Knife Repair, Modification, Restoration & Improvement

This group is hosted by D ale, for knife enthusiasts who are interested in repairing, modifiying, restoring or improving knives, including fixed blades, folders and automatics of all types.

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  • Rino Smajo

    dismantled Camillus electrician knife

  • Rino Smajo

    Utica electrician knife,before and after 

  • Michael Squier

    Looks good Rino, what did you use for a finish on the wood?

  • Rino Smajo

     wood is finished with home made mix,carnauba flakes+bees wax+oil)

  • Jan Carter


    If Mike and Michael dont but these stiddy's let me know.  Plenty of folks looking for them but I would love to see our guys end up with them LOL

  • Jan Carter

    Rino, Great restoration on the electricians knife.  I like the ingredients in the mix, they should seal that wood up nicely

  • Jan Carter


    The Imperial is coming along nicely!

  • peter force


  • peter force

    bringing back old wood rocks!...that looks sweet bro!

  • J.J. Smith III

    No comments since February 27th, Peter.

  • Jack Haskins, Jr.

    I just got an email from a guy who makes stiddys and he should have some in a week or two. I asked him if I can post his email here. Until then if anyone wants one I'll reply to him about it with any info you want to give. He'll probably won't care about putting his email here but I don't want to until he says so.


  • Jan Carter

    Jack!!  You are GREAT!  Thank you

  • Michael Squier

    The Imperial is done. Just a plain walnut grip and brass cross guard. Now all it needs is a simp,e sheath. 

  • Bob Robinson

    Great job Mike. That walnut/brass looks great on it.

  • Featured

    Charles Sample

    Nice job Michael!

  • Jan Carter

    Very good job Michael, can you make the sheath also?

  • Jack Haskins, Jr.

    Thanks Jan. I am great aren't I. Probably one of the greatest people in the world. And let's not forget modest. lol

    Great work MIchael. Looks nice. Love to see the sheath when you are done. Leather?  Kydex? Do you have any plans? I like to fold cardboard and wrap it with electrical tape. :)


  • Jack Haskins, Jr.

    The email for the guy with the stiddies is

  • Lloyd Shoemaker

    2014%262015%20496.jpg2014%262015%20501.jpgHi Guys,

    Here are some pics of tools I'd like to sell. Call or text for details937 205 2603.



  • Michael Squier

    thanks peoples, no I dont do sheaths, cardboardwith tape sounds like my speed. Not sure what to do yet. maybe fond an old one that fits. 

  • Jan Carter

    Michael, if you dont have one get me the dimensions on the knife and I will see if we have one

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    You've certainly given a new life to an old knife ..and.. every time you use it .. you'll know that .. with a deep sense of satisfaction.

    !!! .. Nice job, Micheal ..  !!!

  • Michael Squier

    Thanks Jan, I'll measure it when I get in my shop. 

  • Michael Squier

    Jan, the blade is 5" long by 1" wide. handle is 3 3/4" long. Thanks for looking. 

  • Michael Squier

    I picked up a shefield bowie blade and cross guard missing its scales for ten bucks this weekend, I guess thats my next project.

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    The postman delivered a new EDC today .. SWEET !!!

    However .. must be modded first. Going to lose those finger guards real quick.
    Need to loosen up the lever also. Slightly too hard to lift up from the closed position. I intend to remove the lever & radius the appropriate surface. 

    Will make a nice addition to the EDC club.

  • Jack Haskins, Jr.

    New scales for my Spyderco worker sprint run. Bocote wood.

    I love this knife. I feel like a better person when carrying it. lol


  • Jack Haskins, Jr.

    D ale,

    Looking forward to what you do to the new EDC. :)

  • Michael Squier

    nice work guys

  • Michael Squier

    I saw a sheath picture where the back belt loop area flapped over the pomel of the knifeto hold it in.  Does anyone know what Im talking about and do you have a picture? Thanks I cant find one.

  • J.J. Smith III

    something like this, Michael?

  • J.J. Smith III

    or more like this?

  • Michael Squier

    neither one JJ, it had no snaps just a flap with a hole in it that looped over the top. 

  • Jan Carter

  • J.J. Smith III

    I guess our Grand pappys ways wern't too wrong after all.

  • James Cole

    Wow, Just Wow!!  I'm going to order a 5 gallon pail of 3in1 oil.  The author did a good job of explaining what he was going to do, including a control, and then reporting on the results.  I was surprised by the results of both Remoil and the waxes. 

    Thank you Jan for posting this video.

  • Jan Carter

    Michael are you looking at a sheath like Greg Dash uses?

  • Featured

    Jeremy B. Buchanan

    Very good video. I guess I know what to do with my knife blades now.

  • Featured

    Charles Sample

    Those are surprising results!

  • In Memoriam

    D ale

    I'm sticking w/ my Renaissance Wax.

    Nice video, Jan .. thanks for posting !!!

  • Jan Carter


    I feel the same way my rem oil LOL.  But the chance that I am going to leave the collectibles, much less and EDC, out in the rain

  • John w schmidt

    Sorry ,could t add the pic! It's railroad bearing grease.
  • Michael Squier

    Great test, Ive seen it done before with gun parts and the results were the same. For me I like the wax because it leaves no film for dust to stick to, and if you really dont want your knife to rust dont leave it outside. But it is nice to know the best oil preventative is also one of the cheapest. 

  • Michael Squier

    Question for you knife builders and moders. Would there be any interest in black walnut cut from genuine civil war musket stocks for use as scales? These would be from unusable stocks, no good guns will be harmed. 

  • Jan Carter

    Michael I do that M. Carpenter was using some rifle stocks, see the discussion here  Any Suggestions re knife scales

  • Jan Carter

    BTW, I like the idea.  A company that uses these type of woods is The historic Pen Company and they also make knife blanks

  • Featured

    David Fenn

    Hello fellow knife enthusiasts! I have, what I have found with the assistance of some other iknife members, an old kabar grizzly switchblade. Unfortunately, the action is not working. I am looking for any information or suggestions regarding the possibility and cost of repairing this.

    Any thoughts are appreciated!
  • Daniel Howland

    Hi David,

    Nice find!

    The pivot pin has issues and the hole is elongated, scales are cracked. What condition is the spring in? How far do you want to go with this restoration? Can you provide more pictures and different angles? 

  • Jan Carter

  • Derek Wells

    Firstly I must admit I have not been on-air here at this forum very much but I intend to rectify that from now on. I enjoy some of the modern knives but my heart is really with the traditional knives I grew up with.

    I’ve been getting into more & more Pocket Knife repairs and restoration and the time had come for a dedicated Anvil Workstation – This is based on the “Steady Rest” described in Ben Kelley Jn’s great little book on Pocket Knife Repair.(ISBN 0-87341-387-3) The old time Cutlers in Sheffield England referred to them as "Stiddies" 

    All done the ‘hard way’ with basic tools and lots of elbow grease from a piece of tram line. This is the second one I have made the first was some smaller track and is just a bog standard anvil design.