Posted by Scott King on April 30, 2009 

Character is defined as: originality of a person's nature, the quality of being an individual, just to name a few.

Is there a person from cutlery history that stands out to you and what is it about this person that is memorable to you?

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If you could travel back in time.....

If you could travel back in time to any place in time (and location), what'd be your first stop?

How about dinner with Harvey Platts? Traveling the roads with the Case Brothers? Maybe sitting in on the congressional hearings with the heads of the leading knife companies appealing for higher tariffs against the European and German imports?

Reply by C. David Pierce CRL on May 6, 2009

I've mused on this many a time and know that it would definitely have to be Andover, New York in the spring of 1907. There I would become aquainted with Charlie, Joe and Frank Platts and share first hand the birth pangs of their new enterprise, when hope and enthusiasm ran high. I'd bombard them with questions about quality standards and be at the factory to hold in my hand the first pocket knife finished by the assembly gang. Then I'd walk through the various departments to my hearts content watching exactly how the employees performed each operation and perhaps try my hand at it. Being able to observe the personal supervision of the Platts brothers at the cutlery would be the piece de resistance.

Reply by William Scott Stringham on May 5, 2009

Don't know if the story about Obadiah Barlow coming to America on the Mayflower is apocryphal or not. But ifit's true, I'd like to have witnessed how well he put his talents to use once he settled and went to work American soil. Also curious whether he made larger pieces before he left England and if some of them were then used in that country's Puritan Revolution. Another early American knifemaker that I'd love to see the actual knives of (including the first Arkansas Toothpick) would be Jim Bowie. Proof of the original design of his famous Bowie knife would probably be worth something too (LOL).

Reply by Trent Rock on May 5, 2009 

I'd like to play a game of billiards and have a shot of whiskey after work with these guys......
Robeson Cutlery Co.

Reply by Wayne Koons on May 4, 2009

Mike - Great thoughts! My Case Brothers 1904 catalog has the 8250's at 72.00. The highest of any knife, with 8 different handle materials available. Last year I seen a 8250 change hands at $5500.00

Reply by Roger Cunningham on May 1, 2009 

I think I`d use my trip on the time machine to go back to 1900 and hang around the Little Valley,NY area.I`d wear a coat with large pockets, they would be full for the trip back.

Reply by David L. Anthony on May 1, 2009

I think you have physic powers. I just submitted an article to Knife World on the Tariff hearings and all the major players. I found it to be extremely interesting. If you like I can send you the full version as Mark Z felt it a bit long for the publication. Neat stuff too. You need to quit reading my mind. It is getting a little weird LOL!!!!!!!!

I could do three more stories on this, but Mark said one was more than enough. Just not enough of us knife history nuts out there I guess.

David L. Anthony

Reply by rebecca seiter on January 16, 2011

I  would have to say  yes to little valley , but down the road just a little ways is WALDEN,N.Y.  NEW YORK KNIFE CO.,WALDEN KNIFE CO., SCHRADE, ELECTRIC KNIFE CO. AND OTHERS.From the mid 1800s to mid 1900s new york  state was the place to be anywhere in that state.I love the old cutlery co. knives,have recently purchased several new york knife co. knives.The internet has opened a whole new world of collecting for me.And i hope to pick up some history from you guys on somethings that books just does not cover.Collecting antique knives is my love and my passion for the hobby.      THANKS    FOR  THIS SITE        HAVE A GOOD DAY

you know, this is still one of my favorite conversations


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