CRKT is one of the most innovative knife companies out there! Let's brag about our CRKT collection!

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What is your favorite CRKT knife so far?

Posted by Wilma Slicer (Lynsie) on May 11, 2009 at 12:12

I say so far because we all know new knives come out all the time...and you NEVER know what cool stuff CRKT will come up with!

I have to say right now...i LOVE my Mini My Tighe. I get A LOT of complements on it. The entire design is purely original! The blade steel isn't that great...but it really does get the job done.

My least favorite is my Rollock. I LOVE the uniqueness of it, but it is definitely a collector's knife ONLY. I cannot be used for EDC. I've shown many people this knife and they all agree with me that it could be really dangerous in an emergency situation or if you need it quickly for an EDC task. I do keep it in my purse just in case, but I still like to pull it out to play with it and show other people.
Oh yeah, it's the only knife I have cut myself on!

Reply by Keelen Grimm on May 11, 2009 at 16:03

My favorite CRKT is the Pharaoh. I love how big it is and anything Elishewitz designs is a plus. Thanks for starting this group. I think we have all the major companies covered now.

Reply by William Cutting on May 11, 2009 at 16:17

My favorite is the Hissatsu Folder. I'm amazed at how stout this knife is and it can pierce anything in its path.

Reply by Matt L (knifeman15) on May 11, 2009 at 21:07

The only CRKT i have is the M16-14z and I LOVE it!!!! I baby most of my folders but not this one. Its my beater knife and it takes the beating well. It has such a smooth deployment and is easy to deploy with either hand with or without gloves. I also like the Auto-Lawks system. Very sturdy, very secure.

Reply by James Carroll (jdawg54874) on May 12, 2009 at 0:21

i love my pre auto-lawks m16-13z although it does have a radical re-grind due to a broken tip

Reply by Wilma Slicer (Lynsie) on May 12, 2009 at 8:24

you totally should! it's kinda hard to use as an edc blade though.

Reply by Wilma Slicer (Lynsie) on May 12, 2009 at 8:26

this seems to be their most popular knife. I've wanted to get one, but I noticed it has a really thing liner lock. do you have any problems with this?

Reply by William Cutting on May 12, 2009 at 13:42

I really do like it! We have a trash compactor at work and when it's full we have to take it out. The compressed cardboard is great for testing knife piercing capabilities. The hissatsu went through the cardboard like butter. It has incredible piercing capabilities.

Reply by J.T. [HELLZZARMY] on May 12, 2009 at 22:56

CRKT M21-14...

Reply by Cam on May 12, 2009 at 23:35

CRKT M-16 -14 FDZ

Reply by matt gesiorski on May 22, 2009 at 6:36

the m16 great knife all around i juat ordered the drifter

Reply by Chris Stookey on June 6, 2009 at 17:18

My favorite is probably the Annubis. Mine is all black. Love it. Great quality, nice heft, cool blade shape. Love those Elishewitz designs. Wish that it came with a better blade steel and that the pocket clip was movable...but other than that, GREAT knife. That said, I just picked up two "Naturals". One is a 7085...and it is a BIG folder. VERY, very cool blade. I also got the smaller one...the 7080m (micarta handle) and again, a very cool knife. While I love the designs and general build of The Naturals, they just aren't quite as "tuned" to me as the Annubis.

Reply by Wilma Slicer (Lynsie) on June 7, 2009 at 22:04

I've always been intrigued by this knife

Reply by J.J. Smith III on June 7, 2009 at 23:12

This is my favorite CRKT. Not a big Tactical fan, but I love this knife.

Reply by Dave White on July 12, 2009 at 7:02

I agree Bill,...Just got one myself, and am very impressed with it. Solid feel and nice blade thickness combined with that no nonsense point......Very attractive knife too...Hissatsu folder is a winner. Two complaints: the clip, mounted way too low , and no lanyard hole?

Reply by Wilma Slicer (Lynsie) on August 14, 2009 at 11:42

you can't go wrong with Gallagher! i would like to see pics of these knives.

Reply by David Hawkins on September 19, 2009 at 11:05

Here you go Wilma My CRKT Gallager Knives

 Reply by Brad Hyde on September 29, 2009 at 12:40

I like the M4 Carson with the auto LAWKS system....some of the new designs that I like are the Ignitor T and the Gallagher Badger...both of these newer designs have the OutBurst Assited opening with the new Fire Safe feature built into the thumb stud. The blade can not be opened until the safety button on the end of the thumb stud is firmly depressed and the thunb stud is nudged outward.

