Some of you are aware that Donnie and I are relocating to the GA mountains this weekend.  My first order of business was to have a wood burning stove installed for heating.  All outside lighting will be solar and by summer I want a small solar oven.  I have decided the electric company gets the very least I can possibly give them every month.  Although I will have a conventional oven and stove I want to do 90% of everything on the wood stove. So....what do you all know about it?  Got any ideas or recipes to share?  I will be using this model but it has the case iron legs not the stand

Tags: Learning, a, cook, on, stove, to, woodburning

Views: 741

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Sounds great. I think there is something special about a warmth from wood burning than gas or electricity. It just feels so much more comfortable.

well it sure is good to have the chill off the wood floors upstairs!

Jan, I grew up in an eight room farm house (4 up, 4 down).  The only heat source we ever had in one of the upstairs rooms was a one foot square grate in the floor that let the heat in the room below flow up into it.  That and the warm floor kept that room nice and warm.  We heated with wood stoves too.

We had a venison chill the other night. It was so good, cooked long and slow. Miss Jan, are Ya'll enjoying the new place?

We are loving it.  Of course we are still putting it together.  This coming week will get most of it done :)

The POD on Thursday, washer and dryer on Friday.  Somewhere along the way the new grinder shows up

ok, I have been making the simple things, beans, chili ect.  But I think I would like to try making one of these when it warms up.  

Oh that's good , in Summer anyway !


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