Welcome to the Toothpicks & Ticklers Discussion within the Knife Patterns Group!

This discussion is for all types of folding toothpick, for the tiny Texas Toothpicks to those large Ticklers!

Pictured above, top to bottom 

Case Amber Jigged Bone  Standard Toothpick

Colonel Coon Coon Stripe Large Toothpick

Rough Rider Stag Tiny Toothpick

If you like toothpicks then this is the place to come. 

The toothpick pattern developed from the old Navaja Cuchillo  a Spanish work knife that became famous among bandits.  That said, today's toothpicks are vastly different from its ancestors; the most notable difference is the locking methods for the single blade.  The old Navaja used a ratcheting lock system whereas today's Toothpick is a is normally a slip-joint folder.

Toothpicks are basically slender built folders that were first used as a bird and trout knife. This explains why so many people who collect fish knives also like toothpicks.   The shape is always a tapering serpentine handle with a long slender clip blade, most often a California clip.

The larger toothpicks can still be used for a small game and fowler.  The small ones are really more a Gentleman or Lady's  dress knife.  This explains why the tiny or Texas Toothpicks remain more popular than the larger models.

Like the old Navajas the larger Toothpicks  developed a reputation as a good knife for use in a brawl.  The blade design allowed for it to easily pass through the rib cage and the knife picked up the nick-name Tickler.   This name is often given to any Toothpick but it is especially applied to Toothpicks that have a locking blade.

Speaking of which, Texas Toothpick is also often given to any of the folding toothpicks but, among collectors it normally refers to three inch, especially if that three inch Toothpick is by W. R. Case & Sons.

Another name that is often tossed about is Spanish Toothpick.  This normally refers to the larger Toothpicks that are five or more inches when closed.  this is due to the Spanish heritage of the original design.

The most commons sizes of toothpicks today are:

3 inch  (AKA: Tiny, Baby, Texas, or by its length)

4 1/8 inch (AKA: Standard, Medium, or 4 inch)

5 Inch*  (AKA Large, Tickler, or 5 inch) 

*5 Inch toothpicks are probably have the most variation in sizes.  They range in size from 4 7/8 inch to 5 1/2 inches depending on the brand!

so there you have a little background and fascinating toothpick pattenr!  Show 'em if you got 'em.  and if you don't got 'em, what are you waiting for.  Go get one!

Views: 3765

Replies to This Discussion

picked this one up today at our local knife meeting and show that happens monthly in Oak Lawn, IL. got it for a super price ! Large Texas Toothpick Memorial Day 2007

Here's one of my favorites! It's an EDC that I switch off with, a GEC UN-X-LD Burnt Stag #13 Saber Blade

Case Winterbottom Ginger Ale Bone Small Texas Toothpick  610096 SS

Case Yellow Chrome Vanadium Small Texas Toothpick 310096 CV

Rough Rider Amber Jigged Bone Baby Toothpick RR063

Rough Rider Rifleman Series Large Toothpick RR711

I'm so happy!  I'm not alone!  Other people do collect Toothpicks!  This is fantastic!

I have a few hundred Toothpicks! Them are some nice ones Charles!!

You're the man, Max.  I've got about 30 and most of them are of the under $20 variety.    I've got some serious catching up to do!

Tobias, do my fish knives count as toothpicks?  I have 15 of them that use the same frame..

Tobias Gibson said:

I'm so happy!  I'm not alone!  Other people do collect Toothpicks!  This is fantastic!

Charles, there is another discussion here on fish knives  (See:  Fish Knives)  That said, I'm sure you're not the only one that that lumps them together.  I've always seen the Fish knife as a tool unto itself, especially once a separate scaling blade is added.  But then what about all those one blade Fish knives that have the scalers on the spine of the blade.  There is no doubt  that the fish knife and the toothpick are at least first cousins!

It's your call my friend!   I'd love to see your fish knives and I'm not that picky where you post them. I also don't think anyone else is.  After all the Toothpick started its life as a folding  Bird and Trout knife!  And during WWII the knife below was issued to Navy and Army Air Corp personnel as an Emergency Fish & Game Knife?  You tell me -- fish knife or toothpick?  I've always liked to think it as the Toothpick that went to war!

Don't have many, but this is my latest.

Kaylin picked it up while on the Dalton trip.

Pretty awesome JJ.

I think Kaylin loves her Daddy! Very nice!

She "loves" it when I bring her along to the knife shows.  lol


White River Knives

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