Reply by Dean Ellis on January 9, 2010 at 20:16

My current favorite is my S2. Titanium handle, ATS34 blade. A nice reasonably lightweight edc. It's a nice simple knife with no bells and whistles other than the frame lock. And it's always been scary sharp.

Reply by Lewrie Harmon on January 15, 2010 at 19:43

Having collected crkt's for some time now (so far over 120 ) I have a hard time honing down on just one...so let me pause on the Elishewitz e-locks. Here I find great design, great usability, and great quality over-all. I spend a lot of time with my crkt's and appreciate the quality this company constantly produces as well as the amazing variety.

Reply by james norman hall on January 18, 2010 at 19:56

On my first crkt knife the slabs can loose and I could not tighten. At knife show in Atlanta, the president of the company pass over a brand new one. I love the urban shark, have 4 long ones and3 shorter ones. I am sure there has to be much better one out there but for a factory one,hard to beat. norm

Reply by Ron Faircloth on January 19, 2010 at 19:07

It's my favorite too and it's one of my EDC knives. The Outburst opening is as fast as any auto I own

Reply by Chadjay (aka: m0ngrel) on January 24, 2010 at 20:35

i love my Ed Halligan M.D.P. Stiff K.I.S.S.

Here's a link, mine is the 3rd up from the bottom

and i'm always using my Daloris K.I.S.S. around the house for odds and ends that need a sharp tool.

Reply by jocelyn frederic on February 28, 2010 at 23:38

my favourite is my Kommer Bwana Alaska
big knife big jobs

Reply by Jeremi Lett on April 3, 2010 at 2:47

The Pharaoh is a Bad Blade!Is yours auto converted?Strong blade.I chopped through wood branches and no play in the blade at all.It truly does do what a fixed blade can.I guess if I had to choose my favorite blade and that I feel is one the nicest fixed knives,I have to choose the Hisshou long knife.It is a stunning piece of work in Japanese Samurai style.I just used it for backyard cutting tests and cleaned through 2 gallon jugs one swipe,then 3 two liter bottles with one slice.I was impressed as some swords cannot cut through these same targets.

Reply by Michel Brun on May 27, 2010 at 4:25

My favorite CRKT is the Tuition.
Small light and EDC in the front pocket jean. It is less aggressive than a more "fighting knife", you see it's a utility everyday knife.

Reply by john costello on July 28, 2010 at 19:05

Changes all the time, so right now I'll say the" IGNITOR"....smooth as silk, nostalgic lines and all round "good guy" pocket knife, without getting too "spacey looking".

Reply by Jeremi Lett on August 1, 2010 at 5:24

Is this a trick question?I know I answered b4,but its a different day and time now.But I am quite fond of the big knife the Hisshou.It is beautiful and functional.I cut thru a tatami mat cleanly and 4 two liter bottles also.Try that with your knife!Got to meet Mr.James Williams at 2010 Blade show,who designed this knife. My other favorite is the auto converted Elishewitz Pharoah.It has kept a great edge and is so rugged yet sleek/flowing in appearance.Have a knife day.


Reply by IvarsDay on February 11, 2011 at 0:33

My favorite CRKT now is a classic pocket knives like Stockman, whittler, and others.
A year ago my favorite was and still is M21 versions, a specialy M21-104SF / SFG vesian and a couple from M16 vesian. Aprox. year a go I was collect a tactical knives. Now I collect a classic, and CRKT have beautifull paterns. I hope to see in the future a new classic paterns from CRKT.

Reply by J.J. Smith III on February 11, 2011 at 0:41

I've got one of the whittlers.  They are nice.

Reply by Jeremi Lett on February 11, 2011 at 2:50

Hisshou!! Certain Victory! Here's a "Real American Hero" with CRKT blades.He doesnt talk much but we get along.

Reply by Dean Ellis on May 17, 2012 at 16:32

My favorite has been an S-2. Titanium and ats34, a nice thin pkg for the pocket.

Reply by 0i7wgehqz1f0d on August 25, 2012 at 4:51

My collection starts here. The Carson designed M21-14SFG. It really is a great piece. I have some more Carsons coming.


Reply by Craig Henry on August 27, 2012 at 17:27

I don't have a lot of CRKT knives. I want to try a couple of their traditional slipjoints. But anywho,  here is one of my favorites....

