Outdoor Living Hosted by Robert Burris


Outdoor Living Hosted by Robert Burris

This group is for the outdoor enthusiast. Whatever gets you outside is the topic. Discuss gear, trips, cool things you have seen or done. New ideas, or ask questions. If you are knowledgeable about something share it by posting a discussion about it.

A - Z index of The Outdoor Group

Location: One step out your door.
Members: 104
Latest Activity: Sep 8, 2021

Discussion Forum

Bushcraft/Bugging Out/Camping/Backpacking

Started by Jeremy B. Buchanan. Last reply by Jan Carter Oct 19, 2020. 118 Replies

I have recently had an interest in learning about the equipment needed for surviving in a Bug Out situation. In learning the proper tools and equipment to have, I have also started backpacking and…Continue

Excepts from "A Witches Garden"

Started by Jan Carter. Last reply by J.J. Smith III Jun 3, 2019. 2 Replies

According to legend, there were ceremonies for harvesting plants with magical powers. Harvesters must never use iron tools, since the iron interferes with all of the beneficial elements of the plant.…Continue

Tags: garden, witches, A

Georgia Hunter Takes White Wild Turkey

Started by Jan Carter Apr 7, 2019. 0 Replies

Just an hour up the road from us, albino or not it makes for some strange turkey pics…Continue

Tags: Turkey, Wild, White

Outdoor Gardening

Started by Sue OldsWidow. Last reply by Sue OldsWidow May 23, 2018. 151 Replies

Lots of things to do in the spring, one is knowing when to plant and when to wait.May 10th is my last frost date, passed down from my grandmother. She said you plant something that comes up before…Continue


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Comment by Jeremi Lett on February 7, 2013 at 4:16

hiking n biking in east bay california

Comment by Jeremi Lett on February 7, 2013 at 4:15


Comment by Billy Oneale on February 6, 2013 at 22:40
Send some of that rain to Western Ok. It's been a really dry couple of years. The lake that I usually go to is about 8 feet below normal. I haven't seen it this low since I was a youngster in High School, which was about 35 years ago.

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on February 6, 2013 at 18:05

I know it's late winter and a lot of places are not much fun to spend an outdoor adventure in right now. Here in the deep south, USA, the temperture has been fairly mild with alot of rain, we are still hoping for a brake, to beable to get out in the great outdoors. Oh yea, and use our knives.lol

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on February 6, 2013 at 17:57

Thanks Steve for the info, we are a large group and very powerfull, if we stand together.

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on January 16, 2013 at 19:48

I learned today that a father and his two sons, went on a hike yesterday in Arkansaw , bad wheather hit and they all died from exposure. Please, if you plan any outdoor activity, this time of year, plan for the worst. A bag with essentials may have sayed their lives. Food, water, fire starters, a poncho, a few things brought along for emergecies can really make the difference. I don't know all of the facts on this case but just wanted to remind everyone, how bad things can get out there. 

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on January 12, 2013 at 19:41

Paul, thanks for checking on me, it's been rough but I'm hanging in there. This coming week I hope to get some lines set out for catfish. The recent heavy rains have flooded the bayous and swamps, which should get the catfish running. If I have any luck I'll report back to ya'll. Hey congrat's on the buck and turkey, Paul.

Comment by Paul Slusser on January 10, 2013 at 21:30

No fishing but I would love to get out and set some trot lines again when it warms up...it's been years. Harvested a small buck and a turkey a couple of weeks ago. The turkey was excellent with a recipe I used out of a wild game recipe book I got for Christmas. I hope you are doing ok Robert.

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on January 10, 2013 at 19:16

I was wondering if anyone has been fishing, lately? Last year I did really well on the catfish, this time of year. This year, however because of the lack of heavy rains, the catfishing has been poor. We have just got a 36 hour flooding rain that I am sure will help. The wheather controls so much of the hunting and fishing, some areas are too cold, some are too muddy and some the rise and fall of a body of water, keeps the fish from biting very well. If any of ya'll, dispite the winter time wheather, has been trying to catch some fish, please let us know. We would all love to hear about your adventure, good or bad.

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on January 8, 2013 at 20:16

I hope the wheather is good enough for everyone to get out and enjoy the outdoors in some kind of way. Those of ya'll that get a chance to get out, please post some pictures, for those of us that have cabin fever.


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