Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk

Collectors of Great Eastern, Northfield and Tidioute Knives

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  • Jan Carter

    The raffle is today folks.  Be sure to contact Chris before 1pm.  That will allow her some time to get your name on the tickets and the tickets in the drawing...Remember guys this is a one of a kind AND a proto, also an opportunity to help a great Project.  Let me hear that phone ring

  • Tom Peterson

    I see that GEC just posted the August production schedule on their web site.  Wonder what the Cuban Castro will look like?
  • Jan Carter


    I am guessing a cigar whittler on the cuban castro but what the heck could the Geppetto be???

  • Tom Peterson

    I think that the Geppetto will be some type of whittler since that was Pinocchio's dads name and he was a cobbler wasn't he? Wonder what they will do to the Templar to improve upon it? More natural scales like bone and wood? Multiple blades? There is always plenty of suspense coming out of GEC's factory!
  • David Adkins

    Geppetto was a woodcarver and toymaker in the Pinnochio story. I'd say a whittler, hopefully built on the 33 frame.
  • Tom Peterson


    Thanks for setting the record straight.  Been way too many years since I read Pinnochio, either myself or to my kids. In any event, I would wager that GEC will do it up right. The #33 frame makes sense. I would like to see a slightly larger model too someday. Not quite as big as the #54 Stockman Whittler (which I do like) but in between that and the #33.

  • johnny twoshoes

    Yeah, I think if thats what it is I need one. :)

    I could fall in love with one of those right quick.

  • Tom Peterson

    Johnny, I think that you are like me - you fall in love with almost all of the GEC knives! Even ones that may have not originally caught my attention find a way of speaking to me at some point and then one shows up in my mailbox! It's the darndest thing!!! I do like whittler's though.
  • johnny twoshoes

    Tom, I'd say so.

    I'm thinking about a Ben Hogan, and to be honest I wasn't really worried about getting one for a while, but now.... I don't know? They all just look so good, I feel like I should test them all. : ) A whittler would be fun,  I think it would do well for GEC too.  I don't have enough green for them to show up in the mail box that often, but I try.

  • Tom Peterson

    I've got a few Hogans and I like them. Mine are mostly Genuine Stag, Burnt Stag and Snakewood been thinking of picking up a Red Wine one. I struggle with the green issue too Johnny. Too many knives...too little money! I agree with you that a whittler would be a good seller for GEC. I liked the Courthouse Whittler but would like a humpback whittler, a seahorse whittler or just a plain old fashioned traditional whittler. Sounds like you got a pretty good collection though my friend and to boot you got a one of a kind Ryan special Powderhorn - a one of one! No one else can claim that!
  • johnny twoshoes

    Tom, the Garnet bone has my number right now. I may attempt a rescue mission of one, but I really love the Yellow Rose, but I can only save one. : ( 

    Nahh, I'll just wait till I can get both. I think a traditional whittler would be my first choice, I now have an executive whittle and I love it, I just need to actually whittle with it. 

  • Tom Peterson

    The Garnet bone is a handsome knife as is the Yellow Rose. I haven't gotten on the Y.R. bandwagon yet but I have had my eye on one or two. Sometimes I wait too long and they are all gone! I have a few of those Executive Whittlers myself - just got a cocobolo one with the New Aged finish when they came out. I need to do some whittling with mine too. I typically use my other New Aged #25 for that and as an EDC. Let us know how you like your Hogan(s) when you get them. I need to send one of mine back - my new Snakewood one with the clip and double pulls has neutralizer still on the blade and it gives it a brownish appearance that does not seem to rub off easily. I hate to part with it because it is sure a good looking knife but it needs to go back to PA to visit my #72's I guess.
  • Jan Carter


    The snakewood is just lonely without his buddies

  • Tom Peterson

    Jan, you are probably right!
  • Richard L Campbell (Dick)

    Boy, these whalers are nice but I ordered without knowing the price. Does anyone know. I like the Northfieldbest, but got the Tidioute as it was the anniversary knife.
  • johnny twoshoes

    Well Tom, I fight with that same decision, then when I send it in, it's all right. Know that it's in good hands my friend, they will be getting your 72's back to you soon I hope. 