 Reply by Jeremi Lett on November 12, 2012 at 20:22

Funnest long knife I own and use to cut with.Melons stand no chance!!

Auto-Lawks Dilemma!

Posted by William Cutting on May 12, 2009 at 13:32

Hey everyone I was just wondering what your opinion was about CRKT's AutoLawks safety system. Do you like it and do you think it's as strong as a fixed blade like they say it is?

Reply by William Cutting on May 12, 2009 at 13:53

I bought the EDC version ot the M16 and it had autolawks on it but the liner lock was so weak that it would still fail on me even when the autolawk was in place. Because of this, I have been very skeptical about CRKT's blades. I felt that all crkt knives would do this and I didn't buy a crkt knife for some time. My friends bought me the CRKT Triumph for my birthday and that knife sort of got me back into CRKT, so I bought the Hissastu folder. Both of my CRKT's have the autolawks and I have not had the locking mechanisms fail on me and now I really like CRKT's AutoLawks safety system it gets pretty close to fixed blade strength. Was the EDC m16 was a fluke, or has anyone else had problems with theirs?

Reply by Justin Krzynowek on May 12, 2009 at 20:10

I think the AutoLawks system on my Titanium Big Dog M-16 is amazing. Very simple design but yet so functional. I bet it probly saved me a few bandaids without me ever knowing. It is also in a very good area so its not any harder to close one-handed. But I wouldn't say it's as strong as a full tang fixed blade because it's still a liner-lock no matter what. But I defenatly think it's stronger/more reliable than a regular liner-lock because theres no way that liner can slip out from under the blade. Overall... I love the AutoLawks system.

Reply by rocky on May 16, 2009 at 3:03

it's just a fluke, I have a couple of them and have never experienced that problem

Reply by J.T. [HELLZZARMY] on May 21, 2009 at 23:27

It's a good idea though I like the older version of the "LAKE AND WALKER KNIFE SAFETY" like the one my SRT LE 1* TANTO m16. I want the option to use or not to use it...

Reply by Cam on May 22, 2009 at 1:16

I think it is a great concept but i could see it getting in the way. I think the manual LAWKS system like on the m-4 (could be wrong) is much better.

Reply by Chris Stookey on June 6, 2009 at 16:32

Actually, I have several M16 and M21 knives and haven't experienced any failure. Having said that...I do think that the liner lock is pretty darn thin. So...it may be that your knife was defective...or it may be that the thinness of the liner just couldn't handle what you were doing. In any event, with all folders, I've taken to a strict policy of not using them the same way that I would a fixed blade knife. If I have really heavy duty work to do...I'm always for fixed blade. Nothing beats it. I love my M16s and M21s and think that the Auto-Lawks system is an excellent invention.

Reply by Dave White on July 16, 2009 at 14:35

Just got the Hissatsu folder last week, and I really like it....I like the Autolawks safety as a bit of insurance, just like the safety on a gun. Doesn't make it any stronger, but prevents an accident or two, I'm sure. I'll stick with fixed, full tang knives when maximum strength is needed.

Reply by Paul J Granger on January 8, 2010 at 19:07

I love CRKT lots!
I know Ed Halligan personally.
And I am a friendly aquaintance of Rod Bremer.
As a matter of fact, one of the knives that CRKT makes was my idea.
So you know I really love the company.

But I do hate auto lawks. Manual lawks was ok. But auto lawks is yuk.
It is certainly safer. Perhaps it is there to reduce liability. But I have
really considered disabling the auto lawks on a couple of mine.
Not that I would suggest that you do that!!!
I have never cut myself using or closing a quality liner lock. So I don't see the need.

Reply by Jeremi Lett on April 3, 2010 at 2:13

The new auto lawks is not a great improvement in my opinion and I promote,sell,and carry CRKT products.It works well with the auto conversion Pharoah and Anubis as it locks blade safely open and closed.I have chopped and wacked the back of open bladed pharoah on tables multiple times to show customers and colleagues just how bad ass the lock is on a auto knife under 100 bucks.I was lucky to meet the CRKT crew at a 2007 Blade Show.I agree with you

Reply by Clint Thompson on October 5, 2011 at 15:51


I have many CRKT and put them to the test.  All of the liner locks are strong and function flawlessly.  I just received a Hissatsu folder.  I have been carrying it around for a product evaluation.  The Hissatsu looks like a good self defense knife but a little small for this function.  I would say the Hissatsu is more of a tool than a self defense weapon.

