Hey who all on here hunts, and if so what do you hunt? What are some of your favorite game to hunt?

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I don't know if you can tell from the picture but there's a see through camo tarp at the top. When I go back I'll try take a picture of the view from the stand.

Going out for a slick head tomorrow, the freezer can only handle one right now so my bro is the shooter. I'll see if I can't remember the camera this time. 

Good luck, Johnny, remember what us Cajuns say "Doe meat better than no meat" ya'll have fun. Take some pictures of the area.

Have fun Johnny

Robert, that stand is very nice, I would love to see a pic of the view

That stand is called a Buddy Stand. Two medium size people can sit and in it. My granddaughter has sat many times with me.

What does it cost you to hunt a whitetail buck over in the USA?

Do you also pay like a daily rate to be on the property?

Andre, if you hunt your own property, or public land, it's really a cheap investment to take a buck. To just hunt a buck, I pay $20.70 dollars for a tag, then I have a two week season to hunt. If your talking about hunting a ranch, I haven't had that opportunity yet.

Hi Jonny

Oh thats really cheap .Where do you hunt?,  is it state land?How many are you allowed to shoot?

We are restricted to one Buck and up to 8 doe, thats for one single person. Here we just go to the court house and get tags, in all honesty I'm sure I could get more than 8 doe tags though. They really don't restrict the slaughter of deer here. But, Pennsylvania is a growing place and deer aren't always enjoyed in that growth plan.

We have a 53 acre farm that we hunt, if the deer aren't moving here I go to where I work, they own a couple hundred acres and I have hunting privileges there. If I don't hunt there I have a few other privately owned options. And worst case scenario I would hunt public land, the closest public hunting area is less than an hour away. We have lots of options as to where we can hunt, it's nice to know that we have that freedom.

There are trophy ranches here in Pa, but I'll pass on them for now, I like my own place where I know the deer well. Plus, it's a different feeling when you watch the deer and know it's moves. Taking any deer after a season of spotting is a trophy for me.

Ok thats a good deal hey, although your time frames to hunt are very short. 

We don't have state land to hunt on in South Africa, its mostly all private, and you have to pay the going rate about $120+ to shoot a Blesbuck. Out hunting season is from June to end August {3 months}

I was up in Alabama once with a friend. He  has a camp up there where they hunt, nice land there and great people.

That sound about right for a a day at a trophy ranch to me 120 to 250

Here's a pic of the view.


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