    Good luck my friend 

  • Richard L Campbell (Dick)

    Never mind I found my invoice.
  • Jan Carter


    Josh Wills

    Greensburg, PA

    Thank you Josh for helping to support such a wonderful cause.  Congrats, its a beauty of a beast!!

  • Tom Peterson

    Johnny, I know that you're right. Got to get the Snakewood in the mail so she comes back asap.

    Jan, Is it too early to try to con Luca into organizing another knife drive - this time for a red spiral cut buffalo Whaler?! JUST KIDDING ....maybe. Not trying to diminish the value of Josh's sweet proto but darn didn't we all want one of those?!!! I guess I'm putting my foot where it's most comfortable again....

  • Tom Peterson


    Other than one of those awesome red spiral cut buffalo Whalers (which I am liking quite a bit as a new pattern), I would like to see a camp/scout type knife similar to those made in WWII as engineer's knives with some classic handle materials such as stag, elk, antique bone and old school type woods. I would also like to see a traditional, humpback or seahorse whittler that is 3 3/4"-4" range. I'd go for traditional cause I think it would have the widest appeal. I've heard some ask for a sowbelly. I wouldn't mind a two blade Copperhead either.

    From all that we've heard from Jan and Johnny2Shoes you all really did your Rendezvous up right and have created a real family atmosphere for GEC users and collectors. Hats off to you all for that. I hope and look forward to meeting all you guys next year if possible to celebrate your craftsmanship at GEC's 6th Rendezvous and also - god willing - my wife being cancer free.

  • johnny twoshoes

    Tom, you'll have that beauty back in your hands before you know it, but Doctor 2shoes has a remedy for your feelings of knife absence. You need to go to your favorite dealer and pick out a new GEC, a pattern you don't have yet. Test it, and get a good feel for it, you'll have you Hogan back before your even ready for it. If this works your fee will be a good review on the new knife. : )


    Ryan, I visited the Facebook page and everything looks great, I'm not a Facebook guy, so I can't really say if, and when I'll be joining, but I'm thinking about it. Congrats on the page, you guys are really reaching out and touching those GEC lovers. Great Job

  • Tom Peterson

    Ryan and Johnny,

    Thank you very much for your kind words and for your prayers. Great people around us give us strength to persevere!

    Ryan, how about some short runs of #72's with some spiral cut red or black buffalo handles, abalone, red stag and/or black lip pearl? Ouch, my checkbook is starting to hurt already! Also, how about some GEC baseball caps, velcro adjustable one size fits most, with GEC's, Northfield's and Tidioutes three logos on one hat (so you don't need a hat for each knife brand)? Everyone that bought one would be a walking GEC advertisement. I would have to have at least two if they came in different colors or a work hat and a dress hat if they didn't! We collectors need more GEC knives of course but some GEC gear/swag would be awesome too. Hat's would be easier to stock than T-shirts (which I would like too but I wear a 3 XL) since you don't have to have all of the sizes and colors to suit everyones fancy. License plates, travel coffee mugs, can coolers, GEC roll-up knife carrying cases? I don't want to lower the perception of GEC's great quality - just want to wear/carry the GEC brand name proudly! I will have to check you all out on Facebook , I guess. I have avoided it like the plague but I may have to re-consider now.

    Johnny, I wish that there was a GEC dealer in Orlando or close by. I have to get all of my GEC knives mail order without being to hold them and check them out first hand. So I will just have to enjoy some of the GEC knives that I already have until the #72's and the Snakewood return. Maybe I need to become a GEC dealer - don't tell my wife that! Orlando is only known for Randall Made Knives and they don't make folders. That might help support my GEC addiction! Sorry, I am getting way off track here!

  • Tom Peterson

    I was just on GEC's web site and see that they have a picture up of the Northfield Whaler in Walnut Stain jigged bone. This is similar to the Amber Bone offered lately but a bit darker. Looks pretty good to me! I hope that they keep a picture of the Red Spiral Cut Buffalo prototype on the Collect By Pattern page for the #46's so we can all check her out once in awhile.
  • Tom Peterson

    Now the Tidioute Cranberry Wine Jigged Bone Whaler that Jan got to name is up on GEC's web site. They must have run out of room for text cause they only called it Red Wine Jigged Bone. Jan, you'd better straighten this out with our pals at GEC! The whole concept of being selective could get lost with these Whalers. I am sensing another checking account overdraft similar to when the Templars and Courthouse Whittler's came out! Sign me up for Knife Collectors Anonymus pronto!
  • J. Dan Skean Jr.