Like all tools, in a pinch when things turn to shit and all rules of engagement go out the window with the bathwater and baby....the Hissatsu would be good for face strikes and under the arm stabs.  If you are defending yourself with a knife it is best to use the knife till the attacker leaves you alone and you feel they will not attack again.  In other words don't run them down and jump on their back screaming like a banshee and start stabbing about the head and face.  My fellow cops will see this in a different light then you do.  Remember defense is defend yourself till the threat has stopped.

CRKT Eraser Problem

I just received the CRKT Eraser this week. I bought it brand new off of ebay, and it has a problem. This knife has an unacceptable amount of blade-play. I can understand if a specific design calls for a little bit of it. But this thing is horrendous. If I shake the knife, I can actually here the play. Adjusting the pivot will not help. Even tightened to it's limit it still has the play. I notified CRKT and they have yet to reply back to me. I don't know if I should go ahead and send it to them. Or wait for an email from them. What do you all think?

Reply by Clint Thompson on June 18, 2012 at 15:29


Is this a new in the box knife?  I have an Eraser in silver non-serrated blade and it has no wobble.  If it is new in the box CRKT should stand good for this.  If it is used then I would hope they would fix it for a reasonable price.  Keep me in the loop.  Nothing else I will call my person there.

Reply by Patrik Ilijev on June 18, 2012 at 16:44

Thank you for sharing Matt I think  this knife should not have any blade play. I saw some youtube vids nobody mentioned any blade play maybe your one did came damaged. 

Reply by Matt Sherman on June 18, 2012 at 18:53

Yes Clint, I got this blade brand new. I was kinda shocked to find that much play in a brand new knife. Same here Patrik, I've watched the vast majority of videos on this blade and none of them have mentioned this problem. 

EDIT: CRKT just emailed me back saying they would pay for return shipping and issue me a brand new knife. So A+++ for CRKT customer service.

Reply by Patrik Ilijev on June 18, 2012 at 18:58

I know that people at CRKT are reasonable and do there job right after all customer are the most important for a business. I hope your new one will be nice smooth and without blade play. Keep us informed. 

Take care.

Reply by Clint Thompson on June 18, 2012 at 19:11

They are good people for sure.

Reply by Leopold Lacrimosa on June 18, 2012 at 19:45

Here is CRKT Shipping & Return policy


Reply by Jan Carter on June 18, 2012 at 19:48

Good to know that this company has such a good rep for making things right.  Good Work CRKT!!!

classic pocket knives, has anyone bought one?

We have a friend that has just begun whittlin' and we thought he should have a whittler.  After looking at all the affordable options we settled on the Pocket Classic - Whittler

Open Overall Length 5.875 inches
Closed Length 3.5 inches
Weight 2 ounces

Length 2.375 inches
Thickness 0.05 inches
Material 7Cr17MoV
Blade-HRC 57-59
Finish Satin
Grind Flat
Style Clip
Edge Plain
Blade 2 Length 1.75
Blade 2 Grind Flat
Blade 2 Style Clip
Blade 2 Edge Plain
Blade 3 Length 1.625
Blade 3 Grind Flat
Blade 3 Style Pen
Blade 3 Edge Plain

Material Burnt Amber Jig Bone
Liner Brass

Type Slip Joint

Will let ya'll know how he likes it.  Has anyone else bought these?

Reply by Jan Carter on July 11, 2012 at 18:18

 Let's let him use it for a week or so and find out how he feels about the knife.  I will let you know :)

Reply by J.J. Smith III on July 11, 2012 at 19:32

I've got one, Jan.  It's a nice knife.  Should make the recipient very happy

Reply by Jan Carter on July 11, 2012 at 20:38

Good to know JJ, He has only been whittlin for a few weeks but I wanted him to have something other than the RR barlow we gave him last year to do it with

Reply by J.J. Smith III on July 13, 2012 at 21:48

That should be a good partner to the barlow. 

Reply by Billy Oneale on July 15, 2012 at 21:48

It looks nice, you don't see very many classic CRKT slip joints like that.

