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Cool occasion and really cool heart. What is the wood and the knife you used?

John Bamford said:

A close friend was in hospital for a bypass recently and asked me to whittle him a new heart, so I did.

Very nice John.

Floyd , I don't remember the wood I pick up bits of wood all over, I work outside so get to see bits here and there. It is from a conifer is about the best that I can say. I used my EnZo Birk to start with but as the wood had a rather coarse grain I had to switch to the Flexcut Whittler. Scandi grind knives are not kind to coarser grained wood as they want to split bits off all the time.

Floyd Jester said:

Cool occasion and really cool heart. What is the wood and the knife you used?

John Bamford said:

A close friend was in hospital for a bypass recently and asked me to whittle him a new heart, so I did.

Thanks JJ .

J.J. Smith III said:

Very nice John.

That even makes it more impressive. Thanks for the reply

John Bamford said:

Floyd , I don't remember the wood I pick up bits of wood all over, I work outside so get to see bits here and there. It is from a conifer is about the best that I can say. I used my EnZo Birk to start with but as the wood had a rather coarse grain I had to switch to the Flexcut Whittler. Scandi grind knives are not kind to coarser grained wood as they want to split bits off all the time.

Floyd Jester said:

Cool occasion and really cool heart. What is the wood and the knife you used?

John Bamford said:

A close friend was in hospital for a bypass recently and asked me to whittle him a new heart, so I did.

A cross I whittled for my Sister in Law. Kinda crude, but I don't usually smooth things out. I tried to make too many little squares and that was a time consumer, broke out a couple. But I enjoyed it and she said she liked it so I guess it is ok.

Nice job, Floyd.

Another vote in the "like" column.

I like it Floyd!  I am not much for the perfection of sanding everything either

Thank you Mr Smith and Mr Carter. I appreciate your kind and encouraging comments.

I did a " Heart and Claw" handled walking stick a little while ago for a friend who seems to like it well enough.

I had reservations about it and thought it could be improved so have had another, and last, try.

I like this one a little better, full length pic below.

More show than go though, next one will be a more useful stick I think.

John I like them both very much. Seems always the 2nd project is a little more refined as you've had practice on the 1st. I like them both. One of a kind and from the hand and heart.

John Bamford said:

I did a " Heart and Claw" handled walking stick a little while ago for a friend who seems to like it well enough.

I had reservations about it and thought it could be improved so have had another, and last, try.

I like this one a little better, full length pic below.

More show than go though, next one will be a more useful stick I think.


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