OK, we have talked a lot about survival techniques and what we have in our bug out bags and what knife we would take with us.  Something i happening that I dont know how you would deal with.

Volcano Activity Summary for 11 May 2015:


So what techniques get you through this one???

Tags: 2015, Volcanic, activity

Views: 151

Replies to This Discussion

I'm going to go with Kelen's Dagger or Escape. Of course a Frost Brand Sword would also come in handy in such a circumstance.  What I wouldn't do for a Holocaust Cloak!

Kelen's Dagger of Escape, Allows the Hero to teleport a short distance.  Well thats one way

Tobias Gibson said:

I'm going to go with Kelen's Dagger or Escape. Of course a Frost Brand Sword would also come in handy in such a circumstance.  What I wouldn't do for a Holocaust Cloak!

Jan it depends on how close you are to the event.  I would say move to about 50 miles from the volcano.  If you are surviving and holding up while the ash fallout event is going on, then a filtered respirator and goggles with duck-tape around all windows, turn off the heating and air, have on hand 10 days of water and food per person.  Be prepared to protect what you have.  What do the rest of you think and give some good ideas on preparation.

ok, so if your not evacuated and just dealing with the fallout I can see the need for knowing how to seal off your house.  If you have to go outside?  I have heard ash is pretty corrosive on its own so along with respirator and goggles, long sleeves and pants with some good shoes??

Oh and I think not relying on anything solar might be best too
Jan Carter said:

ok, so if your not evacuated and just dealing with the fallout I can see the need for knowing how to seal off your house.  If you have to go outside?  I have heard ash is pretty corrosive on its own so along with respirator and goggles, long sleeves and pants with some good shoes??

 I think Jan and Clint pretty much covered most of it but having a generator, machete  and cook stove might be handy too. Of course there's always the old put your head between your legs - and well ya know the rest . lol.

If there is a lot of ash, a generator might get clogged up from ash, tho if it were in a small shed it might be ok. If I were preparing before hand, then ready to eat food would be my choice, water of course. Goggles, face mask etc, as was mentioned, would be a must. 

Of course, if it were Yellowstone, I think a few states away would be prudent. And then prepare to buy everything you need for a few years before it's all gone. My plan is always, buy what you need, like what you have onhand, is all you will have for a few years. Including food, medicine, clothes, gas etc, with the thought of, if it's really bad, the after effects may last for 10-20 years before things can get going again.


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