Reply by Jan Carter on July 18, 2012 at 5:18


It is a new line they introduced this year.  Can't wait to get back and hear how it has been performing.  We liked our CRKT so much and the cost was reasonable to give away, we thought we would give this new line a try

Reply by Jan Carter on August 2, 2012 at 17:53

Well Bill has been using this knife to carve a truck out of a block of cedar for about the past two weeks.  He is a workaholic and this gives him something to do while hanging out in his office.  It has held up very well and I hope to hear more specifics this weekend


EDC Fixed Blade Knives

What are your thoughts on the "Minimalist" Series of Knives offered by CRKT?

(2387) Minimalist Bowie - Designed by Alan Folts
Minimalist Bowie - Designed by Alan Folts

(2385) Minimalist Wharncliffe - Designed by Alan Folts
Minimalist Wharncliffe - Designed by Alan Folts

(2012) Ringed Razel - Designed by Jon Graham
Ringed Razel - Designed by Jon Graham

(2386) Minimalist Tanto - Designed by Alan Folts
Minimalist Tanto - Designed by Alan Folts

Reply by Clint Thompson on June 6, 2012 at 13:51

CRKT are the makers of excellent knives which are, for the most part, made off shore.  The Minimalist Bowieand others mentioned are excellent as well.  I found the Minimalist Bowie at $21.95 at Blade HQ.  I would say these knives are very functional for everyday use, game cleaning and if pushed to it....self defense.  I believe they are a good buy.

Jan, Pat, Johonny what do you think?

Reply by Steve Hanner on June 6, 2012 at 20:13

Interesting Clint, I was unfamiliar with them and being function oriented, I kind of liked the approach.

Reply by Jan Carter on September 29, 2012 at 13:54


Late reply :(

But I do agree.  Being an offshore made knife does not mean to most what it used to.  Although most of the collectibles we own are US made, in the past year we have purchased some fine non US made knives and CRKT is among the best of them.  From the quality of the steel to the fit and finish, this company provides a quality knife at affordable cost,

Reply by Craig Henry on September 30, 2012 at 18:08

The SPEW. I like the looks of that SPEW. Anybody have one?

Comment by Jan Carter on February 24, 2013 at 17:45

CRKT introduces their first female designer

Comment by Steve Hanner on January 25, 2013 at 19:00

Well that sounds exciting Clint. Can't wait to read all about it. A small usable knife would be most welcome for "Those Who Serve"

Comment by Clint Thompson on January 25, 2013 at 14:26

CRKT has produced a new addition to the James Williams knife designs.  I must say I like these knives as they are quality from one end to the other.  All of James Williams knives for the most part, to this point, have been too large for what I believe is a good functional combat knife for the Military and or Law Enforcement.  Now CRKT has produced the latest James Williams design called Sakimori.  This knife is not yet on the market but will be soon.  I have one as a sample for an article coming this spring.  In addition to the Sakimori I have the Hisshou as well to show the largest to the smallest.  The Sakimori has a blade length of 5 3/4" and is built for strength.

Also, CRKT has produced the Hissatsu which is the bigger brother of the Heiho.  I love my Heiho (which I bought) so I wanted to see how the Hissatsu measures up to its littler brother.  I found the Hissatsu to be as great as the Heiho.  The Hissatsu is a large heavy duty tactical pocket knife.  Both the Heiho and the Hissatsu are both fitted with the Outburst assisted opening system.  When you encourage the blades of these bad boys...be sure to hang on as here they come.

Comment by Clint Thompson on January 5, 2013 at 18:13

The web site says it will be $99.00.

Comment by Steve Hanner on January 5, 2013 at 17:55

I think you are right Clint this knife is a little bigger and that longer blade is attractive. The knife is functional with your hand placed on top or underneath.

Comment by Clint Thompson on January 5, 2013 at 14:39


I have the smaller version the Heiho and I love the little bugger.  The blade flies out when you give it a nudge.  It is very sharp and functional.  The Otanashi Noh looks the much like the Heiho but the liner lock is part of the handle which has had some minor changes.  The blade is about 1/2 inch longer too.  My guess this is one great knife.  If you take the plunge and get one let me know what you think?

Comment by Steve Hanner on January 5, 2013 at 9:20

Well here is a knife that actually has my interest from CRKT. What appears to be a very usable knife.  Any thoughts info on this one: CRKT Otanashi Noh Ken

Comment by Craig Henry on November 3, 2012 at 16:55

There's also a larger version.......the K.I.S.S. - 3 1/2" closed

Comment by J.J. Smith III on November 2, 2012 at 21:07

I keep one clipped to my cellphone case.

Comment by Steve Hanner on November 2, 2012 at 20:10

Thanks Craig now it is small but perhaps as that 4th or 5th option we may have something.

