So, you got a Stockman, wanna show it off? Here is your chance. even though you probably have the picture in your albums, post it here! You can either add an image to your comment by clicking on the camera icon, or you can attach a file, either way we would like to see your stockman.

one rule though.... it has to be a stockman!!!

Tags: fame, hall, of, pictures, stockman

Views: 15329

Replies to This Discussion

Nice Owl Head.

Here is an Elk Ridge that I have.

Thanks Billy, I am going to try to get a better picture. The sun was coming in the window but could not quite get the right angle. I did catch one of the "oil the joints" stamps which I like quite a bit. I need to get a better picture of the Owl shield and the other stamp "Munich Ironworks." The other thing that is interesting even though the photo doesn't show it there are 2 Owl heads stamped on the blades, but only one owl head on the shield.

The item number also stamped on the main blade is OH-RSTP. I'm ok on the OH =Owl Head, but unsure of the R, maybe ST is stockman?, but that leaves P and I don't know what that is. Time for a little research and to see what I can find!

Billy Oneale said:

Nice Owl Head.

Nice stockman pic there Billy. I don't have any Elk Ridge, well, not yet anyway!

Billy Oneale said:

Here is an Elk Ridge that I have.

I just got my first Stockman for my own personal use. Its a H&R Bullrider Sowbelly Stockman Knife

I just love it! Especially the deer stag scales.

I carry stockman. Always, even if I have others with me for some reason. I have mostly Case, but I like all quality knives. I  have settled  on the 18 pattern as the just right for always size.

 I am not really a collector , just a person with some extra of what he likes to use, many not yet used,  they haven;t made a knife too good to use or pull from my pocket as a on the spot reward to a young guest , for showing us he knows how to work. I always tell them it must be okay with the folks cuz I can't be around to teach safety and I don't want to be blamed if you cut your wingwang off.


 I found it interesting Case changed the 47  from 2 to 3 springs. I have no idea why they choose to do it, but the new ones are much easier to open without feeling weak at all and it seems to keep blades from rubbing each other . I guess they think we have beconme a nation of girly men. Anybody thinks a Case is too stiff should open one of my Great Easterns. Just don't get blood on it. 

Two on the left older, right pair, fairly new.

Good pics, Kirk. I have almost cut myself on my GEC #73.

Ha Ha
ken benson said:

I carry stockman. Always, even if I have others with me for some reason. I have mostly Case, but I like all quality knives. I  have settled  on the 18 pattern as the just right for always size.

 I am not really a collector , just a person with some extra of what he likes to use, many not yet used,  they haven;t made a knife too good to use or pull from my pocket as a on the spot reward to a young guest , for showing us he knows how to work. I always tell them it must be okay with the folks cuz I can't be around to teach safety and I don't want to be blamed if you cut your wingwang off.


You know Ken, I haven't thought about that 2-3 spring thing..I better check! From the picture the spacing does look a bit more even in the 3 spring pic. Here I thought i was as strong as ever! lol!

ken benson said:

 I found it interesting Case changed the 47  from 2 to 3 springs. I have no idea why they choose to do it, but the new ones are much easier to open without feeling weak at all and it seems to keep blades from rubbing each other . I guess they think we have beconme a nation of girly men. Anybody thinks a Case is too stiff should open one of my Great Easterns. Just don't get blood on it. 

Two on the left older, right pair, fairly new.

Congratulations Leopold! Its a beauty!

Leopold Lacrimosa said:

I just got my first Stockman for my own personal use. Its a H&R Bullrider Sowbelly Stockman Knife

I just love it! Especially the deer stag scales.

Here is a blue smooth bone Mossberg


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