39

hello  i saw a "khopesh " knife online . what is the purpose of the shape of the top edge ?

Comment by richard j mcginnis on September 6, 2020 at 14:24

i have the exact same knife, i picked it up back in 2014 and it took me a few years to in it down, the story goes like this, jim parker bought case & sons and was buying up other brands that were either hurting for money or going out of business, he bought the solingen kinfolks plant and i guess when they opened to clean it out there was leftover materials for around 300 knives. his son also named james parker tells the story a lot better but these are part of those 300 or so knives they're not numbered but they did come with a small plain sheath, its a one of 300 and i think but i'm not sure the one like this is still available to look at, and the story by parker who was selling a small collection went along with the picture. that was how i found out about mine. when i bought it i thought it might have been a part of some walmart or target gift set but i was wrong it is rare and if i were you i would hold onto it. sorry it took 5 years for a reply but good things come to those who wait

Comment by Tobias Gibson on June 1, 2017 at 7:01
I've done the occasional unintended drop test on a couple of my knives. A few, including one of my stonework knives took the world tour of the washer and dryer. Strangely the only knives that have unintended consequences was a Bear & Son made BSA whittle that had a scale pop off after falling from a bed to floor. ( that was popped back on with some super glue. And a Rough Rider Sawcut Bone Toothpick that had its shield pop off after about 18 months in the pocket and too much jostling with my keys. The shield was super glued back on.

I do have a couple if crappy Frost knives with poorly executed segments. If done correctly I think it can be very attractive, especially for show. But when done poorly, it really doesn't matter if the scales are segmented or one slab; a bad executed handle is a badly executed handle.
Comment by Billy Oneale on May 31, 2017 at 20:50
I also have the Stoneworx knives. I also have some Taylor made Schrades that are segmented. I think it is in the eye of the individual tastes. I like the segmented like Stoneworx for looks. It may be a different story as a user with all those pcs epoxied on.
Comment by Tobias Gibson on May 31, 2017 at 16:16
J.J. I know where you're coming from. However, I've got some Rough Rider Stoneworx knives that are well executed and they look great.

At the same time you then have the so-called spacers in these handle which is probably a gap filling epoxy.

I've seen this done with higher priced knives as well. I've got some othecfrist knives that have horrendous handles. Those will be fore a different discussion.

I think in the case of many of the multi-segmented handles it's a matter of the maker using what is essentially "end of day" scraps. Sometimes it works. Most times it doesn't.
Comment by J.J. Smith III on May 31, 2017 at 15:42
Fit and finish...
Some folks like the scales with similar design. I, however, fail to see the appeal of having 17 segments on a knife scale where one nice slab would function quite nicely.
That doesn't just concern Frost knives either.
Comment by Tobias Gibson on May 31, 2017 at 12:15
Jan, I just ran the blade over one of those cheap Rapala two stage sharpeners and that seemed to clean up a few bad spots. I wouldn't call it razor sharp but it cuts up card board and meat. Definitely not a tomato knife but then I don't think it was designed to be.

You are correct about the finish on these Paki knives. This one is a Frost Cutlery product. I just don't understand why Jim Frost puts his name on some of his products. As I said I knew what I was getting and the knife actually exceeded my expectations. That, however, doesn't mean the knife doesn't have serious flaws.

I may pick up a similarly priced SMKW Damascus knife to compare it to this one.
I'd like to see if it is Frost problem or a Paki problem.
Comment by Jan Carter on May 31, 2017 at 11:59

That is one seriously thick spine!  When you sharpened, did you have to reprofile the grind?  Fit and finish continue to be an issue with Paki knives.  Even if the steel is good they tend to give the knife a "cheap" appearance, in my opinion. 


White River Knives

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