Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk

Collectors of Great Eastern, Northfield and Tidioute Knives

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  • Luca Vignelli

    Thanks Jim! I don't have a blazer of any color, but I get the picture! That's kind of what I was imagining. I love this place, you ask a question and it gets answered immediately. Thanks again. I might have to get one as a user to tide me over...

  • Tom Peterson

    Luca, I know you prefer the black color handles in the Northfield lineup but you might consider the Red Hangmans Bone that CK has. It has the straight bolsters you like too. I have one of these. CK also has a NF in green velvet acrylic but you've already said that you're not an acrylic fan and not a fan of slanted bolsters. I like the detailing of the NF's but don't mind the Tidioutes for a work knife at all.  Hope that you find one that you like....If GEC won't do it then maybe someone will do an SFO.

  • johnny twoshoes

    That hangman's Jig Bone is awesome. I have drooled over that very knife for the past year, just never pulled the trigger. Maybe I'll see some moose at the Rendezvous this year???

  • biglmbass

      I'd like to see a #54 Moose in black buffalo horn


    That's been done. Was a SFO for CK I believe, though they've long been sold out at his site. I know where one is still available. I'll send you a link.

    I gotten a few 54s lately in both big jack and moose form & really prefer the blades on the same end.

  • Luca Vignelli

    Thanks Glenn, thanks Tom, and thanks Jim! I'm looking them over now...

  • Jim McLeod

    Ah Oh...if Luca is on the prowl I 'd better get out there.....

  • Terry Pitts

        I ordered a one of the new GEML721112 with Plum Bn,scales from Mike at CK yesterday.I thought it would be a good partner for the iKC club knife and I like the Long Pull and Swedge on the clip blade.     Terry

  • Jan Carter


    I see that as a great partner.  I really like the Plum Bone 

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Luca, I'd like to see a Moose in cocabola or white smooth bone.

  • johnny twoshoes

    That Moose is gonzo!!

    Luca must have been on the hunt. : )

  • Jan Carter

    Did anyone see whats at the end of the hall today?  Pair it with the pic of whats in the tooling room!!

  • Luca Vignelli

    So, the Mule? Is that gonna be a Sodbuster/Work knife? We've seen the preview over at CK and Mike is taking orders for new ones, so that looks to me like GEC is now dedicated to running this pattern in production. Yay! Make a big one, please.

  • Luca Vignelli

    And the new #26 looks nice! Dramatic short clip blade, nice design Bill. It's under my size radar, but who says I can't appreciate a small knife, for its design and proportions anyway...

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    A mule, a fish, a whale, a muskrat and a beaver and every other animal in the zoo except a MOOSE!

  • Luca Vignelli

    Shoot! twoshoes, you're right! And another nice Moose I was looking at is gone, the Tidioute Appaloosa. I like that Appaloosa bone look, the real evenly done contrasty splotchy look, if that isn't a contradiction in terms. I'd like to see GEC make some more Appaloosa, and some more smooth white bone like Robert mentioned below. I really want a Moose! And then, of course, I want everything else I have ever posted here. Ha!

    Moose have a gestation period of 8 months and mate in late fall/early winter, giving birth in May or June. 

    GEC, d'ya think we could align your production schedule to give birth to some new Moose in synchronicity with those in nature???

    I'd like that. Alot!

  • Jan Carter

    An appaloosa moose.  COUNT ME IN!!!  I adore appaloose bone.  The beaver pond was the prettiest example I have seen of it

  • biglmbass

    And another nice Moose I was looking at is gone, the Tidioute Appaloosa.


    Oops. That one came to live at my house a couple weeks ago.  It's a real close match to what the old 1970s Case appaloosa jacks look like.  What'd you think of the one I sent you a link to?  Gotta say, if it had slant bolsters I don't think I could resist it.

  • johnny twoshoes

    I'm looking at the midnight blue bone Moose that Mike has. I don't have a Moose yet and I don't have a blue GEC. That should be changed. LOL

  • Luca Vignelli

    Glenn, post photos of that Appaloosa Moose, please? I want to see what I missed out on! I bet it's a beauty.
  • biglmbass

    Give me a couple days and I'll get some pics taken and posted.

  • Jan Carter


    Thanks, I would love to see it also

  • Luca Vignelli

    You know what? I'm gonna go back to an earlier hankering of mine, that GEC make more single bladed versions of their most popular blade designs in their most popular handle shapes. My vote for the first of such knives, that they haven't made yet (and hey I love that they made a single bladed #46!!!), would definitely be a single bladed #36 Sunfish. Just think of that hand feel and call me in the morning. Sweet dreams!

  • Terry Pitts

      Got this one in from CK yesterday, 2012 Northfield Plum Bn. Lockback.Goes good with the club knife.   Terry

  • johnny twoshoes

    Thats a real beauty Terry.

    It's hard to beat those #72s, they really are just too slick to resist.

  • Tom Peterson

    Gotta love a purdy #72! I agree with you Terry, makes a good companion to the iKC knife.

  • Jan Carter

    Hey folks,

    Tom let me know that I have been remiss in advising you all that there is a group on iKC for the Daniels Family Knives.  It is in Toms words a  new chapter of high quality American made knives.  Brought to us by Ken and Ryan Daniels.  So check out their first offering right here on iKC (and surprise, it's a Great Eastern made knife) 

  • johnny twoshoes

  • johnny twoshoes

    Looks like the Wrangler is a #56 reverse like the geppetto, with a lady leg main blade.

  • johnny twoshoes

    Is anyone trying the new #26?

