Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk

Collectors of Great Eastern, Northfield and Tidioute Knives

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  • Jan Carter


    I am so pleased you got the knife and like it. It sure is a beauty and I am looking forward to the article

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Yea Alex, those were some old carbon fteel knives, probably with a low RC. value on the hardness. Somewhat soft by todays standards, I guess. Very, very sharp though!

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Dang, Johnny is that the large lockback we have been waiting for?

  • Tom Peterson

    Clint, great bone on that #72! I wish that they would've made the clip in that bone too.

    Robert, hard to tell by the dimensions on the ruler next to the mockup. Looks shorter than a #23 lockback would - at least to me.

  • Clint Thompson

    Thanks Jan.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Yep, Tom, looks to be 3/8" short but alot bigger than their 73 lockback. I wish they made things more clear so I'd know what to buy.

  • Jan Carter


    They have been adding to the clues weekly so maybe Mon or Tues we will have more info on it

  • Jan Carter

    Anyone attending this show?  Looks like Ms Chris will be there

    GREAT EASTERN CUTLERY will be at the ERIE GUN SHOW on SATURDAY, APRIL 14th  & SUNDAY, APRIL 15th, Bayfront Convention Center, Erie, PA. (Chris)

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Thanks Miss Jan, I need to know if that's gonna be their large lockback. I need one, I have been using a Robeson Mt. Man [4 1/2"]. It's my last using folder that I need to replace with GEC knives. So please let me know. Thanks.

  • Jan Carter

    Just wanted to let ya'll know.  There is an extra iKC 2011 knife that was just discovered...........................

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Are you gonna keep us in suspence?

  • Jan Carter

    Looks like it is sold now

  • Ron Cooper

    I just wanted to give our Miss Jan a shout-out for posting about the recently discovered 2011 iKC Club Knife. I jumped on it like a vampire on a bulging vein! Jan also notified Christine at GEC that I would be calling about the knife ~ That allowed the transaction to proceed as smooth as silk. Thank you, Miss Jan!

    I spoke to Christine Tucker this morning and tied up all the loose ends. She told me that she was sending the knife over for a final inspection and oiling, then sending it out to me.

    Yay! I'm happier than a pig in slop! I promise to post some pictures as soon as it arrives! Oink! Oink! Snort! Snort!

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    That's great news Ron. I know you will be happy with it.

  • Jan Carter


    The last one got the best reception!!  Glad it went from orphaned to loved.

  • johnny twoshoes

    So glad to hear you got one, these are great knives and I have thoroughly enjoyed mine. I will be giving it more EDC time, I think. Too many knives, not enough pockets.

  • Ron Cooper

    thanks, guys! i'm really looking forward to getting it, too! and i hear what you're saying, johnny, about too many knives and not enough pockets. when i shop for clothes the primary consideration is whether there are enough pockets! it doesn't seem to matter, though. there are always more knives than pockets! sheesh! i'm starting to think i might have a problem here? there was another swiss army knife in my mailbox today, also! yikes!

  • Jan Carter


    Great question and sorry I did not make that clear.  103 is the official number.  When we sent out the original 100 there were a couple made beyond that.  We thought they had all sold until Donnie spoke with Chris last week.  Rons is indeed one of the 103

  • Jan Carter

    Guys and Gals,

    I put up some GEC videos on the front page.  Check the them out and let me know if you want to be able to see more of this type

  • johnny twoshoes

    Thanks Jan, I will be sure to check those out.

  • Jan Carter

    Thanks Johnny, Just trying to be sure we have good info that works for the members.  If you have something you want to see in the videos, let me know

  • Ron Cooper

    Well, I was really hoping that my GEC 2011 iKC Club Knife would be in my mailbox later today. But that's not gonna happen now.

    (Drum roll, please!) Ta da!

    It ain't gonna happen cos late yesterday afternoon--like 5:30pm--the FedEx man knocked on my door and handed me a box. That's right! It came yesterday! And, as promised, I took some pickies.

    So, without further ado, here are a few shots I took of the new knife from the good folks at Great Easter Cutlery...

    My overall impression of this knife is very good and I am very pleased and happy that I was able to snag one of these baby's so late in the game. (Thank you Jan & Donnie. Christine Tucker, too!) I really like this pattern, #72. The knife feels great in my hand and is balanced perfectly. The blade came really sharp right out of the tube. That isn't always my experience with GEC knives. I especially like that I can open this large blade much like an Easy Open Jack--just grab it with my thumb and forefinger and deploy. I say I like that primarily because I hate losing my thumbnails to stiff, ornery back-springs. This blade opens easily! Closing it, however, presents the only negative I've encountered thus far. Yikes! Depressing that lockback will take some getting used to. I don't know if it's just mine or if y'all experienced some resistance, too? But mine is a bit of a PITA, so far. Thankfully I won't be opening and closing it all that often. And, perhaps with time it will become a little easier? Like I said, on the whole I am very happy with this knife and certainly extremely happy that I was able to get one. One thing I know for sure is that this year, when the time rolls around, I will be all over the 2012 iKC Club Knife like a cheap suit! 

    I'll be posting a few more of the pics I took in my photo album. There is just one more shot I have to post here before I wrap this up. Take a look below...

    Cheers to one and all! Have a great Easter, my friends!