Comment by Craig Henry on November 2, 2012 at 0:23

Here's the info from the CRKT site;

Open Overall Length  4.25 inches
Closed Length 2.625 inches
Weight 0.9 ounces

Length 1.75 inches
Thickness 0.1 inches
Material 420J2
Blade-HRC 51-53
Finish Bead-Blast
Grind Chisel
Style Wharncliffe
Edge Plain

Material 420J2

Comment by Craig Henry on October 30, 2012 at 16:32

Here's some more pictures of the Delilah's P.E.C.K. to show you all the ins and outs.....by the way it's 2 5/8" closed


Comment by Craig Henry on October 30, 2012 at 1:57

Yes, it does work like a regular frame lock. I should have taken pictures of it closed too. The blade has a chisel grind, and the blade stays on the outside when closed, with the edge lying almost flat against the frame. There's a clip on the other side, which is really meant for use as a money clip, though I guess you can clip it wherever you want! 

Comment by Steve Hanner on October 29, 2012 at 19:09

I mentioned it on the photo Craig but I had to mention that here, That Delilah's P.E.C.K. is one great looking knife! I just really like that blade design. Does it work like a conventional lockback?

Comment by Craig Henry on October 28, 2012 at 16:24

Thanks Billy!

Comment by Billy Oneale on October 28, 2012 at 15:42

Nice ones, Craig

Comment by Craig Henry on October 27, 2012 at 16:35

Here's a few more of my CRKT's.........

CRKT M21-02G

CRKT Lake 111 Aluminum

Delilah's P.E.C.K.- Designed by Ed Halligan

Comment by Steve Hanner on October 24, 2012 at 21:04

Congratulations to our friends at CRKT who just got Front Page on the November Knives Illustrated! And what knife did they show?

Comment by Jan Carter on October 23, 2012 at 21:15

newest at our house

Comment by Steve Hanner on October 23, 2012 at 19:46

Another version of the M-16

The M16 –SS EDC Series - A proven knife design platform made simple, made tough, and made affordable.

If you are a fan of the Kit Carson designed M16 tactical folding knives you are going to want to check out these stainless steel (SS) variations.

Handles are shaped and contoured in the same confident grip M16 style, but are crafted of a retro flavored stainless steel. Handles are all finished in a classic black oxide finish. These folders are available in several blade style options including cutting edge configurations, each with their own user advantages to offer. Blades also feature the Carson Flipper for quick and convenient blade actuation—and the flipper doubles as an effective blade guard in the open position. Blade lock up is secured through the traditional framelock mechanism.

The M16-SS EDC Series is a straight up, "no frills" every day carry folder design that kicks butt in pure performance and value.

Comment by Steve Hanner on October 18, 2012 at 21:24

I am putting it on my list, have to stop admiring it and just get it! LOL

Comment by Billy Oneale on October 18, 2012 at 21:20

It looks good also. It is just the right EDC size.

Comment by Steve Hanner on October 18, 2012 at 21:15

well Tango or Tanto, I have heard so much about that M16-10Z it must be a great blade

Comment by Billy Oneale on October 18, 2012 at 21:11

Thanks, Steve.

Comment by Billy Oneale on October 18, 2012 at 21:04

Tanto blade, not tango.

Comment by Billy Oneale on October 18, 2012 at 21:03

The green micarta Tuition and the Carson M16-10Z with the tango blade. I like them all, but those 2 are my favorites.

Comment by Jan Carter on October 18, 2012 at 6:12

Very nice Billy.  Glad you got some time to spend with them.  Tell me which one of those is your favorite CRKT?

Comment by Steve Hanner on October 15, 2012 at 9:45

Wow some great looking knives there Billy!

Comment by Billy Oneale on October 14, 2012 at 22:07

Here is another pic of those.

Comment by Billy Oneale on October 14, 2012 at 22:02

Well, look at what I did today. I got to play with some of my knives. Here is a group pic of my CRKT collection so far.

Comment by Jan Carter on September 26, 2012 at 17:38

Also available in the CRKT line up for fall

The Kommer 2-Shot® Skinner is available as a fixed blade hunting knife, and now as the new, perfectly sized, lockback folder. This folding hunting knife features a mirror polished, "bellied" drop point blade with high-hollow grind for razor sharpness. Stainless steel bolsters and bright orange G10 handle scales fill the grip comfortably. The Kommer 2-Shot Folder® comes with a premium grade leather sheath for secure and convenient carry in the field. 

