Lots of things to do in the spring, one is knowing when to plant and when to wait.

May 10th is my last frost date, passed down from my grandmother. She said you plant something 

that comes up before then, you will be covering it up!  Pop he said oh just use the almanac to plant and

weed and you will be okay.

This year I started the lettuce early. We had a spell of hot weather and that is all 

I needed for good germination.

Such fun it is to grow your own veggies and so Healthy for you too.

Hope everyone joins me in Gardening this year and post their pictures of veggies and flowers and such.

Lettuce is 4  days old, the cages is to keep my dog from digging...lol

Lettuce is up , black seeded simpson, salad mix and crunch

Violets blooming, going to try them in salad tomorrow.

Replenished and cleaned up MY BEACH.......

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Just a little of the summer garden now....tomato's green beans,red bell peppers, banana peppers lettuce's,dill,basil....Had 5 ripe mini tomato's to eat today....wonderful flavor !

This summer started out pretty good till the Rains started, you would think we lived in the deep heart of a rain forest...

needless to say...Gardens are not the greatest this year...a few pics from mine...at least I had a little crop off and on...

We got the first tomatoes this week and the flavor was great!  We seem to be about 2 weeks behind those who are in town.  I would not think that unusual since we are about 100 ft above them with less sun in the forest but the garden is going well

Here is a few Summer Gardening Pic's

With the changes in weather, I am preparing to plant bulbs for the spring.  Do any of you do this?  I have iris, lilly's, daffoldils, tulips and  crocus.  About 110 bulbs total

This simple Iris had brought me so much joy.  My mothers uncle planted them at my great grandmothers house.  Then they were at my grandmothers house.  Many years ago my mother split a few of the bulbs and took them to her home.  Last year she split some of her bulbs and mailed 5 them to me.  Only 2 have come up and only this one bloomed so far.

Waiting and watching to see what color it would come up and would they be as lovely as I remembered was a priceless experience.  4 generations of the family have now shared this simple joy!

hummm....not seen any with bulbs....mine are rhizomes/root looking ...........they are just now starting to bud

Sue I have tomatoes already growing also.  we have had an extended spring.  I even started seedlings the end of feb

Strange season for gardening in Northern Ohio this year. With the hot, dry weather for several weeks this summer, our garden has not done very well. We started to get a few cucumbers at first and then they started turning yellow. The tomatoes took a long time to start turning red and have since started rotting before we could pick them. We did catch a squirrel eating a couple of our tomatoes. The peppers are turning red before they are big enough to pick. I hope next year the harvest is better, I am about to give up on it this year.

our peppers and tomatos are doing good, the pumpkins keep blooming but so far no pumpkins

This year Gardening has been DRY....smaller vegetables so far.....but i did not have to buy any tomato's!

still had some nice flowering things going on


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