So, you got a Stockman, wanna show it off? Here is your chance. even though you probably have the picture in your albums, post it here! You can either add an image to your comment by clicking on the camera icon, or you can attach a file, either way we would like to see your stockman.

one rule though.... it has to be a stockman!!!

Tags: fame, hall, of, pictures, stockman

Views: 15330

Replies to This Discussion

You can still get new Case knives with Mammoth Ivory Lee. 

Some here - http://www.bluegrassmountainknives.com/store/index.php?cPath=102

this is a 2007

Lee Smith said:

I really like this knife. How old is it?

jeff said:

ok..lets see if i can get a pretty pic

lol..I know how you feel!
Craig Henry said:

That's a good one Jeff! I love the character in those handles! Looks kinda like how my bones feel.

I know how you both feel.  As i sit here typing this, my back is hurting.
jeff said:

lol..I know how you feel!
Craig Henry said:

That's a good one Jeff! I love the character in those handles! Looks kinda like how my bones feel.

Sorry to hear that Charles. I hope you feel better soon. I've lived a lifetime with a bad back.....the reason I had to take a very early retirement.......so far I had to have three discs replaced in my neck.

Sorry to hear about yours.  My back trouble doesn't compare to yours.  I will probably have to live with mine the rest of my life.  So far anyway, it is not bad enough to make me consider surgery.

Various back problems are very common, unfortunately. 

My new Pearl Small Stockman...........(More pictures here - http://www.iknifecollector.com/group/casefans/forum/topics/33-patte...)

Definitely Hall Of Fame material you have in that sweet little Case, Craig.

Thanks Ron! My first Case pearl.

Oh for goodness sake I did not know it was your first Case pearl.!  Congratulations! And its a stockman!

Craig Henry said:

Thanks Ron! My first Case pearl.

Nice knife


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