I was thinking we could have a IKC fishing contest for this spring and summer for our members. I know, you are probably saying how can we weigh fish and with different types of fish north and south east and west, well how can it be done.  Easy, It would not be the biggest but the Best Fishing Picture of one of our members for this fishing season. Yea, who has a great picture with them or their childern and of course a Fish. We could have a judge pick the best picture of the contest. The winner would get a knife of course. Please let me know if ya'll would be interested in it. I think it would be alot of fun. Lets talk the idea up and see what comes of it.

First Prize

Second Prize

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Great looking boy, that smile and those fish are worth a million bucks.

Hey Robert if you look back to the first page of this post you will see that this is the same little boy that my wife is holding in front of the yellow boat. Man how time flies.


Great job Terry and Co...

I hope to get out again soon, but we never know what we are doing from day to day. Been out a few times, but the fish aren't biting. We just got some rain last night, so the streams are going to be up and the fishing should improve.

Absolutely precious!   I like your trout also Terry

Keep the pictures coming everyone, we are enjoying them for sure. I am heading to Henderson Swamp tomorrow, I hope to take a few pictures and hopefully catch a few fish.

Great picture Terry!

Terry Schultz said:

Please everyone lets go fishing, there is no better way to bond with those young ones, even your spouse will be glad for you to take them on a fishing trip. We are offering prizes to those with good fishing pictures. You don't have to have the biggest or the most amount of fish, just a fishing picture that is cute, funny, sweet, darling, artistic, silly, sad, pretty, unusual, friendly, colorful, etc. I hope ya'll understand. Lets see some pictures.

Show us some fishin' pictures....pretty please?

WOW........nice striper !


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