  • Jan Carter


    Congrats and it is a beauty.  Happy Easter to you also my friend

  • johnny twoshoes

    Nice Ron, all of these knives have been really great looking. 

    I need to carry mine more!!!!

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    That is great Ron, but now we are looking at this years club knife. What's it gonna be and all that kinda stuff. I think that the people that have the 2011 knife will enjoy the next club even more.

  • Alexander Noot

    Congrats Ron. Yeah she opens REALLY smooth....but that lock is a sticky little sucker. A touch stiff but I don't mind.

    I suspect that the stiffness also makes the lock a bit more solid and I'm all for that!. Now if only we knew what the 2012 knife is going to be!

  • Jan Carter

    Those that have shown an interest in camp knives!!!!

    Go here and help me out

  • Clint Thompson

    Hello my fellow GEC lovers and collectors.  I purchased a GEC two bladed trapper style #735210LP "Yellow Rose" #23 of 50 made.  The blades on this knife have a good amount of snap to them.  I mean you will have to open the blades with some conviction.

    The Yellow Rose meaning the Yellow Rose of Texas is a good story to tell.  The story goes, the Yellow Rose of Texas was a woman who kept company with Antonio de Padua María Severino López de Santa Anna just at the time Houston attached at the Battle of San Jacinto on April 21, 1836. The lady, a slave, was a mulatta girl named Emily who helped Houston to catch Santa Anna with his pants down...literally.  It is a great story.  Here are some pics.

  • johnny twoshoes

    Thanks for the info Clint.

    The Yellow Rose is my favorite Scale from GEC. I never looked into the Yellow Rose of Texas, but now I will. Yellow is my Mom's favorite color and she got me into this whole mess of knife collecting. She has gifted me all of my Yellow Rose knives, plus a few others.

    Great knife and one of the Yellow Rose knives that are still on my list. 

  • Clint Thompson


    Thanks for your comment.  Yes I like the yellow scales as well.  In the Case Knife line it is normally the cheapest knife to buy.  I seen this knife and said, "What is that knife doing there?  That is my knife and I want it with me!".  So I bought my knife.  This is one manly knife, in every way.  I love this knife.

  • johnny twoshoes

    It is a manly knife, even though it has a girly shield!!!

  • Bruce Piehl

    There are statues of Emily Morgan here in Houston, all ways lined in Yellow Roses.  SALUTE!

  • Jan Carter


    Our very first GEC was a 73 yelow rose.  Many knives ago but still a user and a favorite in the rotation list.


    I would love to see a pic of one of those statues

  • Paul Slusser


    Being from Texas, I guess I am going to have to pick up one of those new Wranglers coming out in yellow rose.  It will be my first yellow rose.  Hope to see you in Austin this weekend Bruce.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Hey Paul, you look a fisherman from your picture. Please come join us in our fishing photo contest.

  • Jan Carter

    The yellow Roses appear to be getting ready to come meet thier new best friends

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    This is the yellow rose of Louisiana. Lol

  • Paul Slusser

    Hey Robert, we have a few of those here in central Tx too!  Where is the fishing photo contest? Jan mentioned it too but I couldn't find it.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Go to the Outdoor Group and there it is. Post as many pictures and as often as you like. I'll love to see your pictures. Good luck!

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    I got that caktus from south Texas and planted it my yard. It doesn't bloom long but is very prety.

  • Jan Carter

    Production Schedule 2012


    (Not necessarily in the order listed)
    • Missouri Pattern Trapper and Trader
    • The Workhorse Whittler
    • The Outlaw

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    What about some spec's on these projects.

  • johnny twoshoes

    Hmm, I think we may have to wait a little longer before GEC shows all of their hand. I look forward to finding out what is next.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    I'd like to know more about that Missouri Trapper and Trader. I wonder why they named it Missouri?

  • Jan Carter

    I just got the most amazing news..  



    Don't know how many of you have had the opportunity to speak with or meet these folks but they are A#1 awesome.  So join us in Atlanta!!!

  • johnny twoshoes

    Dang It!!!!

    Rubbing it in, huh Jan?

    Have fun, send my best wished and be safe. I hope to see lots of new knives too.

  • Dana Mayo

    Hi all.  This  "instant tarnish"  happened the other night at a restaurant after cutting into a hot stuffed mushroom.  Immediately the stuffing stuck to the blade like glue. When I got home and washed it off this tarnish was there. I did have Vaseline on the blade prior to using. Any thoughts? I've never seen a reaction like this before. (It's 1095 steel)

  • johnny twoshoes

    Hey Dana, been there and done that. Food prep is a major chore for my knives. I use them on raw foods and cooked foods. I have had experiences like that before, it's nothing abnormal, I'm sure. It's probably some kind of reaction to the acidic ingredients in the shrooms. 

    And as far as sticking to the blade, I have that problem a lot. I it's just the food finding it's way into the little characters of the blade steel. Also, I love the patina that is started, I would leave it go. But, I am a lover of all things used and enjoyed.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    The knife had not formed a patina yet because is new, try some metal polish to get rid of the tarnish then try to get a patina started. Cut alot of onions and stuff like that.

  • Tom Peterson

    I use Flitz on most of my users. On really badly rusted or tarnished knives I sometimes use oil or WD40 on the blades and rub them with a 00, 000, or 0000 steel wool depending on the severity of the rust or tarnish. If that doesn't work I just keep using the knife! What do the rest of you folks use?