Any of you who follow me know that I am ALWAYS talking about rigging knives. I mean, they are what I collect.

And, around the farm, doing chores, I'm usually carrying a nasty, all stainless, simple Davis rigger -- big sheepfoot blade and a marlin spike. Well, when I change my pants, the other knife I carry and use is a "Schrade Hoof Pick Knife, SC-275HP".

Sheeps' feet are divided into two "toes" -- at least that's what we call me. They're always getting stones, twigs or hard bits of sun-dried manure stuck between their toes. The 275's hoof pick, intended for use on horse's feet, comes in real handly. Even just when trimming their feet, it's convenient to have the hook to scrape off all the *%#$% so you can see their feet for trimming.

I think that his knife might just epitomize what makes Schrade Schrade. Someone who has animals whose feet need regular attention is able to buy a Schrade knife at KnivesPlus.com ...for LESS than $6.00!! ...that makes the job easier. Nothing fancy, nothing collectible, not a knife that's been locked in the vault to artificially create scarcity and increase its price ...just a knife to do a job.

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White River Knives

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