I'm new to iknives so let me know if I'm posting in the wrong place. Just wanted to show some pic of schrades I've been collecting. Like these schrade walden UH fixed blades.

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Nice knives!

Nice set of Uncle Henry's you got there!



Those indeed are some good looking Uncle Henry's!!!

Thanx Tom and Jan. No matter what knives I get into I always find my way back to schrade. I have some knives I think you all would enjoy. Iknife seems to have a lot of great people involved and that is real exciting. The waldens in the pic are all mint and low serial #'s. The 153 was referbed at canal street by Harold B. He did an awesome job on it!

I have sold most of my Schrade knives. The fixed blades were my favorite. I have a few cheaper Old timers left that I plan to keep as users in case they are damaged or lost. My main collection now is Camillus.

I love the 153, really nice. 


We definately have to talk! Schrade and Canal Street are my passions as well! I personally own a lot of Schrades and quite a few Canal Street Knives as well. Funny that Harold B. Refurbished a knife for you, Harold is my Uncle and he and I get together as often as I make it to NY to talk knives. He has been in the knife industry all of his adult life 40+ years and he is a Master Cutler. He also worked at Schrade for many, many years as a custom Knice maker and sample maker.

We need to talk more as I can share a lot of info that I have about Sçhrade and Canal Street.



I would love to see more of them!  This is what I love abut iKC.  Being able to meet folks that share the hobby, passion and knives

Couple more UH pics. The LB9 is tricky to find. This one is unused. The walden 153 is somewhat rare,from what I gather there were less than 3000 made with this stamp before they started using the schrade stamp. The sheath is interesting in that it is elephant hide. Henry and Albert started using this after a trip to Africa.
Couple more UH pics. The LB9 is tricky to find. This one is unused. The walden 153 is somewhat rare,from what I gather there were less than 3000 made with this stamp before they started using the schrade stamp. The sheath is interesting in that it is elephant hide. Henry and Albert started using this after a trip to Africa.

That 171UH with the birds head pommel is a beauty. I've alway thought that Schrade missed a lick when they changed that handle design.


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