    It looks like a nice little pocket pal with that Clip blade. 

  • Luca Vignelli

    Guys and gals, sorry to be off topic as usual, and talking about my dreams, as usual, but another thought came to me that I thought I should share. Fender guitars, another great American manufacturer, has a "custom shop" that makes limited edition guitars and will customize guitars to spec'. GEC will and does manufacture "custom" knives to customer specifications in both their own product line and those made for other brands and those are called Special Factory Orders, but they're not one off's and require a minimum production run. What if GEC could set up a shop within the factory that could customize their knives as an after market modification. Customized cars don't come out of the factory that way, they're worked on by craftsmen afterward. Imagine, you send in your existing GEC knife, whatever it may be, and have it modified to your liking by GEC's finest craftsmen, perhaps switching out one blade for another, or taking one out, or changing the scales. OK, that's what I'm dreaming about now. And hey, that service certainly wouldn't be free, but I think it would be a business opportunity for the great craftsmen at GEC, and an opportunity for us all to get the knives we dream about made by the company we so admire. Made by the GEC Custom Shop, I can se the COA now!

  • Tom Peterson

    Luca, I like your idea, if GEC could make that work. That might also allow engraving of bolsters, etc.  Lots of potential to own a 1 of 1!

  • johnny twoshoes

    Luca, this sounds like what Buck does in their custom shop. 

    I think as of right now, GEC may be to small to start something like this up. I don't know for sure, but I wander if they would have to higher new employees to get this going. I like the idea, but it sounds like a dream that you have just infected me with and now I will never sleep again.

  • Bob Andrews

    Why buy a knife if you want to change everything about it? Why not just order your one of a kind from a custom knife maker and be done with it?


  • Jan Carter


    Because we appreciate the craftmanship of a GEC brand but sometimes would like it to be just slightly tweaked to our own design.

  • Jan Carter


    I think it is a great idea.  Even if they dont do it in house in the beginning but have a custom person like Muskrat Man, who can accomplish the changes while maintaining quality.

  • johnny twoshoes

    Okay, no one cares about the wrangler. Me either, I was hoping for a new frame, but not this time around. : )

    Just kidding, I actually love knives with punches on them I have no idea why, they aren't very useful now a days, but they are very attractive.

  • Jan Carter

    But its coming out in primitive bone

  • Jan Carter


    We had some factory knives knives rehandled at one time.  They went on sale in a material we did not care for but the cost was right.  We bought them and sent them out for Rams horn and stellar sea cow refits.  They became instant favorites.  It was a great way to make a favorite pattern a special piece

  • Luca Vignelli

    Jan, Let's make this happen, but it definitely has to be under the GEC umbrella and Factory Authorized, so if Muskrat Man is "our" man, let's do our damndest to make it work. I'm definitely on board and we have to work to get GEC interested and committed too. The whole point of doing it this way, for me at least, is that the cost is right. There are plenty of wonderful knife makers, real artists, here on iKC who make knives I drool over daily, but you can't touch one of their products for less than $400 minimum, and I could never spend that kind of money, I just don't have it. Taking an existing knife and customizing the scales, or the blades, is a much more obtainable dream, not just for me, but for all of us. If it were to be done under GEC's supervision then the base value of our existing knife would be maintained. Actually it would work great both ways for all collectors, say GEC only made 25 of a particular pattern and material and then three people have thirs customized, well then that means that there would only be 22 original GEC knives in that configuration left, making them more rare, and those with their individualized knives would truly have a value added knife. Everybody wins! GEC Custom Shop, I think you'll have a line of customers snaking out the front door and down the block!

  • johnny twoshoes

    Luca, if only it were that easy. 

    I can see the want and the desire to get it done, but getting it done is going to be tough. Getting someone like Muskrat Man, or another skilled artisan to sign a contract and to tie themselves down to a factory would be tough. I'm not there so I don't know if they could promote from within. Right now, it sounds like a dream.

  • Jan Carter

  • johnny twoshoes

    Happy Belated GEC V-day Jan.

    I heard you had a good day and I can't wait to see the pics of that Elk.

  • johnny twoshoes

    Stefan, thats the way to do a video!!!

    I'm a big fan of the Dogleg Jack knife from GEC and it looks like you got yourself a good one. It's a true beauty. Congrats on getting another good one and thank you very much for the review. I have been waiting to see what you would do, of course you rocked it again. 

    Keep it up, I lover watching.

  • Scott Rauber

  • Alexander Noot

    Hi people, the IKC knife is my first GEC.

    I really like it a lot and I've been considering getting my second GEC knife. The one I'm looking at is the GEC Cattle Baron. I was wondering about the size though. Does someone have (or could someone take) a picture of the IKC knife next to one of these badboys? (or to a knife of similar size?)

    Thanks a bunch


  • johnny twoshoes

    Great review Scott, I really enjoyed it.

  • johnny twoshoes

    Alexander, I will get on it and see if I can't have pics done in a few hours. I have the same frame as a Cattle Baron, but no Baron itself.

    Great choice though!!!

  • johnny twoshoes

  • johnny twoshoes

    Ignore the horrible photography. There is a good size difference in this two knives, but length isn't as noticeable as width and weight.

  • Tom Peterson


    Johnny is right. The spear blade on the iKC #72 makes it stand taller vertically but the #72 is a much slimmer knife. Here are a few more pics. I found that I like the Cattler Baron more than I like the Cattle Rancher because the secondary blades (sheepsfoot I think) sits down better on the Baron and on the Rancher it seems to dig into my fingers more. I thought that it would be the opposite but that was not the case.