    Dear Don and Jan (and other Great Eastern fans) - It was absolutely fantastic to be able to attend the rendezvous last weekend and to meet you guys.  I was there with my high school football-playing son who was fired up about going to the Steelers training camp in LaTrobe on the next day (he got 11 autographs including Hines Ward and even gave big Ben a hand slap when he came out to walk toward practice).  However, my great day was at Great Eastern, where Pat gave us a wonderful tour and I ended up parting with some $$ to get the laser-engraved smooth-boned whaler made for the event.  I am glad that you pushed me in that direction Don! I have collected stag GEC since early 2007 and wish I had attending more of these events.  What about that great pig roast?  I'll be back!  Best, Dan
  • Jan Carter


    I am sure glad he enjoyed his day at the training camp, he is a nice young man and I know he was looking forward to it.  We ended up with 1 of the show knives, 1 of the 5th anniversary and two of the cranberries.  Cant wait to see you both again next year and I am so glad you joined here also.  Keep us informed on your newest and how your son does this season  

  • Jan Carter

    Hey Tom, thanks for the heads up on the name..It reads Cranberry wine now.  You can join us in Knife collectors annoymus but really all we do at the meetings is share knifes with the group LOL
  • Tom Peterson

    No problem Jan. I wanted credit to go where it was due. I think that I would like Knife Collectors Anonymous - I enjoy seeing other folks favorite knives. After seeing what the new Whaler's cost in Burnt Stag and the bigger upcharge for the serialized models over what we usually pay I think that I am going to start collecting the bowtie knives! Ouch!
  • johnny twoshoes

    If I were to invest the money into a whaler, I would get the "Janberry Jig Bone" or at least thats the name I like. : ) But seriously, I think the added story behind it, fresh out of the tube would be enough for me to make a purchase, but we'll see. I still need a Hogan, and maybe a Kate. 


    I'll be praying for that ugly knife that I don't want, but we all know thats not gonna happen.

  • Russell Eric Lown

    Janberry Jig.....I like that!! I wonder if Jan likes it?   How about the new Burnt Stag and the Primitive Bone Whalers?

    I wonder if they will make a genuine stag version.

  • Billy Oneale

    I thought I seen one on the site in stag and it wasn't cheap either.
  • Billy Oneale

    It may have been burnt stag.
  • Tom Peterson

    I do feel guilty that I haven't ordered the Janberry Jig Whaler too since it was named by our own Jan Carter!  I already have three on order though and need to catch my breath. Jan you will have to add the Primitive Bone Whaler to your primitive bone GEC collection. You asked how to display them - at first I thought with a steer skull like on the old Eagles album (I am really dating myself now) but it may have to be with some whale bones now that the primitive bone Whaler is out. I wonder where a fella can get some whale bones? How about using some cowhide in black and white since the primitive bones are cow shin bones? That might be easier to come across than whale bones or a narwhal tusk. You got lucky with the Beaver Pelt, that is not something we see every day down here in sunny FLA.

    I kind of hope that GEC doesn't make the Whaler in genuine stag - the cost would be astronomical! The burnt stag is already high rent. Can you imagine one in Mammoth Ivory bark though? Like those $500 Rendezvous Whalers on Ebay. I saw a few Musk Ox handled Randall Made Knives recently and that was a pretty darn cool handle material. I don't suppose that is cheap either but while we are wishing for nice scales....

  • Tom Peterson


    What is the ugly knife that you don't want? You lucky dog you, you got folks everywhere giving you knives! What's your secret my friend? You are the field tester extraordinare! You should be on the payroll at GEC. Every time you do a write up of a knife I somehow feel compelled to go get one of whatever you're writing about, like I'm missing out on something! You did get me started on the American Elk, and for that I thank you. I haven't found a #12 GEC toothpick out there though. I was actually looking for two - one for myself and one for my father in law who is the real fisherman lately. I saw one at a retailer after your #12 fishing story and I didn't jump on it fast enough. GEC might oughta think about making a two blade toothpick like the old fishing knives but much better in the GEC fashion. One with a std. toothpick blade and one with the fish scaler& hook remover both in 440C and a hook sharpener on one side of the handle (American Elk would be nice). Upscale functionality!