Comment by Craig Henry on September 26, 2012 at 1:2

That IS a nice looking tactical Hog.

Comment by Steve Hanner on September 25, 2012 at 20:49

Feast your eyes on this announcement from CRKT moments ago.

We are pleased to announce the new Shenanigan Tanto (K490KKS). by Ken Onion

Cold forged aluminum handle tactically inspired version of his tough, original, utility work horse, the Shenanigan.

AUS 8 stainless steel, combo serrated edge, tanto blade, with a non-reflective black titanium nitride finish.

Comment by Jan Carter on September 8, 2012 at 18:26

I was looking at the same thing Hog, it does appear they are going to go big for hunting season.  With a chance to win some pretty cool stuff too!

Comment by Jan Carter on September 6, 2012 at 17:35

CRKT® and Realtree® announce an exciting new enter to win promotion to kick off this year's hunting season! The two companies known for unique and quality hunting gear have combined forces to put together two...not one...two exceptional prize packs for the hunting community this year! See Enter to Win tab here for all details!

Comment by Steve Hanner on September 4, 2012 at 21:47

I've been reviewing some of the promotional material from CRKT for the Fall Hunting Season, Looks like they are going all out with some new knives as well as hunting tools.

Comment by Jan Carter on August 28, 2012 at 19:17

Wow..bet it wouldnt take him that long now days.  He did real good with this one Hog.  My guess is in 1975 this was a pretty revolutionary design.  It obviously was a design that will stand the test of time.  Although not a traditional design it certainly is a classic one

Comment by Steve Hanner on August 27, 2012 at 17:16


It was a pleasure talking with AG Russell about the history of this knife, first designed by him in 1975. It took him 2 years back then to get this knife even made.

Comment by Steve Hanner on August 23, 2012 at 20:21

Several days into test of the Sting knife, so far it has passed many tests , more to do with it tomorrow, but I will say wears well, is light, but solid in construction. More to follow!

Comment by Jan Carter on August 18, 2012 at 17:57

YAHOO!  I am glad it's the Sting.  It will be an interesting knife to review.  I like the design and the size.  Can't wait!

Comment by Steve Hanner on August 16, 2012 at 20:01

Well here is some great news yes, the Sting review will be done and expect to have in a week. Absolutely can't wait!

Comment by Steve Hanner on August 14, 2012 at 19:44

Well we had decided to try and do a review on the AG Russell designed CRKT produced Sting which did seem like a good combo as Ag is a contributing member here.

But I have not received that knife in my possession and am asking for suggestions on another possible CRKT knife for a Sharper Review.

They do have a lot of new models coming out so perhaps a new one from there current inventory. Any help is appreciated!

Comment by Steve Hanner on July 27, 2012 at 9:06

It sure looks like it would be a perfect candidate for A Sharper Review, doesn't it? I mean its design is Ag Russell and it comes from CRKT who although they don't participate directly... have interest in this community and this Group. There have to be people interested in its performance.

Comment by Clint Thompson on July 27, 2012 at 8:43


I don't know of any review within say the last two years.  Do you want to review this knife?

Comment by Steve Hanner on July 26, 2012 at 22:32

OK that is good to know Clint, I never even thought of checking back issues of Knives Illustrated, perhaps this has been through a review already?

Comment by Clint Thompson on July 26, 2012 at 10:07


Yes this is an excellent knife.

Comment by Steve Hanner on July 26, 2012 at 9:19

Comment by Clint Thompson on July 16, 2012 at 8:32


This is a great knife.  If you ever go to Europe check their laws about lock bladed knives.  England will not allow a lock bladed knife of any size....and limit the blade to 2 1/2" which would fit the Pazoda.

Comment by Billy Oneale on July 15, 2012 at 21:46

Here's my newest. It's not very big, but makes an excellent gentleman's knife and it would be legal in most places. It is 3" in the closed position and has a 2 1/2" blade. This is called the Pazoda.

Comment by Steve Hanner on July 4, 2012 at 10:07

Just in time for summer fun, an attractive, bright, wearable fixed blade:


Designed by Terry Renner.

Kayaking and Boating this summer?

Fixed blade knife and sheath system designed specifically for use as a whitewater and extraction knife.

This knife will quickly cut through cord and belts without tip penetration.

Anybody with experience on this knife?


White River Knives

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