Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk

Collectors of Great Eastern, Northfield and Tidioute Knives

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  • Dana Mayo

    Thanks for all the support everyone. Johnny, I love your philosophy, Robert, Onions for patina, cool. Tom, WD and fine steel wool, great tip. Craig,  I think I'm going to let it go, and use mineral oil.

  • Tom Peterson


    Craig's idea of the mineral oil is one that I would adopt. You can still use the steel wool if you like but I'd wager that the mineral oil will have a better after taste than WD40!

  • Clint Thompson

    I use simichrome.  Check this link out:

  • johnny twoshoes

    Clint, my Grandfather taught me to clean my knives with Simichrome, I have forgotten about it completely though, until now of course. Thanks for the reminder, it brings back a good memory. 

  • Dana Mayo

    Clint, Simichrome is great. I've used it for years on the aluminum engine covers on my Triumph. It will take the paint off though. I imagine it would take the etching off as well.

  • Jan Carter

    We use it alot also.  Great product

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Simichrome, is the polish I use, it's great stuff. If your carbon steel knife patina is not going like you want, try some simichrome a couple of times to get it like you want. Try not remove all the patina, just enough to remove your problem, then start working on your patina again.

  • Clint Thompson

    Yes Simichrome is good stuff.  It is a mild jewelers rouge and with proper enthusiasm, it will make your knife like a take it easy.  LOL!

  • Dana Mayo

    Robert, I'm a bit confused by this concept of a patina.  Can you elaborate? I usually wipe or wash my blades after use and then apply mineral oil.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Carbon steel will form a patina with use and age. You can prevent the patina by polishing after a few uses. Most of my carbon steel knives have formed a patina but I have prevented it on a few. A patina is a good thing not bad and must not be confused with rust. Join the Carbon Steel Group there may be things you can learn there.

  • johnny twoshoes

    On my way to see Bob Andrews in Monroeville Pa today.

  • Jan Carter


    Tell us about the show and tell Bob hello 

  • johnny twoshoes

    Hey guys, I had a great time meeting Bob Andrews today. He was great to talk with and his selection was awesome. I wasn't sure what all he would have at the show, but he really went all out in showing off his merchandise.

    I was able to see and enjoy a few pattens that I hadn't yet had the chance to see. There are a few new knives added to my wish list and a few moved up higher on the priority list. I was able to get a pattern that I hadn't yet seen in hand.

    A beautiful #85, it's dressed in placid buffalo scales. I will post a pic in the newest additions thread. Also, my brother wanted me to get something special, so he gave me an early B-day present, pics will be in newest addition too.

  • Dana Mayo

    Thanks Robert, I will join the Carbon steel group

  • Dana Mayo

    Hi all, I am looking for a Tidioute Cranberry bone single blade Whaler. Anyone have one to sell?

  • Alan

    Hey there Folks,

    Not sure why but wanted to do some work to a Whaler but happy with the result and wanted to share:





  • johnny twoshoes

    Where have I seen that before?

    That knife is truly fantastic and I love the work that was put into it. Awesome job done and beautiful knife to have.

  • Clint Thompson


    The Whaler looks fantastic!

  • Tom Peterson


    That is one awesome Whaler!!!

  • Dana Mayo

    Hi Alan. I love the Whaler. I'd like to see more of them. I prefer the single blade.  Are there any special short runs out there?

  • Dana Mayo

    Alan. what work did you do on that special Whaler?

  • Alan

  • Jan Carter


    That is FANTASTIC and I am a muskrat man fan also.  He has done a couple for us and his work is just beautiful.  He not only does a wonderful job on rehandles but he has been creating some of his own

  • Jan Carter

    We have all seen this new Hippo Ivory grading system?

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    The Muskrat Man is replacing one scale on the handle of an original Remigton Bullet knife for me right now. I'm in the waiting

  • johnny twoshoes

    Thanks for the info Jan, I just dream about Ivory right now, but I'll be needing info like this one day. 

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Hey Johnny, maybe them squirrels have some Ivory teeth, we might have to check

  • Jan Carter

    squirrel ivory, I like that Robert 

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Hey a poor man has to come up with

  • johnny twoshoes

    Hey, thats a good idea Robert, I only use headshots though, so that could get tough.

    Wonder how many squirrel it would take to make a decent sized pocket knife. 

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    We would have to check with GEC to find that one out. You know they have a Acorn sheild that must mean something.

  • johnny twoshoes

    Hmmm, maybe you really are on to something. We'll have to get Jan in charge of talking to them she has connections. 

  • Jan Carter

    Maybe they already know?

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    I want to be the first one to order a GEC with squirrel tooth ivory. Serial number two [number one is kept at the factory], I would be glad to go after them critters for the teeth to make knife handles. What a job, I'm retired but I am willing to go back to work for this special cause.

  • Tom Peterson

    Robert, I can't wait to see your knife idea come to fruition! May have to do a mosaic of squirrel teeth/ivory to pull off a full handle set. That's a lot of squirrels! Hats off to you for taking one for the team with your willingness to come out of retirement for this project. I am waiting for the musk ox handles myself! I recently saw a Randall Made Knife with a Narwhal horn handle and that was pretty unique. Don't know where folks collect this stuff?

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Tom, musk ox is really great stuff. Treeman knives makes more knives with it than any other knife makers I have seen. I heard that Randall knives only makes two a year with it. Oh, you are right it might take quite a few squirrel teeth to make one

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Well Miss Jan, whats the word from up north? Do we need some squirrel teeth?

  • Jan Carter

    LOL, get some prime teeth.  We can always have it set in an acrylic to make the handles.  After that I want one in Beaverteeth please LOL

  • Clint Thompson

    Well Pro-Tech makes knives with Mastodon teeth so why not squirrel teeth.  It would only take about 40 or so squirrels.  LOL!

  • Jan Carter

    This is mammoth teeth chips in resin

  • Clint Thompson

    lCustom Switchblade

    An example of mammoth teeth chip resin. Cost  $2,400 USD

  • Clint Thompson

    Egads Woman!! You have solved out Squirrel teeth dilemma.  We will compile the little buggers teeth and....dare I say it....yes I will....a Squirrel Teeth Chip Resin.  Good work Jan.  LOL! I never thought to ask about mammoth teeth scales.  Thanks for the 411!

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    We may have to work around the price point, $2400USD, may be a little high for a squirrel tooth handle. I think this might be because of the "World Wide" demand for "Squirrel Teeth". I think GEC can find a way to help us out on

  • Clint Thompson


    No worries.  Here is our first contributing victim...I mean volunteer.

  • Jan Carter

    Dont worry guys we know someone that may be able to get us a better price if we are providing the teeth.  But can we possibly supply the world wide demand.  How many "volunteers" are out there.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    I volunteer, I will take to the woods and hunt for squirrels, I know it will be a rough job but I am willing to do it for the good of the cutlery industry. I might need help, maybe Johnny can help and a few other willing

  • Clint Thompson

    GREAT SCOTT!  We will have to get an export license.

  • johnny twoshoes

    I'm in, the 22 is loaded and ready to go.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    You know it's funny they have "Squirrels" in their trade mark but no handle sheilds. They have a beaver, why not a squirrel?

  • Jan Carter

    Dont mess with the beaver now (LOL)