  • johnny twoshoes

    Tom, okay if they did one like that, I would NEED to HAVE one, or two, but wow, my mouth is watering right now. I would buy one of them with any materials used, I love the sounds of that. If GEC would make a knife that didn't appeal to me, that would be okay, but they all looks so good, I want them all. : ( I hope you can find an Elk Pick, they are definitely pearls to have on a trout fishing excursion, well, at least for me.


    I just keep EDCing every knife I get, so if I'm gonna use one, why not pass on a little info to others who may be curios? I want people to know that GEC makes a great product, and one of the real ways of knowing that they do, is trying one in the pocket.


    Are you gonna pack the #61 in your pocket?

  • Tom Peterson

    I thought that my idea of a fisherman's special #12 would set the hook on you Johnny! I want all of the GEC's too, as I said before, even the ones that I don't want have a way of finding their way home to me. I didn't think that I was gonna like the Templars but ended up with 9 of them (they reproduce like rabbits)! I plan on carrying the #61 and it will be in the rotation with my #25 New Aged and #89 New Aged. Works ok with blue jeans with a coin pocket but when wearing shorts in the summer I always get mad at myself for putting my keys in my knife pocket. I hate to scratch up even my EDC's too much! I have several (read: LOTS OF) old classic other vintage knives that I like to pick from too. I have given up on the oldies for awhile but I have an Ulster Cattlemans knife in peachseed jigged bone that I like to carry when I'm not carrying my GEC's. I do enjoy a well made vintage knife and thinking of all that history from time to time. GEC's have the same quality of craftsmanship (if not better) but they only lack the decades of patina and pocket wear of some of my vintage friends. Check out some of my pics on my page sometime.
  • johnny twoshoes

    Tom, I've visited your pics many times, I can't say that they help my want to take a break from buying. Those Templars are amazing, I need one of those yet, and I'll probably have one before I get anything else. I'm just afraid that I'll like'm a lot, then I need more. I can't stand not using my GEC's, they just feel at home in my hand, or pocket, that quality needs to be put to the test, and they need to earn their keep. They fit the bill for an EDC knife quite perfectly, so I'm always wanting to carry every knife. I have a few that will wait months before I get them into the pocket. 


    Right now my #72 Red Wine has been my working buddy, she's helped me on the farm many times this year, when I get home she gets cleaned up, and slid back into my pocket, them my #61 joins in. They really work well for me, I don't "miss" another knife, I just decide on which one will be best suited for the chore before I pull one out. 


    I missed out on the New Aged, but they look really good. Right now though, I'm on a stainless kick.

  • Jan Carter


    I am going to get a chance TODAY to catch up on the pics you have posted,  Can't wait

  • Jan Carter


    Impressive collection of GEC.  Makes me want more!!

  • Jan Carter

    Hey GEC folks!!!

    Ryan just sent me an email....The Whaler just won the Knives Illustrated Overall Knife of the Year

  • Rusty R Halsey

    Wa-hoo! Knife of the year!  I agree whole-heartedly with their choice!
  • Richard L Campbell (Dick)

    It would sure be my choice. I just received the #2 primitive bone today. I guess Jan beat me to the #1. The Whaler is a fine specimen.
  • Jan Carter

    LOL, #1 never leaves the factory.  But the order is in, hope to have it next week.  Dick can you get us a pic?
  • Richard L Campbell (Dick)

    For some reason I can not transfer the pictures from my computer, but you will love it.


  • Jan Carter

    Thanks for trying Dick, I'll post ours when it gets here

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    I am gonna post a picture soon of a scout trapper in 440c that James Ivy rehandled for me, GEC 2008. It had sort of plain jane redish bone slabs, I bought it because of the 440c steel. James performed a little magic on it.
  • Jan Carter

    I can't wait to see it Robert, I hear it came out rather nice
  • Jan Carter


    Well the Cranberry Wine was up but now its gone from the site.  Maybe they are changing it to Janberry Jigged?

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Here's the GEC trapper with new handles by our James Ivy.

    Pictures just don't do it justice. Rattlers courtesy of Atchafalaya swamp.

  • johnny twoshoes

    Thats a beauty Robert. : )

    I just got back from upper Sandusky OH, I have lots to write and share, but brain does not want to function. Great posts everybody, I'm gonna try and catch up.