I own about 6 RR knives now, varying patterns, and I"m just amazed by the quality for the price.  Have any of you had any quality issues?

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I do love the rough rider knives I have acquired. They are probably the best bang for your buck. The only problem I have is that several of my RR knives are stiff to open. I am using lubricant and leaving the knives open in a postion that hopefully will stretch the spring.

I have not had any problems with quality or sharpness.  I love the RR knife but just can't bring myself to add too many more due to the made in China issue.  I do buy them when I find one I really like but keep them separate from my other knives.  The quality is amazing for the price paid.

I have more than a few (but not a LOT) Rough Riders (mostly whittlers).  Never had any quality issues.  Steel is good enough to carve peach pits with.

We also have never had a quality issue with an RR.  Donnie has recently been EDCing the Coal Miner while remodeling a house with lots of electrical work.  He has been very impressed with quality.  Not only good quality for the price but it would have been a good buy at twice the price

Watch for what you wish for Jan.if we get to many saying that it might go up.


LOL, your right and we certainly would not want that!

I only have 6 or 8 RR knives (so far) and I have been well pleased with every single one of them. Definitely a lot of bang for your buck, and I'm glad that they fill the niche for folks that like knives, and would like to have a few, but don't have a lot of money to throw in that direction. Personally I don't know how RR does it, but I am sure glad that they do!

Their quality is better than one would expecpt for a knife with this low a price point. The thing that caught me a while back is that I bought a knife to give away as a present to a friend but after the knife arrived it was so much better than I expected, I kept it, till this day. It was a fixed blade semi skinner, but what got me was that it was hollow ground. Not just a sorry atemtp but a very good job of hollow grinding. There's not many low priced knives that are hollow ground and certainly not as good as this one. If I get a chance I'll post a picture.


I dont know how they do it also but I am glad they do.  It allows me to help my son grow his collection and know he is getting a quality knife.  He uses them everyday and has his collector pieces.  With 4 children under 5 years of age, he has to stay with affordable and really likes these

I soon learned Robert, that if I buy a Rough Rider for a gift that I'd just as well plan on picking one out for myself...I am really impressed with the line, and the next time that SMKW has one of their RR discount specials I plan on loading up!

Robert Burris said:

Their quality is better than one would expecpt for a knife with this low a price point. The thing that caught me a while back is that I bought a knife to give away as a present to a friend but after the knife arrived it was so much better than I expected, I kept it, till this day. It was a fixed blade semi skinner, but what got me was that it was hollow ground. Not just a sorry atemtp but a very good job of hollow grinding. There's not many low priced knives that are hollow ground and certainly not as good as this one. If I get a chance I'll post a picture.

The trouble is I always buy a knife I like as a present, then if I like the knife I keep it for myself. That ends up happening way to often.lol

I only have a few at this point. But they have been very nice and believe you me, I've put them through a great deal of work!

Was thinking I just got lucky with them, but from what I have seen they are a very good knife. Not just for the price, but in general.

Will be getting more real soon.


White River Knives

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