Research & Resources

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  • Clint Thompson


    This is a good question.  However, you are only the second lady I know who likes knives.  The other one, Jennifer, I taught self defense with an edged weapon.  We never had a chance to talk about this.


  • Jan Carter

    I know female makers that are active in the knife community but really only one collector.  Knifegirl888, she is active here and on a few other sites
  • Jan Carter

    Anyone else have any ideas?
  • Clint Thompson

    I don't know why the ladies don't talk about collecting knives.  My guess would be they would not want to be seen as UN-ladylike.  The strong willed and secure in their femininity ladies,  will be glad to talk knives.  Jan your a lady knife collector, what would you say?
  • Jan Carter

    I think you may be correct Clint.    I have tried for years to figure it out.  I go to many knife shows and gatherings where women have no problem talking about knives and their collections.  May just be that is a comfortable forum them to speak up in since there are always alot of women around.
  • Clint Thompson


    Yea they can't go on lunch break at the bank and say, "Hey look at my new Back Bite combat knife.  I carry it so if anyone bothers me I can mark them up."  LOL!

  • Jan Carter


    Really, I am not supposed to do that at lunch?  My Bad!

  • Jan Carter

    She is certainly an interesting person isn't she.  I read this also


  • Jan Carter


    You buying the IKC 2011 knife?

  • Jan Carter

  • Jan Carter


    Put a new one by Lynn Dawson in

    Women knife makers and bladesmiths

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    How many women do we have in IKC?

  • Jan Carter

    Robert my last count was 110 but we have added a few since Babes opened.  Educated guess maybe 125.

  • Jan Carter

    So, are any of you looking forward to getting a new sharp and pointy obejct for the holiday season??

  • stephen tungate

    looks like your site is doing well jan i'm glad how many women are into knives it is great...

  • Jan Carter

    Thanks Stephen we have a few now that come by pretty regularly

  • Jan Carter

    I love this story

    A Sharp Dagger Strapped to her Inner Thigh

    The Grandma with a classical education talked one fresh spring morning with her 3 grand daughters. "Now dears, I want you to see how the Ancient Irish girls protected themselves." She put her leg on a chair and pulled up her dress above her knee. She grabbed a sharp knife from the kitchen drawer. "In order to protect their virtue, Ancient Irish maidens would strap a knife like this to their inner thigh."

    One of the "correct" Mamas corrected the old crusty Grandma. Her daughter stood up to proect her Grandma. "Mother, we know we can't do that today, but you know what, this makes me feel different about my ancient Irish cousins. They were well prepared to meet all of the challenges that life offered them."

    Anyone else have one???

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    That was a great story, Miss Jan.

  • stephen tungate

    very good story jan. i have seen western's were the woman in the bars would carry a knife strapped to her leg.

  • Clint Thompson

    Yes Jan, you did a very good job of story telling.  I have a couple of daggers the ladies of the evening carried in their garters.  The ones I have were made in England and traceable to the Yukon around 1898.  Cool stuff.

  • Jan Carter

    A purse was the most common way for a woman to pack a sidearm, and may still be today.  Unfortunately it’s a less than optimum arrangement, given that it’s the first thing a snatch-thief is likely to grab.  One can only speculate how many times some gal has has been surprised to find herself relieved of not only her money and her make-up kit, but also her primary means of defense.  More effective would be an open top belt holster worn high on the small of the back, or a knife strapped above the knee underneath a billowing Western skirt.  This was also an option:

    There have also been some fascinating arms created solely for the purpose of disguised carry.  Some of the most fascinating are revolvers disguised as handbags or “wallets.”  Imported from Europe or hand made by tinkerers in the good ol’ U.S.A.,  they were made of cloth covered metal, and could be set off by a hidden trigger.  No doubt the women who bought them liked to imagine the surprise of a robber– who after asking a woman for her money bag, gets either a bullet in the belly or at least the scare of a life!  Other clever oddities included single shot pistols that could double as “brass knuckles” once fired.... plus revolvers with built in folding knives, and even pocket knives that “go boom.”

  • Jan Carter


    When you get a chance can you show us some of the ladies knives?

  • Clint Thompson


    I will get one out of the safe and post a picture tomorrow.

  • Jan Carter

    Thanks Clint

  • Jan Carter



  • Jan Carter

    Clint is working on getting us a pic of his garter knives.  In the meantime here is one

  • Jan Carter

    LOL, I will bet she guarded the sour dough better than her knickers...



    C) protect, not only her knickers, but also a jar of sourdough yeast starter .

  • Clint Thompson


    Well here is my Lady of the Evening garter Dagger.  I had to find the Bank open to get it out of the deposit box.  So I put two knives in and took three out.  LOL! The dagger is marked on the blade, John Newton & Co. Sheffield on one side and a small frog character on the other.

  • Jan Carter

    Clint thanks for making into the bank for us.  That is way cool.  Great little garter set up.  That lady is as safe as she can be for her day and time

  • stephen tungate

    that is a beautiful set clint wow very cool...

  • Clint Thompson

    Thanks Stephen.  I look for this type of knife all the time.  You can find them on ebay but my experience lately is you will regret buying from that place.  New knives is one thing but a used 1889 dagger is another.

  • Jan Carter

    I agree Clint.  Unless you have experience with the seller, the older items are a tough thing to buy on ebay.  Better to be hands on with it 

  • Jan Carter

    Well this is a two parter...

    Is anyone buying their lady a knife for christmas?

    Are any of the ladies looking for a knife to be in thier stocking?

  • Jan Carter

    I beleive I am getting a knife for christmas but I still have not decided what to get Donnie

  • Clint Thompson

    Times running out Girl!  If you get tight on the time I have one very...very nice auto left.

  • Jan Carter

    Thanks Clint, I appreciate the help.  I think I decided.  He has the machine to mark the knives he makes but doesn't have the stencils.  Today I ordered the stencils and a test run GEC (Ithink)

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    No, some young ladies are buying me some knives though. Does that count.

  • Jan Carter

    That certainly does count and I am dying to see your newest

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Well, Santa is bringing me a small custom fixed blade by our friend James. The girls have decided on some Moose, so we'll have to wait till Chirstmas to see those. I am dying to see them too. I hope you get a great little knife for the holidays also, I know you've been a good

  • Jan Carter

    Hey, your getting a Moose and I think a Beavertail is headed my way.  We could start our own zoo Robert 

    I like the little custom peice idea BTW

  • Jan Carter

  • Clint Thompson


    LOL!  I love this video.  I took some notes on what this very interesting young lady had to say.  What a jewel!  Thanks!

  • Jan Carter

    I thought so also Clint.  Thanks

  • Clint Thompson

    I check on Youtube and found out this video is two years old.  I wonder if she ever gained full ownership of the Spyderdo.  LOL!  By the way she won the video contest where she faked the cut in her hand and drew the Sypderco knife.

  • Jan Carter

    That is funny Clint.  Maybe she is on her way to gaining full ownership ROFL (one knife at a time)

  • Jan Carter

    I read this today and thought,   WOW, these guys really knew hoe to make a lady happy

    Long before there were roses, chocolates, and fine restaurants on the Kenai Peninsula for men to please their wives, it was the crafting of a good Ulu, so that she could get her work done, that kept a wife content. Indeed the word Ulu means "Woman's Knife."

  • Clint Thompson

    The good old days.

  • Jan Carter

    LOL Clint,

    seems like just last week at my house

  • Jan Carter

    This is the newest Donnie made for me

  • Jan Carter


    Share with us please?